Acupuncturist, Chapel Hill, NC
Acupuncture helps patients with arthritis in vital ways. Numerous studies show the effectiveness of acupuncture care in treating joint pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Licensed acupuncturists such as Dr. Lisa Oskardmay identify blockages in qi flow using Chinese medicine diagnosis methods, including body palpation and tongue and pulse evaluation, to determine where to place tiny sterile acupuncture needles.
Acupuncture for Arthritis
Frequently located along pathways and around pain and inflammation, stimulation of acupoints enhances the body’s natural healing response in affected areas, bringing natural relief. Endorphins and other chemical signaling agents bring relaxation, while improved blood and lymph flow helps to remove toxins and other irritants. Acupuncture reduces inflammation by influencing the immune system, resulting in less joint swelling and stiffness. Whereas arthritis is a chronic and harmful inflammation, acupuncture needle stimulation causes a minor acute inflammation response that helps resolve arthritis symptoms. Pain and chronic inflammation reduction help improve overall joint function for most patients.
Another way that acupuncture therapy helps people with arthritis is by reducing overall body stress. Dr. Oskardmay always incorporates massage and other mindfulness activities into treatment at our office. Massage of the body’s muscles and ligaments increases self-awareness while at the same time promoting an aspect of calm and relaxation. Our private rooms, surrounded by nature, filled with soft spa music, and warmed with nonelectric devices, are smooth and comfortable. Dr. Oskardmay takes her time with each patient, and each person enjoys a healing, non-rushed atmosphere. We provide this healing atmosphere because we know it helps patients get better faster when they can relax.
As part of our holistic approach to care, Dr. Oskardmay provides patient education regarding exercises and nutrition that influence arthritis. Sometimes, patients stop exercising because it hurts, they do the wrong exercise, or they do the proper exercise too much or too little. She inquires about various activities of daily living to help people make small changes that can have a lasting impact. Sometimes, she also refers to local physical therapists or trainers.
Additionally, we recognize that sleep patterns influence joint pain and arthritis in many ways. While sometimes overlooked, sleep issues matter; again, small changes can have a lasting impact.
What a person eats significantly affects their pain and inflammation levels. Therefore, Dr. Oskardmay inquires about food intake, allergies, and other digestion-related aspects. Getting annual bloodwork to know one’s ‘numbers’ is helpful. Dr. Oskardmay helps patients understand how blood sugar, A1C, blood pressure, Vitamin D, C-reactive protein, magnesium levels, RF, and ANA affect arthritis. Eating a good, balanced diet can help resolve many arthritic symptoms.
Lastly, as a chiropractor and a licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Oskardmay can provide joint adjustments where needed. The option of chiropractic care at our office is another reason to call today. 919-260-0330.