Acupuncture Treatment of Foot Pain
Acupuncture treatments can help foot pain in many ways. As a trained acupuncturist, Dr. Oskardmay uses Chinese medicine techniques such as acupuncture point stimulation and gua sha or cupping massage on energetic pathways connected with the feet. Applying essential oils to massage techniques hastens the recovery process and soothes the foot structure. She can mobilize the back to improve posture and restore nerve flow to the feet, as well. At the offices of Dr. Oskardmay, your feet are in good hands!
Foot pain results from a variety of conditions. Problems in the feet themselves or in a connected area such as the back or legs can create foot pain. Injury, problematic footwear choices, overuse or even underuse can cause foot issues. Pain avoidance movements cause posture to shift, affecting other body areas. As our point of contact with the earth, our feet serve the undeniably important balancing function for our entire being; muscle aches in any connected area affect posture, balance, and strength throughout the body. Dr. Oskardmay works to help restore integrity to connected body areas using acupuncture and other mobilizing techniques.
Chinese medicine acupuncture recognizes that energetic pathways travel from head to foot in specific ways. Imbalance of energetic qi flow in these meridians causes pain and disease along the pathways. Channels affecting the feet include those related to the elements water, wood and earth. The water channel travels from the ears to the feet along the front and back of the body; the only point on the bottom of the foot is a water point. The wood channel resonates with the sides of the body and travels from the eyes to the foot, whereas the earth channels are situated on the front of the body, passing from the mouth to the feet.
Acupuncture treatment applied to points along each pathway affects the feet which also means that one need not have acupuncture needles inserted into the feet to get results. For instance, Dr. Oskardmay will frequently use points along with the head, back or hips to affect the channels and achieve treatment goals for foot pain if needle insertion at the tender feet is a concern. Alternately, she can use essential oil massage and cupping along the back and legs and feet to soothe these tight areas and restore blood flow and relaxation to the lower extremities.
Foot pain often precedes or is preceded by back pain. Dr. Lisa recognizes this connection and can adjust misaligned spinal segments of the low back. She can mobilize the feet themselves and use massage techniques on the attached muscles. These techniques and others help reduce painful conditions like plantar fasciitis and heel pain. Her treatments support other care options you may choose such as podiatry or other orthopedic measures.
Acupuncture techniques for foot pain are supportive and beneficial. Call us at Acupractic to get more information or for an appointment with Dr. Lisa Oskardmay.