Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture healthcare clinics of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill, we do a complete exam before treatment. Part of the exam is getting a list of current medications. Dr. Oskardmay needs to know which drugs a person takes because sometimes medications have side effects that can affect one’s health and even impact the treatment plan at our office. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are popular medications with crucial health implications we discuss here. Germs and viruses abound in everyone’s world, and each of us needs to use caution in our choice of healing method to deal with them because sometimes the cure is worse than the illness. Read more to learn about fluoroquinolone antibiotics and cartilage weakness.
What are Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics?
Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics with broad-spectrum applicability; MDs prescribe these drugs for various health problems: cold, flu, sinusitis, other infections. The drugs are effective, hence their popularity. Nonetheless, fluoroquinolones also have problematic side effects, one of which is newly appreciated in the literature and relates to the destruction of cartilage in various body areas. Most people – patients and providers alike, are unaware of this side effect, despite FDA concerns and ‘black box’ designations warning providers to limit the usage of F antibiotics.
Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics and Cartilage Weakness
Some areas where we see cartilage weakness affect health include abdominal aorta resulting in the aneurysm, Achilles tendon resulting in Achilles tendonitis, and possibly even cervical ligament resulting in neck pain and other conditions. This latter concerning fact can relate to the prevalence of neck pain and instability, shoulder aches, cervical disc degeneration, cervical nerve root compression, resulting neuropathy, elbow tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other conditions related to neck cartilage. The harmful effect of fluoroquinolones antibiotics on cartilage impacts the body in many different ways.
The way fluoroquinolone antibiotics destroy cartilage appears to be related to the nutrition of this vital structure. Immediately following the use of this drug, cartilage weakness may begin. After one stops use of the antibiotic, healing begins. The body is a fantastic thing, and each of us can heal from injury and disease. Dr. Oskardmay provides chiropractic adjustment, massage, acupuncture, and other techniques to restore movement and nutrition to injured cartilage, which helps to facilitate healing on many levels.
Medications have the potential to change the body in good ways and unintended negative ways. Americans utilize medications more than any other industrialized country in the world. Patients can visit the website to review the side effects of F antibiotics and other drugs. Dr. Oskardmay uses natural healing methods to help patients reduce their need for and use of medications. The average patient over the age of 65 is on five or more drugs, suffering from a condition known as ‘polypharmacy’. The harmful effect of Fluoroquinolones antibiotics on cartilage is just one negative side effect of medications. Call (919) 929-1400, email, or visit our website at to see how natural healing methods can help you. Located just 1 mile off 1-40 in Chapel Hill, we look forward to assisting you.