Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
People come into our chiropractic and acupuncture office seeking to improve their health, and losing weight can assist in the process. Dr. Oskardmay can advise patients in the best practices for weight loss because she understands the myriad forces that affect weight loss. These include emotional factors as well as hormones, pain levels, body structure, gender, for instance. Using the alternative medicine principles embodied in chiropractic and acupuncture, Dr. Oskardmay can help you take the stress out of losing weight. To do this, she employs the principles of chiropractic and acupuncture body care and gentle coaching.
Ear acupuncture is one technique Dr. Lisa uses to help people with weight loss goals. Also known as auriculotherapy, acupuncture applied to the outer ear supports a balanced appetite and metabolism. Many people find that this relaxing acupuncture treatment is both practical and gentle at promoting the steady metabolic state. Dr. Lisa uses this technique in conjunction with other weight loss training procedures to improve the chances of success.
Dr. Oskardmay reviews health history with patients to determine where best to utilize various weight-loss strategies. Some people benefit from chiropractic adjustments to the spine to enhance autonomic nervous system functioning to improve metabolism, whereas others need help with pain reduction to exercise more. Many people benefit from specific exercise prescription to improve posture and respiration, and others need help digestion, food choices, and proper elimination. Dr. Oskardmay is well trained in each area and can help people in a customized manner to achieve their weight loss goals. She does not believe in unhealthy quick-weight loss programs and steers away from fad diets. She does recognize that many people strive to maintain a healthy weight in a timely fashion.
She uses several different methods to help clients lose weight, includes auriculotherapy described above. Dr. Oskardmay also employs other acupuncture methods and chiropractic adjustment to the spine and extremities to support proper nervous system functioning. Additionally, she provides massage with essential oils to promote relaxation and proper digestion, as well as diet and exercise counseling.
Acupuncture and chiropractic both support proper weight and metabolism because they are holistic programs. Acupuncture uses the placement of small needles along meridians or channels that course the body carrying qi or life energy. The goal of acupuncture is to create the free flow of qi, the result of which is abundant health and well being on all fronts. Weight management is part of this. Similarly, chiropractic medicine strives to reduce impediments to nerve energy flow in from the brain through the spine to all points in the body. When the body and mind function well together in a balanced state, weight loss occurs naturally. A goal of therapy is to balance the autonomic nervous system so that there is less pain, and less stress, better sleep, and improved metabolism. As such, weight loss can occur more readily.
For more information about weight loss using holistic chiropractic and acupuncture principles, contact an acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC residents recommend from Acupractic Natural Healing.