The Value of Pain

Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

Pain is a sensation we have but do not enjoy. We strive to avoid pain, and therein lies its value-pain helps us avoid damaging and hurtful activities, thoughts, food, and other stimuli. We have modern-day tools to reduce pain, but sometimes these products and medications can leave us worse off than we were before. Striving to get the message pain is sending while reducing pain can be tricky. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we strive to help patients reduce pain naturally without drugs or surgery.

Some diseases block pain signals from reaching the brain, resulting in body damage and unnecessary wear and tear. Diabetes, for instance, can result in numbness in the feet, especially; untreated blood sugar control is a leading cause of amputation due to minor injuries left unattended. Strokes, caused by lack of blood flow to brain regions, can also result in numbness or lack of feeling in body areas. Having a numb limb or other body area can lead to other problems, such as falling or not noticing an injury, infection, or soreness. A total lack of pain sensation is not a desirable goal for most people.

Some people avoid pain by using drugs and other treatments that block the pain signal from reaching their brains. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, Aleve, and Motrin are over-the-counter pain-relieving medications that help to reduce pain. Opiates are commonly prescribed medicines that block pain signals from reaching the brain; similar to heroin and other street drugs, opiates are highly addictive. Opiates, as well as OTC pain-blocking drugs, also have serious side effects. One of these side effects is the ability to overuse injured areas and ignore the pain signals. Overuse of damaged areas can impede overall body healing and have serious repercussions locally and in distant regions of the body.

There are times when pain-blocking medication is a Godsend; unnecessary pain or discomfort out of proportion to the risk of injury inhibits well-being in many ways. For instance, some diseases cause too many pain signals to get to our brains. An example is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, in which even mild touch with no risk of injury causes great pain. Nonetheless, long-term use of pain medications may not be desirable even in this situation.

At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay helps patients feel better naturally using alternative medicine methods, including chiropractic, acupuncture, exercise, and nutrition education, to improve healing and reduce pain. Call today at (919) 929-1400 or visit us on the web at anytime to learn more about what complementary and holistic medicine can do for you.

The Function of Being Hopeful

Hope is a powerful healing tool. Optimism and hope allow a person to see an open doorway to feeling better to achieve life’s goals. Hope and optimism enable people to look up, rather than down, at their life’s path and journey. Hope is crucial to healing. Many individuals, groups, and facilities recognize the benefit of hope and optimism for helping people feel and function better. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay provides education and information during treatment to help people see the potential of natural healing methods to raise their hope and optimism.

According to the Veterans’ Association, Hope and Optimism are components of a `Whole Health` approach to health care. This approach empowers and enables individuals to take charge of their health and well-being as they live their lives to the fullest. Hope is about leaving room for something good to happen. When one has no hope, there is no room for optimism or healing.

Numerous studies show the link between being hopeful and being connected to one’s community, better relationships, and better life outcomes. Research suggests that encouraging people have a better chance of fighting ailments such as diabetes and anxiety, and depression. Optimism may not cure any condition, but being hopeful and recognizing the potential for a better outcome helps reduce stress with significant physiologic benefits.

For instance, lowering the stress hormone cortisol helps reduce inflammation, a significant culprit in pain and degeneration. Additionally, since elevated cortisol levels are connected with weight gain and foggy-headedness, reducing this hormone can help one maintain a healthy BMI and think more clearly.

Belief and expectation are the key elements of hope. Believing and expecting positive change can help to unlock the brain’s release of natural painkillers- endorphins and enkephalins. Like morphine, these natural brain chemicals influence positive respiration, motor function, and circulation changes. When we feel good, we function well, and we look good. Hope and reasonably high expectations for good outcomes help to influence our mood, appearance, and well-being.

So, how does one achieve high hopes and optimism? Well, hopeful people laugh and smile more than brightly. Consider turning off shows that are depressing and focusing on more uplifting input. Also, folks who eat balanced diets, including more fruits and vegetables, appear more hopeful. Talk with a nutritionist to learn new eating methods if your diet needs to be healthier. Research shows that vagus nerve stimulation can help reduce stress by increasing parasympathetic nerve input. People who use abdominal breathing, alternate hot and cold, and other practices support this polyvagal approach. Dr. Lisa uses auriculotherapy to stimulate the vagus nerve, as well.

There are many low-cost, beneficial ways to gain the benefits of a hopeful, optimistic outlook. Reflect on the possibilities. Call our office today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or schedule online at to see how chiropractic, acupuncture, and other natural healing methods can help you look and feel better.

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

The practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of tiny acupuncture needles into the body to stimulate qi or energy flow. Sometimes people wonder if the treatment hurts and may avoid the helpful therapy because of this concern. Nonetheless, when performed by an experienced professional acupuncturist such as Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, acupuncture should not hurt. Many people find the experience very relaxing; some even fall asleep during the therapy.

Points on the hands and feet may be more sensitive because these areas contain more sensory nerves than others. Additionally, people may experience more sensation from acupuncture in tightness and muscle contraction areas. Before treatment, Dr. Lisa performs palpation and massage to begin the relaxation process; be sure to let her know of any undue discomfort you may experience during treatment. A call button is also available at your side during your time at the table.

Acupuncture Needles

Modern acupuncture needles range in size from very small 7 mm or ¼ inch to 150 mm or 6 inches, and skinny 44 gauge or .12mm diameter to large 26 gauge or .40 mm. Additionally, acupuncturists may use press tacks that are extra small. Tiny and thin needles are appropriate for use in delicate areas such as the face, ear, hands, and feet or for very sensitive people. Acupuncturists may use large needles for regions such as the buttocks. We commonly use acupuncture needles at our office ranging in size from half to one inch and 32 to 36 gauge. Because of the small size, many people refer to the acupuncture needle as the ‘painless needle’.

Most acupuncture needles today are made of stainless steel, occasionally silver or gold. The needles are divided into five parts: tip, body, root, handle, and tail. The tip and body enter the patient, and the practitioner uses the handle and tail to mobilize the needle. The root connects the body and handle of the needle. Acupuncture needle tips are (surprisingly) blunt, which, for their tiny size, has less chance of cutting the tissue it enters than a sharper needle. In our office and others, the acupuncturist uses a small disposable guide tube to introduce the acupuncture needle. This guide tube helps to reduce pain sensation as it distends the skin around the insertion point before entry.

Acupuncturists use the ‘Clean Needle Technique’ technique to ensure patient and practitioner safety. After treatment, needles are disposed of in needle disposal boxes.

Modern acupuncture is safe, gentle, and effective for various health conditions, from pain to stress relief. Call today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or schedule online at Located in Chapel Hill, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay has offered acupuncture and chiropractic services since 1995.

Comparison of Chiropractic and Acupuncture

Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

Chiropractic and acupuncture are both holistic healthcare practices that aim to help people without emphasis on medications or surgery. These two natural healthcare methods have different origins and techniques, but they work well together to help the body heal itself. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill, NC, patients can receive the benefits of each treatment in one location. Read more about the comparison of chiropractic and acupuncture. 

Origins of Acupuncture

Acupuncture arose in Asia some three thousand years ago. The first documentation of acupuncture in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine described it as an organized system of diagnosis and treatment. Acupuncturists use tiny filiform needles to stimulate qi or energy flow in body channels to improve healing response. Acupuncture treats various conditions, including pain, anxiety, digestion, etc.

Origins of Chiropractic

On the other hand, chiropractic was developed in the United States to cure disease and illness without drugs. Its founder, DD Palmer, in the late 1800s, studied the spinal structure and the ancient art of moving the body with the hands (adjustment). Today’s chiropractic strives to support spinal alignment and joint motion of the spine and extremities to improve nerve flow and overall body balance and function. While many people think chiropractic only works on back pain, studies show it benefits many other areas. Chiropractic patients worldwide report improvements in headaches, stress relief, hip and shoulder pain, and hormonal problems with chiropractic care.

Both acupuncture and chiropractic emphasize full-body integration rather than just symptoms. Both healing methods benefit musculoskeletal pain, such as neck and back problems, sciatica, and headaches. They are also helpful in addressing nervous system problems such as sciatica and carpel tunnel syndrome or plantar fasciitis.

Some acupuncturists use massage and other manual therapy techniques, and some chiropractors use acupuncture in their offices. Combining natural healing methods benefits patients who receive a more comprehensive and practical approach to their healthcare. Nonetheless, patients must find a qualified and experienced practitioner in each field, as all chiropractors or acupuncturists regularly practice both. Practice, education and experience in chiropractic and acupuncture benefit our patients daily.

As a licensed acupuncturist and Doctor of Chiropractic, serving the Triangle Community since 1995, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay enjoys helping people get well using a combination of chiropractic and acupuncture. Contact our office today to learn more about the comparison of chiropractic and acupuncture and to see how alternative and complementary medicine, chiropractic, and acupuncture can benefit you. Call 919-929-1400 or visit us online at

Stomach Pain: Symptoms and Care Options Using Acupuncture and Chiropractic

Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

If you experience abdominal pain that keeps you from doing the things you love or need to do, help is available. You do not need to suffer from abdominal discomfort, and at Acupractic Natural Healing Center, our goal is to help you get the care you need. Read more about acupuncture and chiropractic for stomach pain.

There are several causes of gastrointestinal discomfort, some more serious than others. Some common causes of stomachache include:

Gas, indigestion, food poisoning, food allergies, ulcers, appendicitis, constipation, medication reaction, dehydration, over-exercising

If you experience any of the following symptoms and abdominal pain, this might be a good reason to seek medical care. Your medical doctor may need to perform specific lab tests or other testing procedures such as X-rays, ultrasounds, or CT scans.

Tender abdomen, fever, pain lasting more than 48 hours, pain with urination, vomiting or blood in vomit, lack of bowel movements for several days, blood in stool, stomach pain during pregnancy

Acupuncture and Chiropractic for Stomach Pain

Dr. Oskardmay will ask you about your symptoms of stomach aches before treatment because getting proper care is the most important thing. Many people with stomachaches benefit from alternative medical care at our natural healthcare clinic. Chiropractic and acupuncture care options provide meaningful relief for many types of non-medical stomach pain, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), or abdominal pain sufferers who haven’t responded to medications or other medical procedures.

Using chiropractic adjustments with massage to restore balanced nerve flow to the stomach and surrounding areas, Dr. Oskardmay can help alleviate GI distress for many people. The brain and spinal cord carry nerve signals to the digestive system; disruption of nerve flow can occur from spinal misalignment and muscle imbalance in the neck, mid and lower back, which stresses the system. Using expert palpation with gentle spinal mobilization, Dr. Oskardmay will determine and correct areas of segmental disturbance to help you get back to feeling good.

Alternately, or in addition to spinal adjusting, you and Dr. Oskardmay could use acupuncture with massage to help alleviate stomach pain naturally. Good, pain-free digestion occurs without stomach pain when unimpeded qi (pronounced chee) flow happens. Several essential factors influence qi flow- posture, stress, nutrition, and environment; acupuncture treatment at our office can help restore balance to the system to get you back on track.

Call today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit our website at to see if chiropractic and acupuncture could help you feel better. Helping the Triangle since 1995 with gentle, effective alternative medicine, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay is here for you.

The Role of Alternative Medicine in Reducing the Scourge of Addiction and Abuse in the US

The number one reason why people younger than 50 die in the US is opiate overdose. Number two is suicide; Number three is medical errors. Opiate drug abuse ravages the United States for many reasons, ranging from easy access to opiate medications and drugs compounded by depression, poor general health, hard physical work, and lack of social support networks. Chiropractors, acupuncturists, and other alternative medicine health practitioners need to work with the medical community to help reduce the use and misuse of opiates in our country to alleviate the suffering caused. Television shows like ‘The Pain’ strive to portray the problem that so many US citizens already recognize. Natural healing practitioners like Dr. Lisa Oskardmay hope to help as they reduce pain naturally. . Learn more about the role of alternative medicine in reducing the scourge of addiction and abuse in the US.

The Poppy Plant is the source of morphine, a substance that fits into the same receptor in our body as endorphins, the body’s natural opiate. Natural opiates, or endorphins, are created, as their name suggests, naturally in the human body in response to invigorating exercise, sexual release, laughter, or feeling happy. We naturally strive to feel good and engage in behaviors that result in the release of endorphins. ‘Runners high’, ‘orgasm’, Nonetheless, sometimes we obtain drugs or medications that simulate this ‘high’ good feeling to overcome pain; overuse of opiates can have devastating results.

People worldwide have used opiate drugs in some form or another for 60,000 years. They report that the pill makes them feel physically good, reduces anxiety, and helps them not to care about everyday problems. Nonetheless, the happiness and pain relief offered by opiates quickly turns into unhappiness and increased sensitivity to pain as the drug soon changes the opiate receptors and serotonin relaxation response. Bliss turns to hell.

The US is a leader in opiate use and abuse. The problem has worsened since the Covid pandemic for many reasons, but the causes are multifactorial. One speaker at a recent seminar on opiate abuse told how, at 15, he broke his arm and took opiates for pain. At first, the drug felt so good, but he quickly went from oxycontin to other pharmaceuticals on the streets. He stopped after eight years but shared a list of 13 names of friends and family who have died of an overdose. A female EMS provider discussed the mental health of first responders like herself who must see the effects of opiate addiction. She related that her 26-year-old sister, school teacher, and mother of 2 died of fentanyl use. A police officer discussed Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) programs the State of Florida uses to help reduce the overuse of opiates. Still, he feels his work is just a drop in the bucket in a growing problem.

On an average day in the US, 500,000 prescriptions are written for opiate drugs. An additional 4,000 people start opiates for non-medical use, and 600 start heroin, frequently because they are addicted to opiates but cannot obtain or afford the drugs anymore. There are more than 3,300 ER visits every day in our country due to reactions to opiates. Two thousand overdoses are reported, and two hundred people die of opiate overdose every day in the United States. One hundred deaths daily are related to Fentanyl. Ninety babies are born addicted every day in our country.

The CDC, FDA, and the alternative medicine community hope to help reduce the number of prescriptions written for opiates for back pain and other neuromuscular disorders. The number one reason for people to go to the hospital is their birth; then the second one is back pain. The number one reason medical doctors prescribe opiates is back pain.

Studies show that people with back pain who go to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, or physical therapist are much less likely to take opiates. One study showed that 1% of workers’ compensation claimants who utilized chiropractic care ended up with opiate prescriptions versus 10.3% of claimants who received medical care. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we hope to help people get well without addictive pain medication use.

From a CDC Study on Dependency, many do not realize how short it takes to become addicted to opioids. After one day of use, there is a 6% risk of using it one year later; 2.9% are still using it three years later. After 12 days of use, 24% were still using it a year later; after 21 days of use, that number jumps to 35%, and after 30 days of use, 43% were still using it a year later. The risk of opiate abuse rises with each day of prescription opiate drug use. The author of this post was prescribed a 30-day supply of opiates for an uncomplicated tooth extraction recently; getting rid of the unused pills was a problem in itself. One cannot just throw new drugs in the trash or flush them. Thieves break in to steal from the medicine cabinet, and easy access to opiates in a household is never a good thing.

Research ‘National Take Back Day’ to find out when you can get rid of household medications and opiates in your house. Better yet, promote natural drug-free healing methods first to reduce the need to use opiates and risk the addiction problem. Ignore or turn off pain medication advertisements when you see them- the US and Iceland are the only countries in the world that allow this type of drug advertising.

There are several reasons why the US has the highest rate of drug abuse globally. If we work together we can help to reduce the scourge of opiate addiction that hurts us all.

Call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit our website at to learn more about alternative medicine or schedule an appointment today.

How Dampness in the Body Affects Health and What to Do About It

Chinese medicine strives to balance all elements in the body to instill healing. Dampness is an element that refers to water retention. When the body holds on to too much water, this dampness is a source of illness. Patients with damp constitutions frequently feel tired and bloated and are at risk of developing other health problems. At the acupuncture office of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, she may ask about issues related to water retention dampness to get to the root cause of the problem. Read more to learn about how dampness in the body affects health.

Dampness is the underlying cause of many painful conditions, including achy joints and limb pain, low energy, depression, skin problems, foggy-headedness, headaches, and even digestive problems. Over time, dampness contributes to issues such as high cholesterol and cancer. Dampness affects the flow of qi in every body channel, which is why it has far-reaching effects over time. Dr. Oskardmay reviews each person’s health history to understand how dampness and other factors affect you.

Both external as well as internal factors cause the problem of too much body water retention. Living in a damp climate, such as in certain parts of the US, or spending a lot of time in a wet area, such as a basement, will contribute to the problem. Swimming or otherwise getting wet and staying that way for too long contributes to dampness. While it may seem daunting to change where one lives or works, there are ways to make significant alterations to where one spends time to influence the effect of dampness.

People who do not exercise or move often suffer more from water retention. Their joints ache, and the lack of energy makes it difficult to move enough. Begin with awareness and the goal of more movement and go from there. While it may seem desirable to make changes rapidly, she generally finds that people who strive to take on too much too quickly burn out, suffer injury, and then have to start over. Dr. Oskardmay will make helpful suggestions to each person to enhance functional movement safely.

Additionally, she will review food and beverage intake over time to determine how nutrition influences body dampness. Drinking cold, iced beverages and eating greasy, heavy foods worsen dampness. Alternately, some foods she will discuss, such as certain teas, vegetables, proteins, and grains, help resolve too much water. Once a person knows what causes the problem, it is far easier to handle.

Additionally, Dr. Oskardmay employs acupuncture techniques to stimulate qi flow in the channels. Dampness particularly impedes energy flow of the central earth channels- spleen and stomach; Dr. Oskardmay assesses qi flow with pulse assessment and body palpation before rendering care that improves qi movement throughout the body.

Also, as part of any treatment, Dr. Oskardmay provides massage, which improves blood circulation, reduces swelling, and promotes detoxification. Sometimes she does cupping or gua sha scraping massage to offer additional benefits and balance yin and yang differently.

At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay aims to help each person achieve their best self by knowing the factors that affect them and using acupuncture and other natural healing methods. Call today at (919) 929-1400 to schedule an appointment or visit us online at 24 hours a day to learn more about how dampness in the body affects health and make an appointment. Serving the Triangle since 1995 with quality acupuncture and chiropractic natural healing, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay is here for you.


Chiropractic’s Effect on Emotional Health

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on diagnosing and treating neuromuscular disorders, with an emphasis on the spinal column. It is based on the belief that the body can heal itself and that the nervous system plays a crucial role in this process. Chiropractors use various techniques, including manual adjustments, to manipulate the spine and other joints to improve the function of the nervous system and promote healing. At the chiropractic and acupuncture clinics of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill, NC, we hear from many patients that alternative medicine care helps to improve their mental well-being. Read more to learn about chiropractic’s effect on emotional health.

How Chiropractic Has a Positive Effect on Emotional Health

One area where chiropractic is particularly effective is in treating emotional health. Studies have shown that individuals who receive chiropractic care report improvements in their emotional well-being, including reduced anxiety, depression, and stress. This is likely due to the positive effects that chiropractic care has on the nervous system, which plays a crucial role in regulating mood and emotional responses. Many patients feel happier and more energetic after a chiropractic adjustment.

One of the main ways that chiropractic care can improve emotional health is by reducing stress on the nervous system. This is a natural effect of natural care at our office, not involving drugs or surgery. The spinal column is home to the spinal cord, the main pathway for communication between the brain and the rest of the body. When the spine is misaligned, it can pressure the spinal cord, causing stress on the nervous system. This can lead to various emotional symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, and irritability. Chiropractic adjustments can help to realign the spine, reducing pressure on the spinal cord and decreasing stress on the nervous system.

Another way that chiropractic care can improve emotional health is by promoting the release of endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body to relieve pain and promote happiness and well-being. Chiropractic adjustments can stimulate the release of endorphins, leading to an overall improvement in mood and emotional well-being. Dr. Oskardmay uses chiropractic adjustments to the spine, massage, and other modalities, including acupuncture, if warranted.

In addition, chiropractic care can also improve emotional health by improving sleep. The nervous system plays a crucial role in regulating sleep, and when it is under stress, it can lead to insomnia or other sleep disorders. Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce stress on the nervous system, promoting better sleep and overall emotional health. Good sleep is crucial to well-being.

Overall, chiropractic care is an effective treatment for improving emotional health. It can help reduce stress on the nervous system, promote the release of endorphins, and improve sleep, all of which can improve mood and emotional well-being. While it is not a replacement for traditional therapy or psychiatric care, it can be valuable to an overall treatment plan for vibrant health.

In conclusion, chiropractic is an effective way to help improve emotional health. It can help reduce stress on the nervous system, promote the release of endorphins, and improve sleep, all of which can improve mood and emotional well-being. While more research is needed to understand chiropractic care’s effects on emotional health, it is valuable to an overall treatment plan. Call (919) 929-1400, email or visit our website today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about chiropractic’s effect on emotional health. Located in Chapel Hill across from Wegmans in Eastowne Hills, our office is convenient and accessible. Serving the Triangle since 1995, Dr. Oskardmay looks forward to helping you with your healthcare needs.

Why Do We Need Sunshine Every Day?

sunshineThe title of this blog may sound silly- Why do we need sunshine every day? Our natural health medical practice emphasizes the benefits of natural healing and getting adequate sun exposure regularly is part of that. But why?

The World Health Organization reports that a very high percentage of the world’s disease burden is caused by deficient levels of UVR (the ultraviolet portion of sunlight). The WHO postulates that most musculoskeletal disorders and probably many autoimmune diseases and cancers are also due to inadequate sunlight. (Environ Health Perspect. 2008 May; 116(5):A197), whereas too much sunlight is responsible for a tiny percentage of deaths worldwide.

Sunlight activates Vitamin D production in our bodies. This crucial nutrient (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) regulates over a thousand genes in our bodies, including calcium metabolism, immune system, and neuromuscular system functioning. Additionally, the light rays coming from the sun stimulate the release of a hormone called serotonin in the brain, which boosts mood, helps us focus better, and feel calmer. When we don’t get enough sunlight, our bodies and minds suffer.

Many people are aware of the need to avoid sun over-exposure to avoid melanoma (skin cancer), but under exposure increases the risk of dying from Hodgkin‘s lymphoma, cancers of the breast, ovaries, colon, pancreas, prostate, and others. Paradoxically, getting enough sunlight also reduces melanoma risk. Additionally, there is a connection between getting adequate sunlight and reducing the risk of developing Multiple Sclerosis and even Type 1 Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and hypertension.

At the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we want patients to experience the healthy benefits of natural sunlight safely and effectively. Dr. Oskardmay advises patients to check with their dermatologist if they have any concerns about skin cancer or another sun-related disorder and to be aware of the need for daily sunlight.

The recommended amounts of natural sunlight start at 15” per day, which might seem easy to get, except when it is cloudy outside or when a person doesn’t go out when the sun is shining or wear so much protective clothing or sunscreen that they aren’t getting adequate sun exposure. Some people think they depend on nutritional supplements such as Vitamin D to compensate, but lack of Vitamin D may be just one part of the issue.

Our natural medicine healthcare clinic supports healthy sun exposure to improve many aspects of life. Call today at 919-929-1400 to see how natural healthcare can benefit you. Serving the Triangle since 1995, licensed acupuncturist and chiropractor Dr. Lisa Oskardmay is here for you. Call 919-929-1400, email, or go online to schedule 24 hours a day: Located just off Eastowne Rd in Chapel Hill, we look forward to serving your healthcare needs.


How to Make an Initial Appointment for Chiropractic or Acupuncture at Our Office

Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

At Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill, we pride ourselves on helping patients quickly get the carechiropractic or acupuncture appointment they need. Whether your health concerns need chiropractic care or acupuncture services, we are here to help. Healing starts when patients decide to get care and contact us. We strive to answer patient questions and make the initial appointment easily and quickly so that patients suffering from back pain, neck pain, headache, insomnia, and other conditions can find care. Read more to learn about how to make a chiropractic or acupuncture appointment at Acupractic Natural Healing Center.

Many people find us as a referral from another healthcare provider; a medical doctor or other professional recommends us, and we see patients that way. Alternatively, patients find us through their insurance plan’s list of participating providers or via a web search online for an alternative and complementary medicine services or other items. Regardless of how a person contacts us initially, the essential factor is to make that first call or email us.

Chiropractic or Acupuncture Appointment Office Hours

Our office hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 8:30-5:30, Wednesday 12:30—5:30, and Friday 8:30-12:30. If we don’t answer, leave a message- someone will return your call quickly. The ‘Schedule Now’ link on our website is another excellent option. If you need to leave a message or send us an email, you can be confident that we will do our best to safeguard your privacy both online and in-office. Leave your name and number and a brief description of your health needs. Whether you have shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, hip pain, or plantar fasciitis, we understand that you need care quickly to feel better and get back to the things you enjoy.

Once you make an appointment, our front desk staff will gather information to make the patient portal online, verify insurance coverage, and start the intake process. We generally send clinic invitations to the patient portal within three days of the initial appointment. Information we need includes name, telephone number, date of birth, and insurance numbers, if applicable.

Patient portal intake forms include medical questions about your health and well-being, health history, and medication usage. Please include any surgeries you’ve had, such as for herniated disc or shoulder impingement, and any medications or herbal supplements for conditions such as arthritis of the hands and neck, trouble sleeping, or other state.

Our front desk will verify insurance benefits and use best practices to determine coverage before care for any services covered. We participate in many insurance plans, including BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, and medicare. Many plans fully cover chiropractic care and, increasingly, acupuncture services at our offices. Since Dr. Lisa Oskardmay is licensed in both chiropractic as well as acupuncture in the state of North Carolina, we are happy to be able to offer these services to our patients under many insurance plans.

Healing begins at the start of care. Make that first contact with our office by phone at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit our website at to schedule your appointment today. We look forward to helping you soon!


Serving the communities of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Durham, Hillsborough, and the rest of the NC Triangle

205 Providence Rd. Chapel Hill NC 27514 | Phone: (919) 929-1400

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