Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Many patients experience one-sided stomach aches and pain, and other symptoms. When symptoms predominantly afflict the right side of one’s body, this can suggest that we regard certain internal conditions that relate to the right laterality. This is partly due to the location of specific organs and connected referral patterns. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, Dr. Oskardmay utilizes palpation and other diagnostic techniques to determine the cause of pain and then treats appropriately. Learn more about what causes right-sided body pain.
Right-sided Body Pain
Right-sided upper abdominal pain can indicate an ulcer, especially if dull burning pain is bloating, burping, poor appetite, and weight loss. Dr. Oskardmay will ask about bacterial infections and NSAID usage, which can cause peptic ulcers. She may suggest alternative treatments, including specific dietary changes to alleviate stomach pain. Additionally, she will adjust spinal segments related to the stomach to improve nerve input and nutrition to vital areas and suggest exercises to improve digestion. Acupuncture treatment restores qi flow to stagnant meridians and organs to support overall body wellness and reduce the need for NSAIDs.
Lower abdominal pain on the right side can indicate appendicitis, a medical condition that frequently requires emergency surgery to remove the inflamed appendix before it ruptures. A hallmark of appendicitis is fever; we recommend that patients with lower right-sided abdominal pain and a fever check with their medical doctors as soon as possible.
One other common cause of lower right-sided abdominal pain is IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, especially if GI symptoms such as bloating, gassiness, and a change in bowel habits accompany the pain. Dr. Oskardmay will palpate the abdominal area and inquire regarding digestion symptoms to reach a diagnosis. While it may take a further medical examination to differentiate between IBS and Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis, and other conditions, right-sided lower abdominal pain frequently indicates IBS. Dr. Oskardmay can help patients improve IBS symptoms using nutrition and exercise prescriptions and chiropractic adjustment to the back to reduce muscle tightness and improve nerve flow to the small and large intestines. She also provides acupuncture treatment to balance yin and yang qi flow along the involved channels to relax the body and mind to improve overall health.
The right side of the body also connects with the liver and gall bladder meridians, or wood channel in Chinese medicine. Pain in the right side of the twelfth rib area, near the physical liver and gallbladder nestled in its lobes, suggests wood channel imbalance. Specific areas on the foot along the wood yin channel also indicate an imbalance in this crucial pathway. Dr. Oskardmay will assess particular areas to help you understand the underlying cause of pain and make treatment suggestions to help you achieve better health. Using chiropractic and acupuncture to improve nerve and qi flow, she can help reduce pain and prevent worsening symptoms. When needed, she will refer patients to other providers.
At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay strives to understand the cause of one-sided body aches and pains, including right-sided body pain, to provide the best care. Call 919-929-1400, visit our website at, or email today to schedule an appointment or learn more.