Chapel Hill Chiropractor: Advice on How to Reduce Back Pain
Back pain is frequently associated with problems in the hip. A chiropractic physician is a trained healthcare professional who can help determine the source of your back pain and will know how to treat vertebral and hip muscle spasm and inflammation. The hip is a large joint of connected muscles and bones with a pattern of motion that should move smoothly. Imbalance and swelling in any of the hip joints or muscles will create problems in the kinetic chain of strength power and movement in the torso and legs, affecting the body as a whole. It is essential to maintain the integrity of the connected parts of this significant region to provide balanced healing to the organization as a whole. Hip stretching exercises help to achieve this goal and are integral to any chiropractic treatment plan that aims to heal back pain.
The hip is divided into three main areas. The anterior bone made up mostly of the quadriceps muscle and is responsible for flexion and extending the leg. The lateral hip contains the cartilaginous tensor fascia lata muscle and performs the motion of abduction or moving the leg away from the midline. The posterior pelvis is the location of the hamstrings and serves to extend the leg. In addition to moving the thigh, hip muscles also stabilize the distal knee joint. Nerve supply to the hip muscle mainly comes from the large, thumb width sciatic nerve which begins in the lower lumbar spine; dislocation of the hip can easily damage this nerve and cause pain and instability to the entire lower body. Chiropractic adjustments to the spine and lower extremity help maintain proper nerve supply and position of the hip so that injury is kept to a minimum. Tight hip muscles can negatively impact hip and back pain because contracted muscles inhibit spine and body range of motion and affect nerve flow; holistic back pain treatment pays attention to hip muscle tightness.
Your chiropractor will suggest hip and leg muscle stretches to enhance treatment goals. When a muscle contracts, tiny actin and myosin protein filaments that make up each muscle slide across each other like a ratchet. A fully contracted muscle cannot move further into contraction to move the body or support activity. To regain strength, the contracted muscle has to stretch or rebound from its contracted state before it can slide into power again. Other, supportive factors need to be in place as well to help the muscles relax and keep injury at bay. In its uninjured, healthy state, the body has the means to accomplish muscle contraction and relaxation easily; when pain and inflammation exist; however, muscle relaxation can be difficult to achieve, and muscle spasms result in pain and inhibited motion. Your chiropractor can help you know how to stretch hip and leg muscle in a safe, supported way to help you recover from injury. She will recommend nutritional changes and other ways to improve health naturally.
Reach out to a hip pain doctor Chapel Hill, NC trusts today to schedule an appointment and get the help you need. Contact us at Acupuncture and Chiropractic in Chapel Hill today!