Cupping is a massage technique that delivers deep relief to muscles and ligaments. This beneficial type of therapeutic soft tissue massage performed at the hands of a trained practitioner such as Dr. Lisa Oskardmay stimulates blood flow and breaks down adhesions. Cupping massage helps to reduce pain and disability in lasting ways. When people look for ‘cupping near me‘, they can rest assured that cupping massage is available at the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay as part of a standard treatment procedure.
Cupping is an excellent treatment for pain in many areas of the body. Neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, sciatica, even leg pain, and plantar fasciitis can benefit from cupping massage. Dr. Oskardmay uses cupping as adjunctive therapy along with the chiropractic adjustment or acupuncture procedure in our office. Effective and safe chiropractic care mobilizes misaligned spinal units, and cupping enhances balanced musculature in adjusted regions. Acupuncture treatment stimulates the energy flow in stagnation regions, pain and spasm; cupping lifts the skin and massages on deep levels, enhancing the acupuncture treatment along meridian pathways.
To perform the cupping technique, Dr. Oskardmay palpates the skin area to determine taut musculature regions, knots, and altered sensitivity. After applying massage oils with or without aromatherapy, Dr. Oskardmay then situates silicone cups on the skin surface. Using the expert massage technique, she compresses the cups to create a vacuum against the skin surface, rolling the cups over the area in a smooth motion. Regions of tissue contraction and stagnation melt away during the cupping massage. Treatment time for the cupping massage is approximately 15″, after which patients experience relief from muscle aches and pains. In the unlikely event there is soreness following the cupping procedure, Dr. Oskardmay advises patients to rest and possibly soak in a warm bath with Epsom salts for 15″. Additionally, increase water intake to help remove unleashed debris.
Many people have seen Olympic athletes and others with cupping marks and may fear that result on their bodies. The areas of red and darker hues indicate blood flow brought to the skin’s surface, mostly when cups remain on the skin in one position for extended periods. Believed to represent blood and Qi stagnation, toxin accumulation, and dampness in the body, the marks dissipate over time. The moving technique used by Dr. Oskardmay is less likely to result in dark areas, though sensitive individuals may experience some.
At our Triangle acupuncture and chiropractic center in Chapel Hill, NC, rest assured that the cupping experience you receive will be sanitary, safe, relaxing, and an overall healing experience. If you would like to try cupping, ask at your next appointment. Dr. Oskardmay can generally include the massage method as part of typical treatment. Cupping helps chiropractic help better with sciatica, it improves acupuncture for plantar fasciitis, helps acupuncture for neck pain, and helps the shoulder pain doctor heal upper extremity ailments. Call today (919) 929-1400, email, or visit us online Contact Acupractic | Acupuncture and Chiropractic | Chapel Hill NC ( 24 hours a day to schedule an appointment.