Acupuncture Chapel Hill, NC
Many people at our clinic ask the question posed in the title to this post. Patients who have not utilized alternative medicine such as acupuncture and chiropractic wonder how they support health and bring relief for cold-related illness. They rightly wonder how massage and hands-on healing methods might elicit body change. Nonetheless, alternative medicine treatments can bring relief.
A person can suffer cold issues in the middle of freezing winter or the damp warmth of summer. Regardless of the season, their suffering is the same- sniffling congestion, neck pain, shoulder tightness, body aches, even headaches. While modern medical care promises quick resolution to these symptoms, many people do not experience the relief promised with pills and liquid tonics. Patients then seek another path to healing, one that is more personal and effective to eliminate the problem rather than cover up its symptoms.
Acupuncture works in part because it is holistic. Chinese Medicine recognizes that each body is connected within itself by a series of meridians or channels. The metal channel, in particular, influences the respiratory system and the elimination system of the large intestine. Tendinomuscular body areas impacted by the metal channel include the neck, shoulders to hands. These connected areas suffer together, and Dr. Oskardmay works on all relevant regions to elicit a lasting healing response that gets below the surface and mere symptoms.
Cold can enter the body in the form of a cold wind on a stormy night or freezing rain day. Cold can penetrate in the form of air conditioning that beats down on a person entering a frigid building in the middle of summer. Also, when one consumes cold food or beverage, these frigid fares consume body warmth and make one more susceptible to cold’s penetrating influence. Chilly weather affects the delicate metal channel, and we see it played out as sinusitis, headaches, shoulder and neck pain. Left untreated, cold will penetrate the body. It will eventually lead to further problems such as calcifications and other collections of cold. Superficial treatment with elixirs may not help the penetrating aspect of coolness.
Dr. Oskardmay utilizes warmth and massage along connected channels in the body to expel cold and invigorate the interior. Skillful acupuncture technique to the body points helps your system engage its healing response to fight off invaders, eliminate toxins, and dispel cold. She will also palpate the spine to determine affected vertebrae and then properly adjust subluxations to support the nervous system and spine health further. Please be sure to let Dr. Lisa know where you have particular areas of sensitivity so that she can attend to them.
At Acupractic, we recognize that there’s more to health than just feeling ok. Let us know when you have neck and shoulder pain or other symptoms from colds and sinusitis. Using an array of alternative medicine techniques that have proven effectiveness, Dr. Oskardmay can help.
To learn more about how acupuncture Chapel Hill, NC residents recommend can help with colds, sinusitis, as well as shoulder and neck pain. Call us today.