Natural Care for Scoliosis

About 7 million Americans have scoliosis, a condition of unknown origin in which the spine is rotated or twisted sideways. While most people who have this incurable condition lead everyday lives, scoliosis can progress to the point where, in some, daily activities, exercise, and even breathing can be more difficult if spinal rotation advances to the end of lung compression. No one knows what causes this relatively common condition, although there may be a hereditary component. Physical and neurological exams, X-rays, and MRIs help identify these contributing factors. Spinal pain, back pain, and neck pain are relatively common in persons with the extra curvature seen in scoliosis, and alternative medicine can provide some relief. However, no treatment has been shown to prevent, cure, or fix scoliosis completely. Read more to learn about natural care for scoliosis.

With scoliosis, adding an extra curve to the ordinarily straight (from the front or back) spine adds degrees of rotation and spinal friction between vertebral joints. Depending on the degree of added curvature and other factors, fluid movement may suffer as inflammation builds up between spinal segments. Trigger points in attached muscles can occur, and connected ligaments and tendons suffer, often resulting in backache and weakness if the condition is left untreated. Spinal erosion and bone spurs that can arise will cause pain and reduced range of motion over time.

In young children whose curvature progresses rapidly and threatens internal organs, the medical profession often applies braces or rods to halt the progression until the child reaches full height. Otherwise, very few medical treatments are available, and many people receive little guidance related to their scoliosis diagnosis. Patients beyond adolescence often wonder if scoliosis is the cause of their back pain, headaches, and other body symptoms. Still, regular X-ray evaluation is ill-advised for most people, and many do not understand the condition’s progression over time.

At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay helps patients with scoliosis with a combination of natural therapies designed to identify and balance affected segments to reduce some of the stress imposed by scoliosis.

At our office, Dr. Oskardmay uses physical exams and spinal palpation to detect early spinal inflammation to direct balanced treatment. She evaluates posture and muscle strength, dermatomal balance, and other aspects of nerve integrity along the spinal cord to detect areas of inflammation and irritation. She applies chiropractic spinal mobilization, massage, and acupuncture to soothe pain and restore kinetic integrity where possible. While treatment will not remove the extra spinal curvature, it does help to mitigate side effects.

If you or your loved one has questions about natural chiropractic and acupuncture care for scoliosis, please get in touch with our office today. Call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit our website at Serving the Triangle since 1995 with effective holistic healthcare, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay are here for you in Chapel Hill, just off i-40 and across from Wegmans in Eastowne Professional Offices. We participate with BCBS, United Healthcare, Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, and Federal BCBS and submit claims on your behalf. We provide ample free handicapped accessible parking in front of our building. At Acupractic, we take the stress out of getting the care you need.

Understanding the Vocabulary of Back Pain

back pain

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

When a person has back or neck pain, they see and hear new words related to the issue they might not initially understand. Understanding the vocabulary of back pain will help facilitate communication with providers. It will also help one understand the diagnosis and proposed treatments. Terminology related to the spine and its anatomy might sound intimidating, but a little knowledge can go a long way to improve treatment outcome. Additionally, it can be helpful to understand other terms used in a chiropractic or other provider office.

The Vocabulary of Back Pain

The back is made up of vertebrae which are bony segments separated by cushioning discs which provide shock absorption and height. The spinal cord is an extension of nerves from the brain, and the vertebrae protect it as it passes from the head (cervical vertebrae in the neck), through the back (thoracic vertebrae) to low back (lumbar vertebrae), to the tailbone (sacrum and coccyx vertebrae). Nerves arise at each level of the spinal cord. Pain at the level of the spinal cord can arise from problems at a vertebra or nerve.

Each vertebra has several important parts that can suffer injury or disease and cause pain. The vertebral foramen, for instance, is the space through which the spinal nerve passes. The facet is the posterior (back) side of the vertebra that touches the vertebra above or below. Postural distortions such as hyperlordosis can occur and cause increased spinal curves when seen from the side putting more pressure on vertebrae and nerves. A vertebral subluxation occurs when vertebrae parts are injured. Hallmarks of vertebral subluxation include pain, tenderness and slight dislocation of the vertebra and surrounding tissues and a change in laxity or tightness of connected ligaments.

A chiropractic office, such as Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill, NC will do an exam and give a ‘report of findings’ to help patients understand the cause of your pain or problem and also to propose a treatment regimen.

The chiropractic adjustment is a high velocity, low amplitude movement applied by a chiropractor to correct a subluxation. The chiropractor will use a specific technique to mobilize or adjust the spine. The Diversified technique involves hand placement on the back or neck with a quick specific thrust. A practitioner using Activator technique utilizes a handheld instrument (activator) to apply the thrust. Some other types of adjustments techniques are Gonstead, Sacral Occipital, Drop Table and Atlas Orthogonal.

If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit our website at to schedule your appointment today.

Spinal Care of the Neck Fourth Cervical Nerve Impacts Neck and Shoulder Pain, Posture and Respiration

Chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC

Dr. Oskardmay provides gentle and effective care to the spine to improve health in many ways. Nerves arising from between the bony vertebrae comprising the spine suffer when the backbone is not aligned correctly. Additionally, surrounding muscles and ligaments show signs of imbalance- painful tightness and unstable weakness. Using skillful palpation and other diagnostic techniques, Dr. Oskardmay locates areas of subluxation and provides a hands-on treatment that feels good and sustains good health in many ways. One of the critical regions she treats is in the mid-neck. Patients exhibiting pain and tenderness in this region frequently suffer from misalignment to the spinal vertebrae in this region, which creates pain and impairs cervical spinal nerve four discussed below.

Cervical spinal nerve four is part of the peripheral nerve, which controls the diaphragm. This nerve is called the phrenic nerve. The membrane is a large muscle that bisects the upper body from the lower body. The diaphragm muscle attaches below the rib twelve and is the muscle that controls respiration. Major arteries and nerves and the esophagus pass through the diaphragm. Irritation of the nerve controlling the diaphragm can affect breathing, digestion, blood flow, and nerve transmission. Dr. Oskardmay uses palpation and other techniques to assess the diaphragm region, and she will provide therapy as needed, to improve muscle tone to the diaphragm.

Spinal Care of the Neck Fourth Cervical Nerve Impacts Neck and Shoulder Pain, Posture and Respiration

Cervical spinal nerve four contributes fibers to the levator scapulae muscle, a muscle that elevates the shoulder and connects the neck to the shoulder.  The fourth cervical spinal nerve affects neck and shoulder movement; problems in this nerve cause neck and shoulder problems such as shoulder pain and bursitis. Following careful evaluation, Dr. Oskardmay uses the chiropractic adjustment to, and neck restores shoulder balanced motion and strength.

The fourth cervical spinal nerve innervates neck muscles on the front of the cervical spine, engaged in neck flexion. The anterior and middle scalene muscles, the longus colli muscle, and the longus cap8tus muscles receive input from the fourth cervical spinal nerve and help us to incline the head. Anterior head posture is a result of taut cervical muscles. Consequently, anterior neck positioning contributes to spinal problems such as cervical osteoarthritis and headaches and shoulder impingement. Dr. Oskardmay will evaluate and treat these conditions.

Breathing suffers when there is irritation to the mid-cervical region. The fourth cervical spinal nerve innervates the scalene muscles, which attach onto the first rib and assist in breathing. Shallow breathing and lack of full respiration is the result of irritation of cervical spinal nerve four when muscles such as the scalene suffer. Following an adjustment at Acupractic, patients frequently realize improved inhalation and exhalation.

Chiropractic care at Acupractic Natural Healing Center with a chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC, can help in many ways. If you suffer neck or shoulder pain, gentle, effective relief is available.

Headache Treatment at Acupractic: Focus on the First Cervical Spinal Nerve

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

Chiropractic care reduces pain and improves nerve flow and posture because chiropractors mobilize the spine to restore the backbone’s alignment. Each spinal nerve segment impacts health in specific ways. Dr. Oskardmay understands the impact of vertebral misalignment on patient health and to treat vertebral subluxations using the chiropractic adjustment.

Spinal bones called vertebrae house the nervous system, which emanates through small IVF as nerves. The first nerve, arising between the occiput and the first vertebrae, sends vital nerve signals to muscles and other tissues responsible for head movement, position, and stability. Impingement of this nerve, as happens with vertebral misalignment, degeneration, and muscle imbalance, causes this nerve to misfire. Using careful chiropractic methods of palpation and spinal mobilization, Dr. Oskardmay detects areas of the vertebral subluxation and adjusts irritated segments. She reduces headache and neck pain safely and effectively without drugs or surgical interventions in this manner.

The first cervical nerve contributes nerve energy to many peripheral nerves and other areas vital to head and brain function. Peripheral nerves connect the brain to the rest of the body. The nerves connected with the first cervical spinal nerve are: the hypoglossal nerve, the ventral and posterior rami of the cervical spinal nerves, the suboccipital nerve, the hypoglossal nerve, and the ansa cervicalis nerve. These nerves carry nerve energy to muscles neck and shoulder muscles and other areas that affect headache pain in many ways.

The first cervical spinal nerve transmits nerve impulses to many muscles affecting the neck—for instance, shoulder elevation performed by the levator scapulae muscle. The rectus capitus anterior and longus capitus muscles assist in neck flexion. The rectus capitis lateralis muscle helps to stabilize the neck. Other muscles connected with cervical spinal nerve one affect swallowing. These muscles include the glenohyoid, omohyoid, or thyrohyoid muscles, which affect the small cartilaginous hyoid bone. The rectus capitis lateralis muscle helps to stabilize the neck. These muscles affect neck pain and headaches in crucial ways.

For instance, when there are issues with shoulder elevation, the shoulders feel tight. Restricted shoulder motion impedes respiration as well as shoulder movements such as overhead lifting, opening a car door, or typing at a computer. Additionally, tight shoulder muscles create agony; one of the main culprits to back and neck pain is the region between the shoulder blades. Adjustment of the spine affecting the first cervical spinal nerve improves pain and tightness in these areas.

Impeded nerve flow in neck flexor muscles impairs these vital neck movers. We use neck flexion in virtually every activity, from swallowing food to breathing to sitting at a desk to driving. Taut neck muscles atop delicate neck arteries carrying blood to and from the brain impair arterial flow, causing brain fog and mood disturbance. Tightness in neck flexors from impaired nerve transmission at cranial nerve one affects these actions and others in small, incremental ways that, over time, reduce the quality of life.

Muscles and ligaments that stabilize head posture suffer from the atlanto-occipital region’s subluxation, affecting cervical spinal nerve one. Problems with head stability produce stress, can cause dizziness, and contribute to headaches. Additionally, cervical spinal nerve one affects many muscles involved with swallowing; when impaired, swallowing muscles increase the risk of choking.

At Acupractic, Dr. Oskardmay corrects problems in the neck that contribute to headaches using the chiropractic adjustment and other gentle techniques such as massage, gua sha, and cupping.  Also, a licensed acupuncturist, she employs needle and non-needle acupuncture techniques to reduce trigger points and other areas of energy flow stagnation that cause headaches. If you have questions, contact Dr. Lisa Oskardmay a chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC  residents recommend. Call us at (919) 929-1400.

Tips for Snow Shoveling to Avoid Injury

Shoveling snow can result in back injuries or worse. We all need to get out of the house eventually following a huge snowfall like the one we just experienced here in Durham, NC. Keep a few things in mind, however, prior to going outside to shovel that snow. Back injuries and heart attacks due to snow shoveling are all too common and can be avoided. When shoveling snow, take a moment to assess the situation and realize the job may take more time than you think. Don’t rush the process—hurrying will add to the possibility of falling as well as increase the stress of the situation. Get your warm high traction boots on, suit up, grab your shovel, and head outside once you’ve taken a few moments to consider how to best approach the task. Wet snow is going to be very heavy. When you dig your shovel down into the snow, assess how heavy each shovel full is before trying to lift it, especially if you plan to twist around and pile that shovel full to the side.Twisting with the added weight of snow can injure your back quickly; doing that repetitively can cause spinal joint irritation or even a herniated disc. You may not feel the effects of injury immediately due to the numbing effects of cold so be sure to take breaks periodically. Be aware of the amount of cardiac exercise involved in moving snow, as well. Crouching, digging, lifting and twisting heavy loads repeatedly in the cold puts a lot of strain on your heart, especially if you are stressed in a hurry. Stay safe out there!

Chiropractic care is holistic care.

Most patients coming into a chiropractic office do so to reduce musculo-skeletal pain. Pain is a great motivator and educator; but the chiropractic adjustment does more than just reduce pain; used correctly, the spinal adjustment will improve health on many levels.  Since our nervous system  controls every aspect of the body- from muscles to organs to balance to mentation- the chiropractic adjustment has the potential to improve health, not just reduce pain.

A spinal adjustment is designed to mobilize subluxated spinal segments using specifically applied hands-on or mechanical means. The spine is an extension of the nervous system- bony vertebra protect the spinal cord while serving as attachments to muscles and ligaments to support the body. The healthy spine and nervous system support posture and daily activities without derangement- we normally don’t think about it much until something goes wrong.

The chiropractic examination involves the following procedures:  History, Inspection, Vitals, Palpation, Range of Motion active and passive, Orthopedic testing, Neurological exam, and Imaging. This complete exam provides insight into the condition of the spine- just like when you go to the dentist and have your teeth examined or go to the GP and have blood work performed, an annual chiropractic exam can alert you to the presence of spinal derangement early.  When a subluxation is detected, specific mobilization to that segment can be applied to correct it, thus reducing the local symptoms as well as the far-reaching implications of impaired nerve input to internal organs, muscles and ligaments.

When your spine and spinal cord are healthy, you are able to stand tall with improved strength and awareness. Schedule your annual exam today to take the next steps toward a healthier you- inside and out.

Serving the communities of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Durham, Hillsborough, and the rest of the NC Triangle

205 Providence Rd. Chapel Hill NC 27514 | Phone: (919) 929-1400

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