Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay in Chapel Hill, she uses a variety of treatments to help patients suffering from hand pain. A licensed acupuncturist working in the Triangle area since 1995, Dr. Oskardmay recognizes the importance of healing on many levels to achieve lasting results. Chinese medicine recognizes that energy channels course the body; unblocking energy flow in these channels or meridians is the key to resolving hand pain and other ailments. Acupuncture treatment of hand pain starts with a careful diagnosis. Dr. Oskardmay utilizes acupuncture, massage, and adjustment procedures as needed to fix channel flow stagnation that affects the hands and other areas.
Channels traveling through each person’s hand include metal on the thumb side, special fire along the middle, and fire along the pinky side. Metal relates to the organs lung and large intestine, special fire relates to the pericardium and triple burner, and fire refers to the heart and small intestine. This imbalance of qi flow or energy stagnation in specific channels presents unique treatment opportunities. Dr. Oskardmay can use points along with the metal, special fire, fire, and related tracks on the body to help relieve hand pain.
Dr. Oskardmay uses palpation and other diagnostic techniques to determine if specific metal channel points closer to the elbow and along the forearm and hand relate to thumb side pain. Following hands-on evaluation and massage of channel points, she may insert tiny acupuncture needles in these points to unblock qi flow to help the body heal itself. Additionally, she may use other related meridian points to free qi flow along these related energy pathways. Treatment may include points along the earth channel that courses the front of the body to create needed change in the related metal channel. Alternately, she may use points along the back paraspinal region to affect the thumb in certain situations.
Similarly, energy blockage in the middle of the hand relates to special fire meridians pericardium and triple burner. Use of these and possibly points along the related wood channels that exist on the side and front side of the body are often needed to effect change in the middle part of the hand. Alternately, Dr. Oskardmay may use acupuncture to stimulate fire channel heart and small intestine points of the pinky side of the hand to elicit change in that region of the hand. Related meridians are the bladder and kidney of the water channel.
Acupuncture treatment of hand pain involves the placement of tiny needles into specific points related to energy stagnation areas. Points may be nearby the area of pain or distal, depending on the associated meridian. Dr. Oskardmay uses acupuncture to help people feel better naturally by determining the cause of qi flow blockage and unlocking qi flow naturally using acupuncture, massage, and hands-on mobilization techniques. Serving the Triangle since 1995, Dr. Oskardmay looks forward to helping you. Call today at (919) 929-1400 or schedule online at anytime to see how acupuncture and other natural methods can help.