Acupuncture Can Help Your Foot Pain
At Acupractic NHC Chiropractic and Acupuncture, the offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we seek to treat foot pain in a holistic manner using hands-on, natural methods and techniques. Foot pain can arise from a variety of sources- exercise, footwear, weight changes, work or other activity changes, injury, even systemic illness or pain in the hips, back or legs can affect the feet. Chapel Hill, NC foot pain doctor, Dr. Lisa, will take a thorough history, evaluate your stance and gait and palpate involved muscles and ligaments to get to the source of the problem. As a licensed acupuncturist, she will assess channels of energy flow affecting the feet to seek additional means to help you. Acupuncture, massage, nutrition, and exercise prescription all help you heal better faster and get back on your feet!
As a foot pain doctor in Chapel Hill, NC can explain, it is essential to acknowledge that foot pain is unlike other types of pain because we have a hard time resting our feet. Rest is a component of yin energy, unlike yang which associates with activity and motion. For that reason, foot pain is stressful in ways other types of pain are not; treatment aimed at restoring yin energies using acupuncture, essential oil application, nutrition changes, and massage can be especially helpful. It may not be beneficial to `exercise more` when you have foot pain in the beginning because that can contribute to more foot injury. Additionally, deep tissue massage or trigger point therapy from a foot pain doctor in Chapel Hill, NC to the feet themselves may not be the first step to take when the feet hurt; later, that may be more appropriate. Acupuncture point selection at points distal to the feet themselves along specific dedicated channels such as earth, wood or water may make more sense than needles insertion directly on the feet themselves at the initial stages, as well. Dr. Oskardmay will evaluate your body needs and develop a healing approach that makes sense for you.
If you suffered an injury that caused foot pain, be sure to tell Chapel Hill, NC foot pain doctor, Dr. Lisa. She can make footwear recommendations to support foot structure needs and help evaluate current foot- leg -hip- back- muscle balance to get to the root cause of the problem. She can even cast your feet to make Foot Levelers Orthotics if you wish. Foot pain arising from injury to other body parts can be hard to handle because the pain didn’t start in the feet, but it went there because posture and balance of the entire body affect the feet.
Be sure to mention if you have foot pain when you come in for your next appointment at Acupractic NHC Chiropractic and Acupuncture. Your feet affect the entire body and affect you in many ways. Contact a foot pain doctor in Chapel Hill, NC today.