Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Many people experience pain in their neck, shoulders, and upper back. The cause of this pain may be a syndrome known as Upper Cross Syndrome. In Upper Cross Syndrome, weak muscles of the mid and upper back cause tightness in the pectoral and neck muscles. Pain and tightness across the upper body, neck, and shoulder regions result in reduced range of motion, stiffness, and neck achiness. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we help patients experiencing Upper Cross syndrome and other conditions using various natural healing methods, including chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture, massage, and other physical modalities.
The serratus and trapezius muscles cover much of the upper back. The serratus anterior muscle (so-called for its serrated knife appearance) originates at the upper nine ribs and attaches to the medial edge of the underside of the scapula. This muscle stabilizes the scapula, allowing boxers to punch and yoga practitioners to do plank exercises and other movements. Innervation for this vital muscle comes from the long thoracic nerve (C5-7), a branch of the brachial plexus. When a person experiences subluxation inflammation in the lower part of the neck where these nerves arise, it may affect the brachial plexus and these muscles.
The trapezius muscle is a back muscle that originates in the head and neck and covers the shoulders and part of the back. This large muscle stabilizes posture and moves and lifts the shoulders. Motor innervation to this vital muscle of postural stabilization and shoulder and neck movement comes from a cranial nerve called the spinal accessory nerve.
Weakness in the trapezius and serratus muscles happens from disuse or misuse of the muscles. Misuse of the muscles can occur when a person doesn’t stretch before exercise or uses the muscle beyond its capacity or for too long. Causes of weakness include inadequate muscle exercise, muscle trigger points, general body tightness, and improper nerve flow to the muscles. Improper nerve flow can result from poor spinal alignment, subluxation, and other factors. These can result in upper cross syndrome and tight neck and pectoral muscles.
As a licensed chiropractor, Dr. Oskardmay can help patients understand and heal the cause of their neck, upper back, and shoulder pain and tightness. She can mobilize specific vertebral segments associated with nerve and muscle flow to the involved head, neck, and shoulder areas using chiropractic adjustments. Additionally, massage, acupuncture, and other physical modalities and treatments help improve neck, back, and shoulder pain caused by upper cross syndrome. Call today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit our website at to schedule your appointment any time and learn more.