Telephone: (919) 929-1400
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an age-old healing technique using acupuncture needle insertion into specific body points along meridians or channels in order to stimulate a healing response. Acupuncture is a complete healing method utilizing meridian theory to diagnose and safely, and effectively treat a wide variety of conditions
How does Acupuncture work?
Life force energy, or Qi, is present along meridian channels along and deep into the body. Your Licensed Acupuncturist evaluates the flow of energy in these meridians by taking an in-depth history, making acute observations of your person, palpating body areas, taking pulses, and evaluating the tongue. Energy can be too much, too little, too damp, or too hot or cold. Acupuncture points are then chosen so that the insertion of acupuncture needles balances this energy.
Acupuncture points are selected based on each person’s unique presentation that day and, as such, each treatment is uniquely personalized.
What else does Acupuncture involve?
Tui Na, or Chinese Massage, involves cupping and deep friction massage of specific body areas to stimulate the flow of energy. Acupuncture treatment also involves the use of moxibustion, herbs, exercises such as Tai Chi, and nutrition counseling.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Your Licensed Acupuncturist utilizes sterile, one-use disposable very fine needles for insertion at careful depths into particular areas of the body as has been done by practitioners for centuries. Acupuncture has been proven to be safe, relaxing, and comfortable.
The World Health Organization writes ” Generally speaking, acupuncture treatment is safe if it is performed properly by a well-trained practitioner. Unlike many drugs, it is non-toxic, and adverse reactions are minimal. This is probably one of the chief reasons why acupuncture is so popular in the treatment of chronic pain in many countries. As mentioned previously, acupuncture is comparable with morphine preparations in its effectiveness against chronic pain, but without the adverse effects of morphine, such as dependency. Even if the effect of acupuncture therapy is less potent than that of conventional treatments, acupuncture may still be worth considering because of the toxicity or adverse effects of conventional treatments. For example, there are reports of controlled clinical trials showing that acupuncture is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (4ñ6), although not as potent as corticosteroids. Because, unlike corticosteroids, acupuncture treatment, does not cause serious side-effects, it seems reasonable to use acupuncture for treating this condition, despite the difference in effectiveness.”
How does Acupuncture help and what does treatment involve?
Acupuncture stimulates the body’s production of relaxing chemicals, endorphins, that reduce pain and relax the mind. Acupuncture helps regulate hormones in the body, thus affecting blood pressure, stress, menstrual problems, sleep, etc. During treatment, relaxation is promoted by heated tables, low lights, gentle music, and a calming ambiance. Gentle instruction in meditation may be provided, as well. Clients are allowed to rest for up to 1 hour. Call buttons are available for those who wish them.
How is Acupuncture Regulated in North Carolina?
A Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) in North Carolina has graduated from an accredited Acupuncture School 4-year program including 1-year internship, completed Clean Needle Technique training, and passed the National Certification Commission Acupuncture Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) Board Exams. An L.Ac. completes additional training on an ongoing basis to maintain licensure through the North Carolina Acupuncture Association Board (NCAA). Dr. Lisa Oskardmay is fully licensed in Acupuncture, having completed all necessary training above, as well as annual continuing education classes.