Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
People recognize the strength of acupuncture treatment to reduce body pain, headaches, insomnia and stress, nausea, and even enhance fertility. But many people need to be aware that this aspect of Chinese medicine can also improve facial appearance, lessen wrinkles, and lift sagging skin. Also known as cosmetic acupuncture or acupuncture facelift, Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a safer alternative to surgery or Botox that improves overall skin health while addressing the signs of aging. Users say it helps the skin look younger, healthier, and naturally smother without toxic injections or costly surgical procedures. As a licensed acupuncturist trained in Facial Rejuvenation acupuncture, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill enjoys helping clients naturally regain a more youthful appearance.
Acupuncture is a popular, safe body and mind treatment used worldwide. Dr. Lisa Oskardmay follows strict guidelines to maintain her client’s safety. Before starting facial acupuncture sessions, the client and doctor review past medical history via a health history intake form and physical review. Dr. Oskardmay performs a pulse assessment and examines the skin and other areas to determine overall body health and areas of qi stagnation. She believes fully in the ability of acupuncture and other natural treatments to improve overall body health, a requisite to looking and feeling better.
Facial Rejuvenation Treatment
Each facial rejuvenation treatment begins with massage and aromatherapy. Using tiny, thin acupuncture needles, she insets into specific regions and points; Dr. Oskardmay helps to stimulate qi flow in the face and surrounding areas. Following gentle point stimulation, clients rest comfortably on the treatment table with calming spa music, warm ambiance, soothing scents, and breathing instructions designed to awaken the body’s inner healer.
While most treatment points are in the face, Dr. Oskardmay also chooses several body points along specific meridians or channels to support qi flow in particular areas. All elements- wood, fire, earth, metal, and water- exist in the face as much as they live in the limbs and other body areas; imbalance in any of these areas is portrayed in the face, and acupuncture generally helps to resolve the imbalance.
For instance, the eyes are the opening of the wood channel. Stagnation of wood qi may impede qi flow to the organs of vision and reflect in areas surrounding the eyes. The tongue and blood reflect fire qi, and too much or too little fire element may show in the face as pale and sallowness. Earth qi manifests in the muscles and the mouth area. Wrinkles around the mouth and worry lines suggest earth element imbalance. The nose region reflects the metal element. Pore size, the sense of smell, and other aspects show balance in the metal element. Lastly, one sees the water element in the eyes, surrounding creases, and musculature.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a safe, helpful method to improve overall facial and body appearance. Dr. Oskardmay loves helping patients look and feel better naturally using this acupuncture subspeciality. Call today at 919-929-1400 to learn more about how acupuncture can help you. Serving the Durham, Chapel Hill, and wider Triangle region, Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill is here for you. Or visit us online at anytime to learn more and to schedule an appointment. Open Monday through Friday, we hope to see you soon!