Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC
Dog walking and other pet-related activities confer many health benefits, but health problems can keep some people from owning pets. Dogs are great companions and even personal assistants for some. Service dogs are specially trained to help people with conditions ranging from seizure disorders to depression, visual impairment to diabetes. To many people, their dogs are members of their family, but the dogs require care that some persons with physical limitations find it hard to provide. At our Chiropractic care office, we love to help patients improve their health and posture so that they can enjoy many happy years of pet ownership.
Back and hip pain, foot and ankle issues, even shoulder and neck injuries make pet care difficult. Taking care of a pet involves carrying bags of pet food into the house and twisting and bending to get it ready for the pet. Walking a dog involves bending to apply a leash then walking about with him/her and handling jumps and unexpected squirrel runs. We need to clean up after our pets which can be an insurmountable task for some in pain. Poor balance from lack of conditioning or other causes is especially problematic. All of these obstacles may benefit from care at our office.
Spine misalignment and muscle imbalance contribute to many of the problems described above. Vertebral subluxation causes nerve blockage and muscle aches and pains; inactivity shortens leg and shoulder muscles making the problems worse. Hypertonic tight muscles and ligaments are weak and ineffective. If it’s hard to get up from the couch or even out of bed in the morning due to pain, it’s going to be hard to take care of a pet. Be sure to communicate with Dr. Lisa and let her know what tasks bother you at your next appointment so that she can help you.
Using a soothing combination of massage and spinal mobilization, Dr. Oskardmay helps restore vertebral position and body posture. This facilitates nerve flow to vital muscles and organs, helping to improve muscle strength and better balance. Nerves in the lower back travel to the hips and lower extremity region, whereas those arising in the neck and cervical spine regions innervate the shoulders to hands. Posture is an important component of health and Dr. Oskardmay will adjust areas and make gentle suggestions to help you achieve a supportive posture.
We love seeing people improve their health and the lives of their dogs and cats and other pets through active, fun pet ownership. Contact us at Acupractic today to learn how the chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC patients recommend can help you.