How to Relax Tight Muscles

At Acupractic Natural Healing, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill,how to relax tight muscles we strive to educate each patient about their body. Knowing how a treatment works help people get and feel better faster and improves the odds a person will do the necessary things at home to assist the process. Read more to learn how to relax tight muscles.

For example, take muscle tightness. Excessive muscle contraction is muscle fiber shortening at the wrong place and time we perceive as tightness, crampiness, and eventually pain. Muscles contract like a rachet shortens- actin and myosin filaments glide across one another like the teeth of the rachet, held in place with calcium cross-bridges. The compressed muscle fiber holds attached bones and ligaments in place to do work. Following contraction, muscles are supposed to relax and release tension as the actin and myosin filaments return to their precontracted state. Relaxation occurs when the nervous system sends signals to relax- both from the mind and the spinal cord in response to messages from opposing muscles. Magnesium stops calcium from holding the bound filaments, and the contraction stops.

The system generally works well. However, trouble ensues when muscles are tight for long periods, such as when they hold our bent heads up as we type. Also, muscle imbalance occurs when the body doesn’t have enough magnesium to relax the calcium cross-bridges. Also, the system’s trouble occurs when the mind doesn’t cooperate and allows the muscles to relax. When muscles don’t relax as needed, knots in the belly of the muscle crop up. Felt as hard nodules or spot tightness, areas of unrelenting muscle tightness hinder the muscle-ligament-bone system, resulting in weakness and pain. If left untreated, tight muscles, weakened ligaments, and altered bone movement can wreak havoc on the body and mind.

At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay helps patients identify which muscles need help. Going back to the source, she provides chiropractic adjustments to spinal segments supplying nerve input to injured areas. Additionally, using massage, gua sha, acupuncture including dry needle technique if needed, electrostimulation, and other therapies, Dr. Oskardmay helps resolve muscle tightness, cramping, and knots. She explains to patients ways they can support their musculoskeletal systems using nutrition and specific exercise and stretching programs. Many achieve relief from neck and back pain, headaches, and shoulder and hip pain following a treatment regimen at our office. They then come in for maintenance care to keep their spines, muscles, and ligaments in shape.

Call today to see how chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, and natural healthcare can help you feel better as we enter the new year. Accepting new patients, Acupracitc Natural Healing Center is one of Chapel Hill’s most established alternative medicine clinics serving the Triangle Since 1995. Contact us today to see how chiropractic and acupuncture can help you naturally live without pain. Call us at 919-929-1400 or visit us online at to learn more and schedule online 24 hours a day.

The Metal Channel in Acupuncture

Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

Helen Keller wrote, ‘We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in the world- those who have known suffering.’ In Chinese Medicine, the fall season relates to grief because autumn corresponds to the metal element, the time of grieving and decline, of letting go and preparing for the next season of winter and its death, followed by its eventual spring and renewal. Each season relates to an element: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay helps people feel better with an understanding of their connection to the natural world around and within them using Chinese Medicine acupuncture. Read more about the metal channel in acupuncture.

What is the Metal Channel in Acupuncture?

The metal element relates to declining. We see it as the leaves fall in autumn, the days get shorter and cooler, and we may sleep more and feel sad. The metal element relates to the organs of elimination- the lung and large intestine. Our lungs release carbon dioxide to take in fresh oxygen. Our guts release digested food we don’t absorb and make way for fresh nutrients. When the metal channel energy isn’t moving well, patients experience symptoms such as bloating, stress from toxicity, poor sleep, asthma or other breathing problems, dryness, and signs along the metal channel such as shoulder and wrist aches, pain between the shoulder blades, or headaches.

Discernment- knowing what is valuable and what is not, is another virtue of metal yin, the lungs. This helps us hold onto things we genuinely need and let go of things we need to release. We do this every day physically and mentally, and while we may grieve the letting go of some things, it is crucial to our well-being to do this. Chinese Medicine acupuncture helps patients by supporting the flow of chi along all the channels in the body so that the essential metal channel flows freely.

People who experience skin irritations, nasal congestion, bowel problems, and heightened sensitivity, especially during the autumn but anytime, exhibit symptoms of metal imbalance. Often patients also have trouble sleeping during the early morning hours; lack of vital sleep worsens symptoms. Grief is the emotion associated with the metal element. When a person has a problem with the feeling of grief that disrupts their life- either excessive grieving or the inability to experience grief, this frequently points to an imbalance in the metal channel. Any imbalance makes them more prone to other imbalances in areas the metal channel controls.

At Acupupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay since 1995, we recognize that healthcare is more than just getting a person out of pain. Healthcare concerns reflect people’s need to feel healthy, empowered, and aware of how they can be their best. At our natural medicine offices in Chapel Hill, Dr. Oskardmay works to help people understand the cause of their symptoms so that they can work together to improve their well-being. Call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or schedule online at to see how alternative medicine, chiropractic, and acupuncture can help you. Open Monday to Friday, we accept new patients and bill your insurance for covered acupuncture and chiropractic services.

Natural Care for Scoliosis

About 7 million Americans have scoliosis, a condition of unknown origin in which the spine is rotated or twisted sideways. While most people who have this incurable condition lead everyday lives, scoliosis can progress to the point where, in some, daily activities, exercise, and even breathing can be more difficult if spinal rotation advances to the end of lung compression. No one knows what causes this relatively common condition, although there may be a hereditary component. Physical and neurological exams, X-rays, and MRIs help identify these contributing factors. Spinal pain, back pain, and neck pain are relatively common in persons with the extra curvature seen in scoliosis, and alternative medicine can provide some relief. However, no treatment has been shown to prevent, cure, or fix scoliosis completely. Read more to learn about natural care for scoliosis.

With scoliosis, adding an extra curve to the ordinarily straight (from the front or back) spine adds degrees of rotation and spinal friction between vertebral joints. Depending on the degree of added curvature and other factors, fluid movement may suffer as inflammation builds up between spinal segments. Trigger points in attached muscles can occur, and connected ligaments and tendons suffer, often resulting in backache and weakness if the condition is left untreated. Spinal erosion and bone spurs that can arise will cause pain and reduced range of motion over time.

In young children whose curvature progresses rapidly and threatens internal organs, the medical profession often applies braces or rods to halt the progression until the child reaches full height. Otherwise, very few medical treatments are available, and many people receive little guidance related to their scoliosis diagnosis. Patients beyond adolescence often wonder if scoliosis is the cause of their back pain, headaches, and other body symptoms. Still, regular X-ray evaluation is ill-advised for most people, and many do not understand the condition’s progression over time.

At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay helps patients with scoliosis with a combination of natural therapies designed to identify and balance affected segments to reduce some of the stress imposed by scoliosis.

At our office, Dr. Oskardmay uses physical exams and spinal palpation to detect early spinal inflammation to direct balanced treatment. She evaluates posture and muscle strength, dermatomal balance, and other aspects of nerve integrity along the spinal cord to detect areas of inflammation and irritation. She applies chiropractic spinal mobilization, massage, and acupuncture to soothe pain and restore kinetic integrity where possible. While treatment will not remove the extra spinal curvature, it does help to mitigate side effects.

If you or your loved one has questions about natural chiropractic and acupuncture care for scoliosis, please get in touch with our office today. Call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit our website at Serving the Triangle since 1995 with effective holistic healthcare, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay are here for you in Chapel Hill, just off i-40 and across from Wegmans in Eastowne Professional Offices. We participate with BCBS, United Healthcare, Medicare, Aetna, Cigna, and Federal BCBS and submit claims on your behalf. We provide ample free handicapped accessible parking in front of our building. At Acupractic, we take the stress out of getting the care you need.

What is Gentle Acupuncture and How Does One Perform It?

Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

Gentle acupuncture is the type of acupuncture treatment Dr. Oskardmay utilizes for most patients in her chiropractic and acupuncture practice. Gentle acupuncture instills relaxation while establishing balanced qi flow. We find that most of our patients enjoy this type of acupuncture treatment that emphasizes calm and relaxation.

Chinese medicine recognizes the balance of forces in our minds and bodies- yin and yang. Yin is relaxation, sleep, and parasympathetic nervous system promotion in nature, whereas yang, is more active, awake, and more sympathetic jumpy system promoting. Gentle acupuncture resonates more with building yin or relaxation, thus allowing this healing aspect to increase. But how does acupuncture build yin?

There are many acupuncture points on the body- more than 365 on 12 main channels plus others. Point selection is one aspect of building yin and one we will not cover here. One can build yin using any point, though some are better than others, and each person’s situation is unique. Ideas such as the number of needles used, insertion depth, needle size or gauge, patient positioning on the table (or chair), treatment duration, room ambiance, and sound messaging all matter. She precedes each treatment with palpation and massage to bring clarity and understanding to the cure for the client and herself. Dr. Oskardmay uses specific acupuncture techniques and treatment room qualities to enhance yin and relaxation.

How Gentle Acupuncture is Performed

For instance, we use approximately ten acupuncture needles per treatment to provide an elegant treatment that relaxes the mind-body. Dr. Oskardmay generally inserts the points about 1-3 mm- her goal is not to achieve intense patient reaction nor tremendous sensation at any moment. She understands that some practitioners feel they get good results in that manner, but she finds the opposite at most points and in most situations. Similarly, she finds that most patients relax well with minor needle use- 36 gauge or less as used in our office. On the rare occasion someone needs DNT, dry needling technique, or trigger point acupuncture; she may use larger or longer sources.

Most patients find resting on our padded table in the supine or face-up position most relaxing, and we strive to choose points that accommodate that position. We utilize anti-gravity tables to ensure comfort when point selection or patient comfort mandates the prone or face-down posture. If a patient requests treatment from a seating position, we also provide comfortable chairs that recline if necessary. Most patients can better relax in private treatment rooms, which we provide. We generally leave the needles in for about 20″ to get the best results and leave a call button nearby if someone needs to get up for any reason. We play calm music and suggest that all patients turn off their cell phones so they can also relax. Sometimes, the client wants to hear their music during treatment, and we allow that, too.

Dr. Oskardmay wants to help each person realize and access their healing response using acupuncture and other techniques in our office. She uses gentle acupuncture, as outlined above, to that end. Call today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or schedule online at anytime to learn how peaceful; effective acupuncture can help you. Serving the Triangle since 1995, licensed in acupuncture and chiropractic, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay looks forward to assisting you.

Thumb Pain Treatment Using Chiropractic and Acupuncture

Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

The thumb is a necessary human appendage we use for many activities. From opening doors to driving, writing, typing, and cooking, we use our shortest, widest digit daily. Injuring the thumb affects our ability to communicate, travel, work, and play. Treatment of thumb pain, therefore, is crucial. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, we take thumb pain seriously and bring the most effective alternative medicine methods to each patient to heal thumb pain naturally, quickly, and effectively. Learn more about thumb pain treatment using chiropractic and acupuncture.

Diagnosing Thumb Pain

Nerves from the spine sending messages to the thumb arise from the sixth cervical level, the lower part of the neck. Dr. Oskardmay palpates the cervical spine to determine if potential irritation at this level influences thump pain. Spine irritation arising from vertebral subluxation and inflammation, tight neck and shoulder muscles, herniated discs, or other factors will pressure the nerves and affect pain and strength in the thumb and surrounding tissues. Dr. Oskardmay uses chiropractic adjustment to correct the vertebral imbalance. By applying specific movements to spinal segments using either an activator device or a hands-on maneuver, she works to improve nerve transmission to the thumb. Treatment of the spine sets the stage for further healing.

Additionally, she performs other orthopedic tests to isolate additional potential causes of thumb pain. Conditions such as thoracic outlet syndrome, carpel tunnel syndrome, brachial neuritis, tennis elbow, and others influence thumb pain. The pain may not start in the thumb, but it feels like it sometimes does. Proper treatment has to start with an appropriate diagnosis, and determining the cause of the problem helps her fix it. When shoulder, arm, elbow, or wrist issues cause thumb malfunction, she can address those issues using various treatment methods, including ice, heat, massage, electrical stimulation, gua sha and cupping massage, and acupuncture.

Sometimes overuse and injury are the cause of thumb pain. Dr. Oskardmay reviews patient history combined with examination to assess the likelihood of thumb injury stemming from these causes or a combination of the above.

In addition, she inquires and examines for acupuncture meridian channel imbalance which affects healing on many levels. For patients interested in acupuncture, she can utilize this ancient healing art to bring relief to the thumb and other joint pain. Acupuncture diagnosis considers several aspects one doesn’t usually consider when viewing health through the western lens. Dr. Oskardmay may inquire regarding sleep and eating habits, mood and seasonal stress level, types of allergies you experience, and many other things, in addition to a physical exam to identify where imbalance exists before she begins an acupuncture treatment. Many people enjoy the combined benefit of chiropractic and acupuncture, but let her know your preferences.

Thumb pain can stem from a variety of causes. Make sure your care provider understands the source before treating the symptom. Call our office today at (919) 929-1400, email us at, or visit our website at to learn more about thumb pain treatment using chiropractic and acupuncture and get the care you need. In practice since 1995, providing trusted alternative medicine, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay is licensed in both acupuncture and chiropractic to give you the best support.

A Look Inside the Education Requirements for Chiropractors in North Carolina

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

Many patients seeking alternative medicine healthcare recognize chiropractors as leaders in the field but still have questions about the qualifications of the doctor of chiropractic. Chiropractors are recognized as licensed physicians in the state of NC. Over the years, there has been some misinformation and misunderstanding about this profession. Still, as time passes and more patients receive care covered by their health insurance and provided by fully licensed chiropractors, they understand they are in safe hands. But what are the education requirements for chiropractors, and how do they compare to medical doctors?

Persons seeking to become chiropractic physicians in North Carolina must meet specific education requirements for chiropractors before they are allowed to assume the title of Doctor of Chiropractic. The North Carolina Board of Chiropractic Examiners, established in 1917 by the NC General Assembly, receives and reviews applications for potential chiropractors and promotes continuing education opportunities for the profession following licensure to benefit and protect the people of the state.

Education Requirements for Chiropractors 

Practitioners attend a four-year undergraduate program emphasizing science and pre-med courses before attending chiropractic school. This education provides a strong background for the future chiropractic physician who will enter one of the 20 accredited chiropractic schools in the United States today. The US Department of Education, through its Council on Chiropractic Education and Commission on Accreditation, authorizes the quality standards of training offered by chiropractic colleges.

Entrants to chiropractic colleges spend the next ten trimesters over three and a half to four years learning many of the same things medical doctors know: anatomy, physiology, histology, cell physiology, biochemistry, cardiology, digestion, metabolism, nutrition, microbiology, neuromusculoskeletal diagnosis, skeletal radiology, x-ray procedures and soft tissue radiology, pediatrics, gerontology, differential diagnosis, and patient care and management. Chiropractors spend additional time learning chiropractic philosophy and hands-on methods related to palpation and training in the adjustment technique. During their latter trimesters, students participate in student clinics under the auspices of a faculty clinician.

Chiropractors must pass the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners exam parts 1,2,3,4 covering science, clinical science, diagnostics, examination, patient care management, x-ray interpretation, diagnosis, chiropractic techniques, and case management. Successful applicants can start practice either on their own or do an internship or apprenticeship with another doctor.

Each year, chiropractors must undertake additional continuing education to maintain their licenses. Topics such as spinal pain management, plantar fasciitis treatment with exercise and orthotics, nutrition therapy, and clinical diagnosis in the digital age benefit practitioners. Other topics covered in continuing education might be Foot Levelers orthotics, headaches, or shoulder pain treatment presented by qualified trainers to supplement the doctor’s knowledge and keep her up to date. Chiropractic physicians receive documentation demonstrating their active licensure, and the NCBOCE maintains a dynamic list of licensed chiropractic doctors that anyone can check.

If you or a loved one is interested in choosing a chiropractor to provide healthcare, have confidence in your choice. Call us with more questions at (919) 929-1400 or or visit our website to schedule an appointment. The chiropractic and acupuncture office of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay is here for you.

How Relaxation Heals the Body and Mind

At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay frequently advises patients to relax while receiving treatment. Relaxation benefits the healing response in many ways and is central to the goals of some treatments at our office. People have questions about the topic of relaxation that we discuss in this blog post. Read more to learn how relaxation heals the body and mind.

According to Webster’s Dictionary, relaxation means to ‘meditate or focus on calmness. ‘In a world filled with anxiety, rushing about, and stress, the experience of peace can bring needed change. The act of relaxation allows individuals to let go of stress which is crucial because the stress response is harmful. Realizing the benefits of letting go of focus is the first step in undertaking the steps necessary to relax.

Each of us relaxes in our way, and each person needs to know how to achieve inner peace. Some people relax through sitting and meditating, others through reading or walking, others yet by singing or chanting or listening to music. Some people achieve calm in the presence of their pets, others while bathing in scented Epsom salts. There are many different ways to relax. Whether you refer to it as relaxing, meditating, zoning out, chilling, praying, or something else, knowing what brings you peace is essential.

People have asked if they need to be religious to pray or meditate to relax. The answer is No. Calm thinking, meditating on favorable aspects, and praying for peacefulness are available to each person regardless of their belief system and have nothing to do with religion. People of all walks of life can achieve calm.

At our chiropractic and acupuncture office, Dr. Oskardmay counsels patients to focus on breathing when it is time to relax. Doing so gives the mind something to do, which allows the so-called ‘monkey mind’ to change.

We generally relax while asleep, but nighttime and sleep are not the only times when calm relaxation benefits us. When we are calm and relaxed, the parasympathetic aspect of our nervous system comes to the forefront. The flow of blood increases around our body, providing more vital energy. Achieving a calm state reduces blood pressure and heart rate, which relieves tension in the whole body and mind. We can think more clearly, which aids positive thinking, memory and decision making, and concentration.

At our office, people frequently enter a deep state of relaxation during treatment, similar to sleep. Natural healing techniques in our office enhance balance in the body systems and body awareness- nervous, circulatory, and endocrine systems benefit from alternative medicine and the relaxation response it fosters and emphasizes. Following treatment, whether with chiropractic or acupuncture, patients who have come to us for back pain, headaches, neck and shoulder tightness, and discomfort generally report improved wellbeing following a treatment. Dr. Oskardmay counsels patients to strive to continue to use calm for a few hours after their visit to support their well-being. Whether you relax, pray, meditate, do yoga, walk in nature or something else, accept the relaxation response as a benefit.

Call our office at  (919) 929-1400 to learn more about how relaxation heals the body and mind or to schedule your appointment today visit us any time on the web:

What to Expect Following Initial Treatment at Our Office

Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC

Whether you come to Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill for back pain, neck discomfort, headache, stress relief, or other symptoms, it is our goal that you experience some relief following your initial visit. Dr. Lisa Oskardmay uses alternative medicine treatments such as chiropractic and acupuncture to help your body heal itself from the first visit onward. While treatment results may not be dramatic, most people start feeling better after their initial experience at our office.

During the first encounter, Dr. Oskardmay palpates the back, neck, and other areas and performs other hands-on diagnostic procedures that give her and the patient insight into the cause of discomfort and pain. Rarely do some people feel a bit sore after the hands-on exam and initial treatment, and this discomfort is short-lived, and people come to understand the connection between pain and its source in new ways. This experience is healing for many, and most patients relate improved sleep even after their experience with alternative medicine at Acupractic Natural Healing Center.

Dr. Oskardmay generally provides patients with self-care exercises, nutrition advice, and other take-home activities from the first visit. Patients who keep track of and strive to follow the suggestions find results more quickly. She provides tailored treatments and home self-care suggestions for each person because each person is unique and has obstacles to healing. Sometimes she advises patients to stretch a certain way or to avoid specific movements or other activities to support recovery. She may recommend patients include or even eliminate certain foods or even vitamins to enhance better digestion, sleep, and overall well-being. If you experience worsening symptoms, discomfort, or just have questions about anything, let us know before your next visit, if possible. Call at (919) 929-1400 or email us your questions or concerns anytime at

A licensed chiropractic physician and acupuncturist serving the Triangle community since 1995, Dr. Oskardmay enjoys helping people start feeling better from day 1. She believes that listening to each person’s health journey and the story is the first step on that voyage. From the start, she strives to understand what each person needs to feel better and help provide that healing environment. Call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit our website at to schedule your appointment today.

What to Expect on Your First Chiropractic Visit

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

If this is your first visit to a chiropractor, or if you have visited several different doctors of chiropractic over the years, we invite you to relax during your first visit and after that. Our goal is your well-being and comfort as we strive to help you feel better. Read more to learn what to expect on your first chiropractic visit.

Many people do not know what to expect during a visit with a chiropractor. At our Chapel Hill chiropractic office, you learn how the spine protects the vital spinal cord that sends messages to every body part, how spinal irritations called subluxations interfere with that nerve transmission, and how the chiropractic adjustment resolves vertebral imbalance. A chiropractor since 1995, Dr. Oskardmay enjoys explaining what she does to improve health. Every vertebral unit is essential, and pain in the neck or back deserves care to ensure proper nerve transmission. Subluxations can have far-reaching implications because nerves travel everywhere in the body. Dr. Oskardmay strives to restore and maintain each patient’s health using natural, hands-on chiropractic care.

What to Expect During Exam and Treatment on Your First Chiropractic Visit

Dr. Oskardmay examines each patient in a private exam room at our office. Examination generally takes about 25”, though this varies based on complexity. She listens as patients describe their healthcare challenges and incorporates information from the intake forms with exam findings to determine treatment needs. The examination includes movement and range of motion assessment, spine and extremity palpation, neurologic and orthopedic testing, and other aspects as guided by each person’s presentation and health history. Although many people come into our office with a specific ache or pain, such as headache, neck pain, shoulder stress, or hip or back discomfort, patients soon discover that holistic chiropractic care benefits the whole body while undoing local pain.

We ask that patients bring in or tell us about past medical tests such as x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and even laboratory testing so that we can incorporate this information into the clinical presentation and reduce the need for further testing, where possible. We can request medical records where necessary and even order tests from nearby facilities when needed.

Dr. Oskardmay likes to leave patients in a more comfortable space after their initial visit. She provides initial treatment to each patient before they go, including massage and gentle activator spinal mobilization. She may make some home health suggestions related to nutrition or exercise to do before the next visit, as well. We invite patients to schedule follow-up appointments at the front desk before leaving. Most patients benefit from continued care for a few weeks, followed by eventual maintenance care.

At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, a premier Chapel Hill Chiropractic Care Clinic since 1995, we believe each person deserves to live life fully and strive to help them on every spinal level. Call today to see how natural, hands-on care can make a change for you. Accepting new patients, we are here for you. Call today (919) 929-1400, or visit our website 24 hours a day to learn more, read patient reviews, and send us an email appointment request.


How to Prepare for Your Initial Chiropractor Visit

Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC

People choose to schedule chiropractic healthcare at our office for many reasons. We help people feel better, recover from injury more quickly and achieve improved balance and stability using natural, hands-on chiropractic care. Our front desk help provides seamless billing assistance, and we participate with many insurance companies for your convenience. We have helped thousands of patients in the Durham, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh region since opening in 1995, and we look forward to assisting you. Check out our blog to learn more about how Dr. Oskardmay helps patients with back pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, stress, insomnia, and more. Read or watch our many online reviews to hear individual experiences with care provided at our office. Read more to learn how to prepare for your initial chiropractor visit.

Call (919) 929-1400 or email to schedule your visit to make the most of your time. We are open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:30 am to 5:30, Wednesday from 12:30-5:30, and Friday from 8:30-12:30 by appointment. Please allow up to 60” for your initial visit. Try to arrive on time, and if you need to cancel or reschedule, please provide 24 hours notice as a courtesy to everyone involved.

Preparation for Your Initial Visit with Your Chiropractor

Once you make an appointment, we will send you a confirmation email with an invitation to join our patient portal using your name and the date of birth you provided. Please try to complete the intake forms at home before coming in to assure you have adequate time with us and to ensure the accuracy of the information. Complete each section fully, being sure to list surgical history, medications you take, and family health history. If you cannot complete the intake forms online before you come in, please arrive 15″ early to do so in the office. Upon arrival, there may be additional pages to complete, and we will get other relevant biometric data from you upon arrival. Bring any X-rays and further appropriate medical testing for Dr. Oskardmay to review. She will determine if any additional medical testing is required for your care. If needed, you may have someone accompany you to the office. Children under 18 need a parent or guardian present at the initial appointment.

Please have your insurance information ready, so we can verify your benefits before you come in. If you like, you can send us a picture of the front and back of your insurance card. Be sure to bring your insurance, photo ID, and form of payment in with you for your first visit. Our front desk assistant will explain your insurance coverage benefits and responsibilities as soon as that information is known.

Our address is 205 Providence Rd in Chapel Hill. Located at the apex of Providence Road, our office is serenely situated in natural surroundings. Ample free parking is available in front of our building, and the unit is handicapped-accessible. We have comfortable shirts and shorts for you to change into if needed and convenient restroom facilities.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions before you come in. We look forward to helping you with natural chiropractic care. Call (919) 929-1400, email or visit our website to schedule your appointment today.

Serving the communities of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Durham, Hillsborough, and the rest of the NC Triangle

205 Providence Rd. Chapel Hill NC 27514 | Phone: (919) 929-1400

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