How Acupuncture Helps Injury Healing
When patients suffer from injury, acupuncture treatment can be beneficial. At our acupuncture and chiropractic office, Dr. Oskardmay uses acupuncture diagnosis and treatment to help each patient reduce healing time and improve healing response. She recognizes that acute medical care may be necessary at first, but that holistic acupuncture and soft tissue massage methods rehabilitate on deeper levels. Many people who prefer to not take drugs or medications beyond what is necessary also like the benefits acupuncture treatment provides.
Injury causes damage to tissues on many levels. The traumatic or repetitive nature of injury results in tissue damage at various levels- skin, muscle, ligament, and bone. Each of these presentations causes channel imbalance. Mental stress in the form of fear, anxiety, and confusion frequently accompanies the injury. The water channel of Chinese medicine suffers in this situation, causing additional issues and treatment concerns. Wood channel imbalance occurs when the sides of the body experience injury and frustration reigns. Trauma to the fire channel along the pinky side of the hand, for instance, or the earth channel along the front of the body requires unique treatment.
At our office, Dr. Oskardmay takes a full history to understand the cause and type of injury sustained. She then does a physical examination to determine how the injury presents and repercussions of the damage. As a licensed acupuncturist and chiropractic physician, she is well trained to treat many forms of injury presented at our office. If needed, she will refer patients out for further evaluation, such as x-ray or additional medical care.
At our office, we emphasize treatment options that are calming and supportive of relaxing the mind and improving channel flow using acupuncture techniques. We provide competent front desk support to facilitate intake and reduce frustration with paperwork and medical history presentation. We offer soothing music and gentle aromatherapy with calming essences such as lavender and rosemary, which have been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Dr. Oskardmay is gentle in her examination but thorough. She provides gentle massage before most acupuncture treatments which serve to relax the muscles of the back and injured regions, as well as provide feedback to patients. Acupuncture treatment is gentle and comfortable. Sometimes people are afraid that acupuncture needles inserted into damaged regions will cause more pain. However, acupuncture points selected in the distal areas can heal locations further away from them that are on connected channels.
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for many types of injuries. Schedule an appointment by calling the office or visiting us online.
To learn more about how acupuncture helps injury healing, contact Acupractic Natural Healing Center today.