Shoulder Pain Doctor Chapel Hill, NC
Acupuncture is a type of healthcare that recognizes the connection between the body and the mind. Stress uniquely affects each person; nonetheless, many people experience tightness in their shoulders when they are under pressure. Treatment for stress and shoulder pain and tightness by a licensed acupuncturist benefits the channels that course the shoulder region. Therapy of the channel, also known as meridian or energetic pathway, helps the shoulder as well as similar emotional concerns. Acupuncturists treatment with acupuncture needles, meridian massage, and auriculotherapy provide needed relief.
Energetic pathways passing through the shoulder include the wood channel, the metal channel, and the fire channel. The wood channel relates to the emotions of anger and frustration; the flip side of these sentiments is creativity. Areas of the shoulder connected with the wood element are the top of the shoulder and the neck. Persons experiencing stress related to frustration and anger or blocked creativity who also experience pain and tightness in the upper shoulder region will benefit from acupuncture to these regions.
The anterior aspect of the shoulder and the emotion of grief relates to the metal element or channel. Other features include inspiration and letting go. Persons who experience stress as a lack of motivation and feeling that they can’t let go of an issue, as well as pain or tightness in the anterior aspect of the shoulder, will find acupuncture treatment to the metal channel beneficial.
The fire meridian or channel relates to the posterior portion of the shoulder. Muscle aches and pain and fatigue of this area suggest irritation of the fire element. The fire element’s emotional aspects are bitterness and joy; persons who experience stress with bitterness and lack of joy will find some relief with Chinese medicine and acupuncture to the fire channel.
Acupuncture intake and evaluation rely on criteria somewhat different than western medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis involves asking questions about where pain exists as well as about mood and mental concerns. Other aspects include the evaluation of tongue and pulse because these critical diagnostic criteria reveal a lot about the patient. Other issues revolve around organ function. Be sure to fill out the necessary paperwork and intake forms as completely as possible because answers provide the information your acupuncturist needs to provide accurate and beneficial diagnosis and treatment. Answer any questions your acupuncturist inquires to the best of your ability to enable them to know you better. Acupuncture relies on channel theory to heal the patient, and your participation helps practitioners understand where the imbalance lies and how to treat problems effectively.
Stress frequently accompanies aches and pain in the shoulders or other body regions. Your acupuncturist can help you understand what causes the problem and how to reduce anxiety and stress better. Using small sterile acupuncture needles, acupuncturists unblock areas of stagnation and blocked qi flow. This relatively painless, relaxing treatment benefits the body and mind. Many acupuncturists also incorporate massage such as gua sha and cupping to restore balance further, reduce tight muscles and trigger points.
Acupuncture is an enjoyable, beneficial treatment that has helped millions worldwide reduce stress and pain. Call a licensed acupuncturist today to get the help you deserve. For more information, contact us today at Acupractic to schedule an appointment with a shoulder pain doctor Chapel Hill, NC residents recommend.