Acupuncturist In Chapel Hill, NC
The Value of an Acupuncturist
An acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, North Carolina from Acupractic can provide you pain relief without drugs or surgery. How? Acupuncture is a medically proven method of treating patients who suffer from an array of health issues. At Acupractic, we understand the powerful connection between the mind and body. Our highly trained staff also understands the power of the body’s ability to heal without surgery or strong narcotics which may only mask the symptoms of the problem. Acupuncture can address the cause of the problem and provide a long term or permanent solution.
What should I know about acupuncture?
If you have never worked with an acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, NC, you may not realize all the ways acupuncture can be beneficial.
Acupuncture is over 3,000 years old and originates in China.
As a form of natural or alternative medicine, acupuncture is used to alleviate pain, improve digestion, relieve insomnia, and better a person’s emotional wellbeing.
In 1997, the National Institute of Health documented the safety of acupuncture, as well as, it’s effectiveness. Today, many insurance policies cover acupuncture treatments. Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill has more than two decades of experience helping patients.
Acupuncture 101: How does it work?
Acupuncture promotes the body’s natural ability to heal while improving its overall functioning. To do this, specific points on the body known as acupoints are stimulated with very fine, sterile needles. Heat, pressure, and electrical stimulation may be added to the needles to enhance the stimulation process. Additional techniques that may happen during, before, or after an acupuncture session includes massage, cupping, moxibustion, or the application of topical herbs or tinctures.
What is the philosophy behind acupuncture?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that the body and universe are two opposing forces, or yin and yang. When these forces are equal (think about a Yin Yang), the body is in good health.
In the body are pathways or meridians. These carry energy, known as qi, throughout the body. Their constant flow is what maintains the balance of the body. However, if there is a blockage in these pathways, a disruption of energy occurs; thereby, causing pain, discomfort, and illness.
Acupuncture is meant to release these blockages and stimulate free flowing energy in the body. Research suggests that acupuncture has promising results on the immune, endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous system. When these systems are functioning properly, the yin and yang aspects of the body are in balance.
Acupuncturist Lisa Oskardmay LAc, DC in Chapel Hill, NC enjoys seeing new patients and former patients in her comfortable clinic at convenient Eastowne Properties. She and her office assistant Deborah work together for many years to provide Chapel Hill, Durham, and surrounding communities with healing acupuncture treatments in their three comfortable treatment rooms, each equipped with relaxing low lights, table warmers and soothing relaxating music. Following comprehensive history and thorough examination using Chinese medicine diagnostic and western medicine procedures, a treatment plan to help you achieve best health is made and treatment begins on day one.
Acupuncture diagnosis takes a holistic view of the body, mind. A seasoned acupuncture provider is well trained to listen to each person and to help make a healing story from the areas of balance and imbalance inherent to each person’s life. This story is holism. In a world full of specialists, an acupuncturist is a general practitioner whose goal it is to make whole a disjointed picture, to balance a system out of balance. We need holism more than we need drugs that fix symptoms but have negative side-effects that require more drugs to mitigate, more than we need many of the `things` we choose to fill emptiness.
Dr. Oskardmay, a licensed acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, NC since 1995, has been trained to evaluate meridian imbalance and channel blockage from her years of practice and post-graduate master level education at Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine in Boone, NC- one of two institutions in NC nationally certified to provide postgraduate certification in acupuncture. She worked for 10 years as a chiropractor before going to Jung Tao and has a deep working knowledge of body mechanics and energetics. A licensed chiropractic physician and licensed acupuncturist, she is also certified in facial rejuvenation acupuncture. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a relaxing therapy that beautifies by healing from within.
As an acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, NC, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay helps people in Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh and surrounding communities with pain reduction, stress relief and distress in all forms. Many of her patients come in having never had acupuncture before- they have heard that acupuncture may help them reduce back pain or headache pain and hope that it can. Following a comprehensive examination, Dr. Oskardmay creates a treatment plan usually consisting of several acupuncture visits to start to make lasting changes. Treatment is relaxing and involves massage, then placement of acupuncture needles in specific acupoints, followed by meditation and relaxation for 20-30″ on the warmed table with healing music. New and returning patients alike enjoy the treatment they receive at Acupractic Natural Healing Center (aka Acupuncture at Eastowne); following treatment please prepare to refrain from heavy mental or physical activity for an hour or two to take full advantage of the healing energy reorientation.
At Acupractic, we understand that healing takes place on many levels and that many of us depend on insurance to help us pay for care. We assist you to make the most of your insurance plan benefits. When you provide us your insurance information, we do our best our best to instruct you what benefits you can expect to be applied to our office and your financial responsibility for each visit to the best of our knowledge. Many insurance plans cover acupuncture services as part of a healing acupuncture or chiropractic treatment plan. Ask our insurance specialist today to get the answers you need to make the most of your health using your insurance benefits. We participate with many local insurance plans including: BCBS, Cigna, Federal BCBS, Anthem BCBS, UnitedHealth Care, Aetna, Medicare, and others.
What conditions can acupuncture treat?
A Chapel Hill, NC acupuncturist from Acupractic can use acupuncture to help diagnose health issues and some diseases. Acupuncture can also be effective for early diagnosis of diseases as well as preventative treatments. Contact us to make an appointment with an acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, NC who can provide you with more information specific to your health concerns. In addition to increasing a patient’s energy level and overall well-being, acupuncture treatments can be used to treat the following conditions:
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- High blood pressure
- Menstrual issues
- Skin problems
- Migraine headaches
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Anxiety and stress
- Panic attacks
- Depression
- Chronic fatigue
- Digestive issues
- Insomnia
How does acupuncture work?
Life energy, known as “Qi”, which is pronounced as “chee”, flows through the body. That natural flow can be interrupted when a person experiences emotional, physical, or environmental stress. Stress, in turn, can lead to disease and illnesses. Acupuncture can repair those interruptions and restore the natural flow of energy, leading to improved health and a sense of well-being. An acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, NC can improve your quality of life using a naturopathic approach.
The Length of Acupuncture Treatment
You may be wondering how many treatments it will take to see an improvement in your condition using acupuncture. An acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, NC can provide you more information after an exam and taking your unique circumstances into account. The answer will vary based on the following factors:
- Your age
- Your health before developing your current illness or disease
- Your overall health and the extent of your current illness or disease
- Your current environmental factors in terms of toxicity, stress, etc.
What happens during my first appointment?
Upon seeing an acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, NC for the first time, he or she will review your medical history and ask you general questions about your symptoms. Your tongue may be examined, your pulse checked, and a few other exams may be conducted depending on your needs. Once this is complete, the acupuncturist will recommend a plan of treatment that may include acupuncture sessions, herbs, dietary and lifestyle changes, and more.
The treatment will begin with you lying on a table while the acupuncturist stimulates certain acupoints. Most people feel very little discomfort as the needles are extremely thin. The needles may be left there for five to forty minutes. The number of treatments vary from one person to another. Some notice a difference after one session; others require three to ten sessions or more before they experience relief. In general, acute problems require fewer visits whereas chronic conditions may require several months of treatment. Your acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, NC can explain this to you during your first visit.
What are the risks of acupuncture?
Like any therapy, be it natural or modern, there are risks to having acupuncture. Some of these include:
- Light bleeding, bruising, or soreness at the site of insertion
- Bleeding if the patient is on blood thinners or has a blood clotting disorder
- Inducing labor if the patient is pregnant
- Affecting pacemaker if used with electrical stimulation
- Infection around the insertion site
In general, as long as you are seeing a qualified acupuncturist in Chapel Hill, NC the risks are very low.
To learn more about acupuncture, or to speak with our licensed acupuncturist call Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill, NC at (919) 929-1400.