Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
At the acupuncture and chiropractic clinics of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill, we understand that many of our patients have never used acupuncture therapy before and may have the question “what does acupuncture feel like?”. Also, some people have had acupuncture treatment performed by different practitioners in the US and other countries and may wonder what to expect at our office.
Acupuncture at our offices is a relaxing treatment designed to ease mental and physical tensions. Dr. Oskardmay uses conversation and physical exam before each treatment to help determine the best treatment options; she uses channel theory related to physical and emotional concerns to choose points. Hands-on palpation and discussion of stress points help doctor and patient understand where imbalance exists to ensure that acupuncture treatment feels relaxing.
Acupuncture Treatment
The treatment room design is comforting, as well. Ambient room temperature, gentle spa music combined with comfortable anti-gravity treatment tables help relax the body and mind. We invite patients to change into commodious clinic clothing available, as needed. A call button is available to request assistance during treatment.
The acupuncture needle is a single-use, sterile, ultra-thin (32-36 gauge) device. Dr. Oskardmay, like all licensed acupuncturists, uses Clean Needle Technique to ensure patient safety. A small hand-held insertion tube guides the acupuncture needle into skin regions, and most patients do not feel the initial insertion of the acupuncture needle.
Depending on tissue and depth and texture and point function and treatment goal, Dr. Oskardmay may mobilize the needle somewhat. Some patients experience a sensation of a dull ache or de qi as the needles remain in the skin for 15-20” time duration, although that is not always the case, and the sensation may come and go. Most patients can relax on the treatment table for the duration of the experience, in a nonmoving, meditative state and profound repose. When Dr. Oskardmay removes the needles, most patients do not feel this process.
Dr. Oskardmay explains each procedure before using acupuncture to help individuals know what to expect. Suppose you are new to this ancient therapy. In that case, you can be confident that you are in good hands at Acupractic Natural Healing Center and Acupuncture at Eastowne. For more than 27 years, Dr. Oskardmay has provided safe and effective alternative medicine therapy. Please note that the description of acupuncture treatment above does not necessarily pertain to DNT or Dry Needling Technique. However, upon request and patient need, Dr. Oskardmay is trained to provide that aspect of care that utilizes acupuncture needles but in a different, more vigorous way.
Visit us online to learn more about how acupuncture and chiropractic can help you feel better. Call 919 929-1400 during office hours or schedule online at 24 hours a day. We look forward to serving your healthcare needs.