Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Helen Keller wrote, ‘We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in the world- those who have known suffering.’ In Chinese Medicine, the fall season relates to grief because autumn corresponds to the metal element, the time of grieving and decline, of letting go and preparing for the next season of winter and its death, followed by its eventual spring and renewal. Each season relates to an element: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay helps people feel better with an understanding of their connection to the natural world around and within them using Chinese Medicine acupuncture. Read more about the metal channel in acupuncture.
What is the Metal Channel in Acupuncture?
The metal element relates to declining. We see it as the leaves fall in autumn, the days get shorter and cooler, and we may sleep more and feel sad. The metal element relates to the organs of elimination- the lung and large intestine. Our lungs release carbon dioxide to take in fresh oxygen. Our guts release digested food we don’t absorb and make way for fresh nutrients. When the metal channel energy isn’t moving well, patients experience symptoms such as bloating, stress from toxicity, poor sleep, asthma or other breathing problems, dryness, and signs along the metal channel such as shoulder and wrist aches, pain between the shoulder blades, or headaches.
Discernment- knowing what is valuable and what is not, is another virtue of metal yin, the lungs. This helps us hold onto things we genuinely need and let go of things we need to release. We do this every day physically and mentally, and while we may grieve the letting go of some things, it is crucial to our well-being to do this. Chinese Medicine acupuncture helps patients by supporting the flow of chi along all the channels in the body so that the essential metal channel flows freely.
People who experience skin irritations, nasal congestion, bowel problems, and heightened sensitivity, especially during the autumn but anytime, exhibit symptoms of metal imbalance. Often patients also have trouble sleeping during the early morning hours; lack of vital sleep worsens symptoms. Grief is the emotion associated with the metal element. When a person has a problem with the feeling of grief that disrupts their life- either excessive grieving or the inability to experience grief, this frequently points to an imbalance in the metal channel. Any imbalance makes them more prone to other imbalances in areas the metal channel controls.
At Acupupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay since 1995, we recognize that healthcare is more than just getting a person out of pain. Healthcare concerns reflect people’s need to feel healthy, empowered, and aware of how they can be their best. At our natural medicine offices in Chapel Hill, Dr. Oskardmay works to help people understand the cause of their symptoms so that they can work together to improve their well-being. Call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or schedule online at to see how alternative medicine, chiropractic, and acupuncture can help you. Open Monday to Friday, we accept new patients and bill your insurance for covered acupuncture and chiropractic services.