Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Patients seeking healthcare have many questions related to the cost of care. In addition to the above question, people want to know how much insurance covers natural healthcare services such as chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage. What must I do to get my insurance to cover chiropractic or acupuncture care? At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill, NC, you deserve answers to these questions, and we help you whenever possible to navigate the sometimes complicated world of insurance coverage for care at our office. This includes gathering your insurance information and verifying benefits before you come in and using electronic billing methods to submit bills quickly, which we believe leads to happier, healthier, and less stressed patients.
Patients have deductibles, copays, and coinsurance amounts related to different aspects of care. We advise patients to familiarize themselves with their insurance plans, coverage limitations, and benefits related to their health needs. We also help patients understand their coverage to the best of our abilities by verifying benefits before the first visit, where possible. Patients appreciate our help in understanding coverage benefits and limitations, but sometimes, we must wait until a claim is processed before we fully know the plan details. We know many of the questions to ask, but sometimes, insurance plan changes alter that knowledge.
Some of the insurance plan changes we encounter include patient deductibles, how many deductibles a patient has, whether an insurance company will pay for specific treatments we offer or required examinations, and whether an insurance company covers certain condition types, to name a few. We participate with popular insurance plans to provide needed care to patients, and we can assimilate their changes rapidly. Our ability to quickly adapt to these changes reassures patients of our clinic’s adaptability and commitment to their care. We utilize electronic health billing to submit claims rapidly and get answers quickly.
We see our participation in various insurance plans in the Raleigh Durham area as a benefit for our patients and us. We understand that insurance companies want their clients, our patients, to be healthy and that insurance plans value our participation because patients get better under our care using chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, and other natural modalities. Our commitment to working together to navigate the ever-changing insurance markets is essential to help improve everyone’s health and well-being. We want our patients to feel valued and cared for, and we are dedicated to helping them achieve their health goals.
Call today at (919) 929-1400 or visit our website at to see how alternative medicine practices at Acupractic Natural Healing can help you and your loved ones feel better naturally. Serving the Triangle since 1995, we look forward to your call. Also, visit us on the web to learn more about how holistic healthcare benefits you, read our blog, look at our reviews, and schedule 24 hours a day.