Chiropractors, as skilled Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs), are adept at diagnosing and treating a wide range of pain conditions, from head to toe including headache pain. Their expertise lies in identifying the root cause of pain through comprehensive examinations and applying chiropractic techniques, such as adjustments and physical modalities, to alleviate pain.
For instance, cervicogenic headaches, which often result from neck injury or trauma, can be effectively managed with chiropractic care. By targeting the neck and its surrounding muscles and ligaments, chiropractic techniques like massage, traction, and gentle activator mobilization can help alleviate symptoms and restore pain-free neck motion.
When it comes to migraine headaches, chiropractors take a comprehensive approach. They not only help patients understand the underlying causes but also guide them in making beneficial lifestyle and postural changes. Additionally, they address complicated spinal subluxations, ensuring a holistic and effective treatment plan.
Suboccipital headaches often start as a throbbing pain behind one or both eyes. The suboccipital region of the neck is richly innervated and has many muscle attachments, allowing the head to twist and tilt. Computer use and other activities put a lot of strain on this delicate area, sometimes resulting in suboccipital headaches. Chiropractic adjustment and other physiotherapy applications help reduce pain and muscle fatigue in the head and neck.
TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Headache, is a pain in the head that accompanies intense clicking in the jaw, frequently as the result of stress, injury, or tooth grinding. Patients with TMJ pain under regular dental care can benefit from chiropractic care to help resolve muscle tightness in the head, neck, shoulders, and upper back accompanying this type of headache.
Rebound headaches occur following long-term use of migraine or other headache medication. Headache medication may help reduce pain for a brief while; however, many patients who take these medications for a longer time suffer rebound headaches. Chiropractic vertebral mobilization with massage and other physiotherapy modalities, such as TENS application, acupuncture, or cupping massage, will help reduce rebound headache symptoms. Regular chiropractic care can also help reduce the need for headache medication.
At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill, NC, we help patients with headaches in various ways. Using skillful chiropractic adjustments to the spine and extremities combined with physical therapy modalities and acupuncture where needed, we help resolve many headache symptoms. Additionally, Dr. Oskardmay provides beneficial exercises and instructs patients on lifestyle changes that reduce the need for medications, drugs, and other interventions. Call today to schedule your healthcare appointment. (919) 929-1400. Visit us 24 hours a day to schedule and learn more at