Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC
When you come into the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Oskardmay for evaluation and treatment of neck pain or limited range of motion, she will also evaluate other areas. Specifically, this will include the areas where nerves from the neck travel to help her to give you the full benefit of care. Regions evaluated will consist of your shoulders, arms, elbows, and hands which might experience problems such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, or carpal tunnel syndrome. The reason for this is that the neck contains nerves from the brain and spine that go to these upper limb regions, in addition to other internal organ regions. Full care requires that she evaluate and treat not just the neck but also the connected areas to maintain nerve flow in both directions. She can adjust the involved spinal bone units to reduce vertebral subluxation and pain there, and also take care of the shoulder or hand or regions in between. To minimize soft tissue irritation, she will use soft tissue massage, physical therapy modalities such as tens unit and ultrasound application or acupuncture. Alternately, she can use Dry Needle Technique if appropriate and at your request.
Likewise, she can help you with pain in your shoulders such as frozen shoulder or tendonitis, or pain in your elbows such as tennis elbow or forearm pain, or hand finger joint dysfunction including carpal tunnel syndrome or other conditions. As an experienced musculoskeletal pain specialist, Dr. Oskardmay will always evaluate the problematic area. She will also examine the spinal source of the nerve flow, in this case, the neck, to help you in the best way. She will palpate and examine the upper extremity range of motion, muscle strength and function, and painful area assessment to determine a proper treatment regimen.
For instance, pain in the shoulder may suggest the involvement of the fifth cervical nerve root. She will check that region of the neck for the presence of vertebral misalignment, inflammation, and abnormal movements such as instability or inflexibility. Likewise, tennis elbow likely involves the eighth or ulnar nerve, which arises under the seventh cervical vertebra. She will determine whether or not the spine is a cause or even partial cause of the elbow joint problem and treat accordingly. On your initial visit, she may give you a sheet describing where nerves go- hold onto that handout to understand more.
Each region of the body has a corresponding spinal nerve that delivers nervous system input to it. The spine is a multilevel system that provides both structured balance and nerve system source to the body. As a licensed chiropractic physician, Dr. Oskardmay takes the time necessary to evaluate both the extremity and spine to arrive at proper diagnosis and treatment so that you can fully heal.
To learn more about neck and shoulder-hand treatments, contact a chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC residents recommend from Acupractic.