Stress and Shoulder Pain Relief With Acupuncture

Shoulder Pain Doctor Chapel Hill, NC

Acupuncture is a type of healthcare that recognizes the connection between the body and the mind. Stress uniquely affects each person; nonetheless, many people experience tightness in their shoulders when they are under pressure. Treatment for stress and shoulder pain and tightness by a licensed acupuncturist benefits the channels that course the shoulder region. Therapy of the channel, also known as meridian or energetic pathway, helps the shoulder as well as similar emotional concerns. Acupuncturists treatment with acupuncture needles, meridian massage, and auriculotherapy provide needed relief.

Energetic pathways passing through the shoulder include the wood channel, the metal channel, and the fire channel. The wood channel relates to the emotions of anger and frustration; the flip side of these sentiments is creativity. Areas of the shoulder connected with the wood element are the top of the shoulder and the neck. Persons experiencing stress related to frustration and anger or blocked creativity who also experience pain and tightness in the upper shoulder region will benefit from acupuncture to these regions.

The anterior aspect of the shoulder and the emotion of grief relates to the metal element or channel. Other features include inspiration and letting go. Persons who experience stress as a lack of motivation and feeling that they can’t let go of an issue, as well as pain or tightness in the anterior aspect of the shoulder, will find acupuncture treatment to the metal channel beneficial.

The fire meridian or channel relates to the posterior portion of the shoulder. Muscle aches and pain and fatigue of this area suggest irritation of the fire element. The fire element’s emotional aspects are bitterness and joy; persons who experience stress with bitterness and lack of joy will find some relief with Chinese medicine and acupuncture to the fire channel.

Acupuncture intake and evaluation rely on criteria somewhat different than western medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis involves asking questions about where pain exists as well as about mood and mental concerns. Other aspects include the evaluation of tongue and pulse because these critical diagnostic criteria reveal a lot about the patient. Other issues revolve around organ function. Be sure to fill out the necessary paperwork and intake forms as completely as possible because answers provide the information your acupuncturist needs to provide accurate and beneficial diagnosis and treatment. Answer any questions your acupuncturist inquires to the best of your ability to enable them to know you better. Acupuncture relies on channel theory to heal the patient, and your participation helps practitioners understand where the imbalance lies and how to treat problems effectively.

Stress frequently accompanies aches and pain in the shoulders or other body regions. Your acupuncturist can help you understand what causes the problem and how to reduce anxiety and stress better. Using small sterile acupuncture needles, acupuncturists unblock areas of stagnation and blocked qi flow. This relatively painless, relaxing treatment benefits the body and mind. Many acupuncturists also incorporate massage such as gua sha and cupping to restore balance further, reduce tight muscles and trigger points.

Acupuncture is an enjoyable, beneficial treatment that has helped millions worldwide reduce stress and pain. Call a licensed acupuncturist today to get the help you deserve.  For more information, contact us today at Acupractic to schedule an appointment with a shoulder pain doctor Chapel Hill, NC residents recommend.

How Chiropractors Adjust Patients Differently


No two people have the same bodies or physical challenges. Likewise, the way that health care professionals treat patients will vary from person to person. If you’re having back problems, you can turn to a chiropractor for relief. The chiropractor will use a technique called an adjustment to realign your spine and promote healing throughout your body. It’s helpful to understand how this process works.

What Is an Adjustment?

Going to the chiropractor is much more than have someone pop your back and send you on your way. An adjustment is a process where the chiropractor manipulates your spine to put it in the correct place. The chiropractor will have you lie on a table, either on your side or stomach. The doctor then places his or her hands on your back. Using sudden, controlled force, the chiropractor will adjust your spine. The frequency of these adjustment visits will depend on the severity of your issue and other health factors.

What Are the Benefits? 

People of all types can see a chiropractor for an adjustment. The process not only helps relieve back pain but can reduce irritation and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, arms, legs, hands and feet. People with headaches and chronic migraines also get adjustments. These treatments can help a person have better flexibility, mobility and range of motion.

Customizing the Adjustments

Not all adjustments will look the same. The chiropractor will be mindful of unique situations that patients may have. For example, a pregnant patient will have different challenges and needs than other people. In these cases, the chiropractor may place a pillow or cushion under the patient. The doctor may also adjust the level of the table. Instead of lying on her stomach, the woman will lie on her side or sit in a chair. Younger, smaller patients will also require less pressure and force on the back from the adjustment. The chiropractor may also use a tool to manipulate the spine. Patients should keep in mind that any time they feel pain during the adjustment that they should inform the chiropractor. It is always best to share any concerns or ask questions before the adjustment takes place.

If your back or other joints are hurting, get help sooner than later. These pains can affect your quality of life. Luckily, relief is available through chiropractic adjustments, regardless of your age, body type or any other factors.

Reach out to a Chiropractor, like the chiropractors at Mid-atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic to make an appointment or for further assistance.

Chiropractic Care and the Fifth Cervical Spinal Nerve

Neck Pain Doctor In Chapel Hill, NC

Chiropractic physicians are neuromuscular specialists with emphasis on the spine and nerves. Dr. Oskardmay evaluates each patient’s spinal health as part of a regular treatment plan. She recognizes that each nerve arising from the neck and backbone has the potential to impact particular muscles and organs; each spinal vertebra also impacts posture and back pain. Using careful evaluate she determines where to perform treatment to relieve spinal subluxation and pain.

For instance, the nerve arising in the lower mid-neck region just above the fifth cervical vertebrae is called the fifth cervical spinal nerve. This nerve is part of several larger peripheral nerves that travel to muscles in the neck and shoulder. Misalignment or subluxation of the fifth cervical vertebra that puts pressure on this cervical spinal nerve can impede function of those muscles and cause changes in skin sensation related to the nerve. When you have neck pain or other symptoms such as shoulder irritation or headache, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay can help determine spinal level involvement and she can provide effective gentle treatment.

Peripheral nerves that receive input from the fifth cervical spinal nerve include the dorsal scapular nerve, the long thoracic nerve, the phrenic nerve, the upper trunk of the brachial plexus, and the musculocutaneous nerve. Muscles innervated by these nerves include: the middle scalene muscle that lifts the top ribs, the levator scapalue that elevates the shoulder blade, and the rhomboid muscles that hold the scapula toward the spine. Other muscles include the serratus anterior muscle which is a muscle that attaches the first eight ribs to the scapula, as well as the muscles on the anterior compartment of the arm that flex the arm such as the flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus muscles, and that flex the wrist and fingers such as the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles. Importantly, the fifth cervical spinal nerve also contributes fibers to the phrenic nerve, involved with breathing.

Irritation of the mid-neck in the region of the fifth cervical spinal nerve has the capacity to affect many areas as described. When there is irritation to the mid-neck either from injury or chronic degeneration, the spinal nerve suffers, and connected muscles and ligament suffer, as well. Patients may notice symptoms such as headache, shoulder bursitis, and imbalance, back muscle tightness, neck pain, arm and hand weakness or problems with the fingers. Dr. Oskardmay treats problem areas using a combination of supportive techniques.

Dr. Oskardmay adjusts spinal misalignment using chiropractic mobilization techniques. Well trained in hands-on spinal adjustments and Activator technique, she will improve vertebral position and stability. Additionally, massage helps to relax tight muscles; Dr. Oskardmay provides therapeutic massage and other beneficial therapies such as cupping and acupuncture as needed, as well, in order to bring balance back to the system.

The fifth cervical spinal nerve is just one of the spinal segments that benefit from chiropractic care. Whenever you or a loved one suffers from pain and other health problem, contact a neck pain doctor in Chapel Hill, NC from Acupractic Natural Healing Center to help get to the root of the problem.

Spinal Care of the Neck Fourth Cervical Nerve Impacts Neck and Shoulder Pain, Posture and Respiration

Chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC

Dr. Oskardmay provides gentle and effective care to the spine to improve health in many ways. Nerves arising from between the bony vertebrae comprising the spine suffer when the backbone is not aligned correctly. Additionally, surrounding muscles and ligaments show signs of imbalance- painful tightness and unstable weakness. Using skillful palpation and other diagnostic techniques, Dr. Oskardmay locates areas of subluxation and provides a hands-on treatment that feels good and sustains good health in many ways. One of the critical regions she treats is in the mid-neck. Patients exhibiting pain and tenderness in this region frequently suffer from misalignment to the spinal vertebrae in this region, which creates pain and impairs cervical spinal nerve four discussed below.

Cervical spinal nerve four is part of the peripheral nerve, which controls the diaphragm. This nerve is called the phrenic nerve. The membrane is a large muscle that bisects the upper body from the lower body. The diaphragm muscle attaches below the rib twelve and is the muscle that controls respiration. Major arteries and nerves and the esophagus pass through the diaphragm. Irritation of the nerve controlling the diaphragm can affect breathing, digestion, blood flow, and nerve transmission. Dr. Oskardmay uses palpation and other techniques to assess the diaphragm region, and she will provide therapy as needed, to improve muscle tone to the diaphragm.

Spinal Care of the Neck Fourth Cervical Nerve Impacts Neck and Shoulder Pain, Posture and Respiration

Cervical spinal nerve four contributes fibers to the levator scapulae muscle, a muscle that elevates the shoulder and connects the neck to the shoulder.  The fourth cervical spinal nerve affects neck and shoulder movement; problems in this nerve cause neck and shoulder problems such as shoulder pain and bursitis. Following careful evaluation, Dr. Oskardmay uses the chiropractic adjustment to, and neck restores shoulder balanced motion and strength.

The fourth cervical spinal nerve innervates neck muscles on the front of the cervical spine, engaged in neck flexion. The anterior and middle scalene muscles, the longus colli muscle, and the longus cap8tus muscles receive input from the fourth cervical spinal nerve and help us to incline the head. Anterior head posture is a result of taut cervical muscles. Consequently, anterior neck positioning contributes to spinal problems such as cervical osteoarthritis and headaches and shoulder impingement. Dr. Oskardmay will evaluate and treat these conditions.

Breathing suffers when there is irritation to the mid-cervical region. The fourth cervical spinal nerve innervates the scalene muscles, which attach onto the first rib and assist in breathing. Shallow breathing and lack of full respiration is the result of irritation of cervical spinal nerve four when muscles such as the scalene suffer. Following an adjustment at Acupractic, patients frequently realize improved inhalation and exhalation.

Chiropractic care at Acupractic Natural Healing Center with a chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC, can help in many ways. If you suffer neck or shoulder pain, gentle, effective relief is available.

Headache Treatment at Acupractic: Focus on the First Cervical Spinal Nerve

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

Chiropractic care reduces pain and improves nerve flow and posture because chiropractors mobilize the spine to restore the backbone’s alignment. Each spinal nerve segment impacts health in specific ways. Dr. Oskardmay understands the impact of vertebral misalignment on patient health and to treat vertebral subluxations using the chiropractic adjustment.

Spinal bones called vertebrae house the nervous system, which emanates through small IVF as nerves. The first nerve, arising between the occiput and the first vertebrae, sends vital nerve signals to muscles and other tissues responsible for head movement, position, and stability. Impingement of this nerve, as happens with vertebral misalignment, degeneration, and muscle imbalance, causes this nerve to misfire. Using careful chiropractic methods of palpation and spinal mobilization, Dr. Oskardmay detects areas of the vertebral subluxation and adjusts irritated segments. She reduces headache and neck pain safely and effectively without drugs or surgical interventions in this manner.

The first cervical nerve contributes nerve energy to many peripheral nerves and other areas vital to head and brain function. Peripheral nerves connect the brain to the rest of the body. The nerves connected with the first cervical spinal nerve are: the hypoglossal nerve, the ventral and posterior rami of the cervical spinal nerves, the suboccipital nerve, the hypoglossal nerve, and the ansa cervicalis nerve. These nerves carry nerve energy to muscles neck and shoulder muscles and other areas that affect headache pain in many ways.

The first cervical spinal nerve transmits nerve impulses to many muscles affecting the neck—for instance, shoulder elevation performed by the levator scapulae muscle. The rectus capitus anterior and longus capitus muscles assist in neck flexion. The rectus capitis lateralis muscle helps to stabilize the neck. Other muscles connected with cervical spinal nerve one affect swallowing. These muscles include the glenohyoid, omohyoid, or thyrohyoid muscles, which affect the small cartilaginous hyoid bone. The rectus capitis lateralis muscle helps to stabilize the neck. These muscles affect neck pain and headaches in crucial ways.

For instance, when there are issues with shoulder elevation, the shoulders feel tight. Restricted shoulder motion impedes respiration as well as shoulder movements such as overhead lifting, opening a car door, or typing at a computer. Additionally, tight shoulder muscles create agony; one of the main culprits to back and neck pain is the region between the shoulder blades. Adjustment of the spine affecting the first cervical spinal nerve improves pain and tightness in these areas.

Impeded nerve flow in neck flexor muscles impairs these vital neck movers. We use neck flexion in virtually every activity, from swallowing food to breathing to sitting at a desk to driving. Taut neck muscles atop delicate neck arteries carrying blood to and from the brain impair arterial flow, causing brain fog and mood disturbance. Tightness in neck flexors from impaired nerve transmission at cranial nerve one affects these actions and others in small, incremental ways that, over time, reduce the quality of life.

Muscles and ligaments that stabilize head posture suffer from the atlanto-occipital region’s subluxation, affecting cervical spinal nerve one. Problems with head stability produce stress, can cause dizziness, and contribute to headaches. Additionally, cervical spinal nerve one affects many muscles involved with swallowing; when impaired, swallowing muscles increase the risk of choking.

At Acupractic, Dr. Oskardmay corrects problems in the neck that contribute to headaches using the chiropractic adjustment and other gentle techniques such as massage, gua sha, and cupping.  Also, a licensed acupuncturist, she employs needle and non-needle acupuncture techniques to reduce trigger points and other areas of energy flow stagnation that cause headaches. If you have questions, contact Dr. Lisa Oskardmay a chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC  residents recommend. Call us at (919) 929-1400.

Chiropractic Care for Football Injury

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

Sports players of all varieties suffer injury related to their sport- those who play hard and push their limits need extra care to keep them healthy and stay in the game. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay provides chiropractic and acupuncture care to support the health and well being of everyone who engages in football and other sports activities. Preventive care before sports activities will also help prepare you for better performance, fewer injuries.

The most common injuries suffered by football players include:

  • Hamstring strains.
  • Muscle strain. …
  • Knee ligament injuries. …
  • Rotator cuff strains. …
  • Ankle sprain. …
  • Achilles tendonitis. …
  • Jumper’s knee. …
  • Shin splints.
  • Metatarsal stress fractures
  • Concussions

Sports, like football, demand a lot from participants. Players run hard and twist abruptly to catch a flying football, potentially causing rips and strains in the muscles of the legs, hips, shoulders, and arms. Delicate joints between bones suffer compression and fracture from rough and tumble play and fall on the field. Ligaments connecting bone to bone can tear and overstretch. Likewise, tendons supporting a muscle-bone range of motion and strength are prone to injury during a football game or any activity that pushes them to their limits.

The brain’s natural opiate, endorphins kick in when players take to the field and push themselves to excel and ignore red flags of pain. The problem compounds when players take pain-blocking medications. Pain blocking allows players to push themselves and their bodies to the limit, risking injury to muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other body parts not designed for such intense pressure.  Following intense practice sessions or the big game, sports enthusiasts may find themselves unable to function due to pain and unable to tolerate the side effects of ongoing pain medication. After any injury, call our office rather than relying on pain medications for the best results.

Care provided at our office is directed to the site of injury as well as to connected areas. This improves overall body response and balanced healing. For instance, hip trauma from impact to the midbody region hurts locally but can also affect the back, legs, knees, and feet. ThisDistal pain occurs in part because these regions share nerve innervation from the lower lumbar spine. Nerve message derangement occurs following injury to an area.  Also, hip injury affects the motion of the hip- strained and bruised ligaments and tendons and muscles connecting the hip bones are unable to balance the requirements of normal movement after an injury, putting additional pressure on the legs and feet below. Similarly, the shoulder to hand complex suffers an injury, and we direct care to connected parts.

At Acupractic, Dr. Oskardmay starts with an examination to determine the extent of injury locally and connected regions. She applies the chiropractic adjustment to affected spinal sectors to facilitate nerve flow to distal parts. Massage and physical modalities work to reduce muscle spasm and ligament tendon sprain strain. She will adjust the feet and shoulders, knees, and hips and wrists, as well when needed to improve overall healing response. As a licensed acupuncturist, she will employ Dry Needling Technique and other acupuncture methods when needed to heal fully.

At the offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we strive to help you heal on many levels. Be sure to tell us about old injuries as well as new so that we can get you the help you need. Contact us today to consult with the chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC residents recommend.

Chiropractic Care for Dog Owners

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

Dog walking and other pet-related activities confer many health benefits, but health problems can keep some people from owning pets. Dogs are great companions and even personal assistants for some. Service dogs are specially trained to help people with conditions ranging from seizure disorders to depression, visual impairment to diabetes. To many people, their dogs are members of their family, but the dogs require care that some persons with physical limitations find it hard to provide. At our Chiropractic care office, we love to help patients improve their health and posture so that they can enjoy many happy years of pet ownership.

Back and hip pain, foot and ankle issues, even shoulder and neck injuries make pet care difficult. Taking care of a pet involves carrying bags of pet food into the house and twisting and bending to get it ready for the pet. Walking a dog involves bending to apply a leash then walking about with him/her and handling jumps and unexpected squirrel runs. We need to clean up after our pets which can be an insurmountable task for some in pain. Poor balance from lack of conditioning or other causes is especially problematic. All of these obstacles may benefit from care at our office.

Spine misalignment and muscle imbalance contribute to many of the problems described above. Vertebral subluxation causes nerve blockage and muscle aches and pains; inactivity shortens leg and shoulder muscles making the problems worse. Hypertonic tight muscles and ligaments are weak and ineffective. If it’s hard to get up from the couch or even out of bed in the morning due to pain, it’s going to be hard to take care of a pet. Be sure to communicate with Dr. Lisa and let her know what tasks bother you at your next appointment so that she can help you.

Using a soothing combination of massage and spinal mobilization, Dr. Oskardmay helps restore vertebral position and body posture. This facilitates nerve flow to vital muscles and organs, helping to improve muscle strength and better balance. Nerves in the lower back travel to the hips and lower extremity region, whereas those arising in the neck and cervical spine regions innervate the shoulders to hands. Posture is an important component of health and Dr. Oskardmay will adjust areas and make gentle suggestions to help you achieve a supportive posture.

We love seeing people improve their health and the lives of their dogs and cats and other pets through active, fun pet ownership. Contact us at Acupractic today to learn how the chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC patients recommend can help you.

Chiropractic Care Helps the Body Heal from Within

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

Healing naturally occurs on many levels and is primarily influenced by our brain. Responsible for message coordination from all body parts- organs, limbs, and tissues; the brain communicates from atop via nerves. Things that impede nerve transmission thus negatively affect central communication, often with negative consequences. Chiropractic care can help restore this communication and help the body heal itself naturally.

From the moment we wake up in the morning to the time we go to sleep and into the night, our nervous system works tirelessly to keep proper order. We don’t think about it, but this internal guardian of health is what allows inspiration and action, healing small wounds before they enlarge and reducing our need for external measures for self- maintenance. Our nervous system and all it innervates are our real-life force and source of healing. Referred to as qi, ki, prana, and other words, our body’s mysterious self-empowered inner healer does its job very well when it works well. Using the hands-on chiropractic adjustment, Dr. Oskardmay supports the healer within and helps to enable the body to heal itself in every way.

We impose challenges to this healing system of the brain, nerves, tissues, organs, muscles, and ligaments with poor posture, unhealthy diets, and lack of decent movement. Injury taxes the system further and small injuries left untreated, unrepaired can balloon into more significant problems. Stress imposed from hectic lives accentuates body dis-ease- lack of restorative sleep is a significant impediment because we heal when we sleep; inflammation provoked by adrenaline and cortisol deepens the injury. Dr. Lisa helps patients understand the harmful effects of these factors and suggests ways to change so that the spine and nervous system can function better.

We start each visit with a health evaluation to see where treatment will be a help. Dr. Lisa reviews health history- pain, sleep, nutrition, medication usage, and then assesses posture to see spine alignment, range of motion, and flexibility. All of these factors influence nerve passage. Nerves from the neck and upper back travel to the shoulders to the hands, the diaphragm, and many other vital regions. Vertebrae in the middle thoracic region house nerves that influence the lungs, muscles of the middle back, and other areas. The low back, spinal bones have nerves within that go to the hips to feet as well as they affect lower organs such as bowel and bladder and many others. Be sure to mention any problem areas you experience each visit so that Dr. Oskardmay can deliver the best treatment to affected areas.

Dr. Oskardmay uses the chiropractic adjustment to re-align spinal position so that nerves can pass unimpeded. Sometimes one treatment results in tremendous relief; other times, several treatments over time are scheduled to help soothe the body back into better posture and nerve function. Be sure to keep your appointments and try to follow suggestions given at each visit. If you have any questions, be sure to ask.

To learn more about how chiropractic care can help you, contact Acupractic today for a consultation with a chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC patients rely on.

Gardening, the Earth Channel and The Healing Power of Soil and Sunlight

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

People who work in the soil gain exposure to its health benefits. Dr. Oskardmay asks you about your job and extracurricular activities in part to ascertain how much connection you have to this healing potency. Sometimes referred to as `horticulture therapy,` planting plants and digging in the ground provides health benefits on many levels. It can help to improve not only mood and sleep but also hormone production, bone density, and vitamin production. When we seek a connection with the earth through gardening, our health improves.

Working with the soil and plants has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression for a variety of causes. For one, sunlight stimulates the neurotransmitter serotonin, which supports relaxation. Additionally, microbes in the soil interact with our internal milieu, enhancing stomach biome biodiversity and balance. The vagal mind-stomach connection benefits from this improved milieu, and mood improves. Also, we benefit from the joy of caring for a living thing, growing our food, and watching the earth perform its natural bounty for us. When we garden, we can not only save money on food, but we can also have easier access to a wider variety of organic foods and herbs. Ask Dr. Lisa about how to use sunlight to improve mood if you have any questions.

Being outdoors or in a greenhouse where plants grow encourages us to get more sunlight, something many people lack. Morning sunlight, especially, helps to improve sleep, as the hormone melatonin increases. When a person can wake up and experience sunshine in the morning, and go to bed at night with decreasing light activity, this can help to improve sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, tell Dr. Lisa, and she can help you learn how to use natural light to sleep better.

Sunlight is crucial to the production of vitamin and hormone production. When the sun’s rays hit our skin, vitamin D production can occur from cholesterol in our skin-enhancing hormone production, as well. We depend on sunlight to build bone density, and other vital features and gardening can supply us with the sun’s rays. Try to avoid sunlight at the brightest times of day, wear a protective covering, and use the early morning or late afternoon during the summer to be outside to prevent overexposure.

Gardening can be an athletic activity so prepare in advance. Ask Dr. Lisa about stretches and strengthening exercises that can help improve your endurance and stamina while enjoying all the aspects of planting- digging, stooping, twisting, and pulling. Be sure to use good supportive posture while twisting and pulling, especially, to avoid back and shoulder injury. A good hour of gardening is an hour well spent — it counts for daily exercise, and the benefits are numerous.

To learn more about the healing power of soil and sunlight, contact a chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC patients rely on. Contact Acupractic today to schedule a consultation.

Relaxation and Healing at Acupractic Natural Healing Center

Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

At the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we strive to enhance your healing response in every way possible. One of the most effective means we have is to engage your relaxation response at every encounter. In the words of Chinese Medicine, relaxation and healing are yin, whereas stress is yang- we aim to help you build yin to balance yin and yang. To do this, we strive for low-stress encounters. Our front desk staff and Dr. Lisa are well prepared and ready to help you in every way possible. Dr. Lisa employs gentle, effective chiropractic and acupuncture techniques, and we utilize conditioned treatment facilities to soothe the mind. Our goal is to engage your healing energies and to support you while you’re here at the office and when you leave.

From the initial phone call or online scheduling experience, we are here for you. We strive to answer your questions thoroughly and help you get the answers you need. Whether it be about insurance coverage for chiropractic and acupuncture at our office, or other concerns, we strive to answer your questions. Importantly, we try to make you the appointment time that fits your schedule. We utilize state-of-the-art, HIPAA compliant medical records keeping to perform required communications and to facilitate billing and scheduling online.

Our office is conveniently located just off the highway but nestled in the trees, creating a relaxed ambiance. Accessible parking and walkways ensure ease of mobility to the office, and we have accessible facilities, as well. Our treatment tables elevate to accommodate everyone’s mobility needs, and our private treatment rooms are ample with additional seating for a family member if desired. We play relaxing spa music and diffuse gentle aromatherapy to enhance calm during therapy.

When you come for care, Dr. Lisa will examine to determine the correct diagnosis and treatment. Gentle yet competent, she has treated thousands of patients since 1995 using the alternative medicines chiropractic and acupuncture. She strives to create balance in all areas through treatment. Chiropractic adjustments to the spine and extremities enhance posture, massage relaxes tight muscles and acupuncture supports meridian flow. Each visit takes about 45,” and she strives to provide you with take-home exercises and ideas to supplement treatment goals. Many of these suggestions will center on how to help you improve your relaxation response so be prepared to discuss sleep and relaxation with her.

Help us to help you balance yin and yang, healing and stress by keeping your appointments, asking questions, and following suggestions and instruction. Our goal is to improve your health naturally.

To learn more about relaxation and healing, contact an acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC patients recommend from Acupractic Natural Healing Center. Call our office today to schedule a consultation.

Serving the communities of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Durham, Hillsborough, and the rest of the NC Triangle

205 Providence Rd. Chapel Hill NC 27514 | Phone: (919) 929-1400

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