Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Ear Acupunctuncture, or Auriculotherapy, is a type of acupuncture that involves needle or other device into the skin surrounding the ear and the ear cartilage. At our Acupuncture clinic, licensed acupuncturist Dr. Lisa Oskardmay provides ear acupuncture in a safe and sanitary manner for patients suffering from a variety of pain conditions, or to help patients who want to lose weight, stop smoking or enhance their overall general health. Ear acupuncture is as old as acupuncture itself; one benefit of this effective therapy is the ability to treat so many health concerns using the easily accessible ear.
The theory behind auriculotherapy is that the ear is a microcosm of the entire body. Regions pertaining to body areas ranging from the head to the toes exist on both ears. For example, an ear point near the antitragus portion of the ear can help problems in the shoulder. Additionally, ear regions relate to aspects of the nervous system. For instance, the Sympathetic Nervous System point on the area of skin above the ear canal benefits stress and addiction behaviors.
Dr. Oskardmay frequently stimulates acu-points during an acupuncture treatment session with a variety of treatment options. At our office, we provide ear acupuncture with small needle stimulation during a treatment session, and the needles are removed at the end of the session. This type of ear acupuncture takes moments to include in the regular treatment protocol and adds a relaxing health benefit many enjoy.
Alternately, Dr. Oskardmay can place small ear magnets virtually invisible to the eye on specific ear points to provide a portable treatment aspect because patients can stimulate the points throughout the day. Another beneficial and attractive option available at our office is ear acu-point stimulation using ear magnets covered with a small rhinestone which appears as a small earring. These small `bling` auriculotherapy devices can function as visible reminders to patients to press the point, as well.
Dr. Oskardmay offers ASP or semi-permanent ear acupuncture needles for anyone interested in this type of treatment as well. This type of auriculotherapy provides another way to achieve the lasting benefits of long-term ear acupuncture without the need to press the point every day. To insert the ASP, Dr. Oskardmay presses the ASP device into the specific acupoints on the ear cartilage where it will remain for days or even a week or two at a time, providing ongoing acupuncture point stimulation. This type of auriculotherapy may be especially helpful for migraine sufferers seeking relief. As with all the ear acupuncture types described above, the ASP needle is hypoallergenic and wearable until it falls out or is removed. Normal bathing and showering with ear acupuncture devices is recommended, but avoid scrubbing the ear area.
Ear acupuncture helps to relieve the troubling symptoms of many conditions, including: menopause, depression, allergies, addiction, stress and anxiety, insomnia, PMS, motion sickness, low back pain and sciatica, migraines and headaches, and lack of focus, to name a few. Auriculotherapy can also help people suffering from infertility, or who want to lose weight or stop smoking.
Whether you choose to receive ear acupuncture as part of a standard acupuncture treatment protocol or as a stand-alone treatment, you can benefit from drug-free, nonsurgical auriculotherapy. Call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit us online at anytime to learn more and to schedule your appointment.