At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill, we provide care, including chiropractic adjustive therapy, that heals on many levels. In addition to supporting nerve function to the spine, arms, and legs, spinal mobilization of the back affects the aspect of the nervous system involved in autonomic control of blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, and sweating. This latter autonomic nervous system (ANS) component has important implications related to relaxation, allowing healing and rest.
The ANS relates to everything our nervous system controls without our conscious input and is divided into the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).
As the diagram from Merck Manuals shows, the SNS in bundles of nerves called ganglia that reside alongside the midback region of the body, basically the thoracic spine region near the ribs. The PNS resides in ganglia above and below the SNS, that is, in the upper neck or cervical spine region and the lower sacral spine. Chiropractic adjustment to these vital areas will influence the functioning of the ANS.
For example, when Dr. Oskardmay applies adjustment therapy (aka spinal manipulation) to the thoracic spine region between the shoulder blades, most patients feel a tremendous relaxation of their whole body. A similar response occurs following lower back and neck mobilization, which incidentally or without audible release noise. Although the adjustment reduces pain and tightness in the muscles of the region adjustment, the vertebral mobilization also affects the ANS, and relaxation ensues. Mobilization repositions vertebrae, relaxes connected muscles and ligaments in regions near the SNS and PNS nerve ganglia. The immediate rebalancing of the ANS creates overall body and mind relaxation following an adjustment. The effects can be profound.
Some people benefit from manual hands-on chiropractic adjustments, whereas others prefer the Activator technique. Whichever method of chiropractic vertebral adjustment Dr. Oskardmay employs, relaxation is possible. When the relation is possible, healing is possible. A look at the diagram provided demonstrates the potential implications of ANS influence. By way of example, consider what happens to the body and mind when the SNS is overstimulated by stress, and the flight or fight response occurs. Stress impairs digestion, sugar control, weight gain, wound healing, mental clarity, and pain, to name a few. Suppose the chiropractic adjustment can help balance the ANS by influencing the paraspinal ganglia in the adjustment regions. In that case, this explains the healing response experienced by so many at our office and chiropractic offices everywhere.
Call today at 919-929-1400 to schedule your healing appointment. Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, celebrating 30 years of chiropractic and acupuncture to Triangle residents. Or visit us anytime online at to learn more and request an appointment.