Acupuncture Chapel Hill, NC
At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay is committed to helping people reduce pain naturally. She recognizes that pain can come in many forms and that discomfort has many sources; her goal is to help you in the best way for you. Dr. Lisa is trained to offer BA as a way to alleviate troubling body aches. This treatment can quickly and easily break the vicious pain-spasm-pain cycle that hinders so many despite their best efforts at pain control. While not exactly a holistic approach in that BA doesn’t evaluate the whole person, BA can still provide rest and relief from pain. Dr. Oskardmay can use this therapy in conjunction with regular acupuncture treatment or even the chiropractic adjustment at the end of treatment, or even as a stand-alone therapy if necessary. The procedure is not recommended for pregnant women or persons taking blood thinners.
BA utilizes auriculotherapy (ear) acupuncture to help break the pain cycle in which many patients find themselves entangled. Acupuncture points on the ear are demonstrated to have an intense connection with parts of the brain which mitigate the pain response. The link is particularly valid when these specific points are stimulated in specific ways using ASP needles. Comprised of gold, stainless steel or titanium, ASP (semi-permanent) needles are unique in that they are very short (2 mm) and somewhat thicker than regular acupuncture needles. They are designed to maintain their insertion for more extended periods. Some people experience a bit of discomfort on insertion, but the impact is generally minimal. Let Dr. Lisa know about any trouble you experience.
Treatment is long-lasting in part because the needles remain in place for several days at a time. Up to five ASP needles are inserted into ear points on the outside of the ear directly into the cartilage, starting at the lowest location and moving upward at specific ear points. After each insertion, Dr. Oskardmay will ask you to move about or walk around for 30 seconds to assess if more points are required. She will add more points bilaterally until pain reduction has occurred. Total treatment time depends on several factors but generally takes about 10″.
Following application, engage in average but not strenuous activity for 6-12 hours to allow the treatment to settle in. You can bathe or shower but avoid vigorous ear washing. The use of a hairdryer 6″ away from the ears will reinvigorate the points. Inspect your ears every day to look for irritation. If your ears become red or irritation and you wish to remove the needles, turn them gentle while pulling to remove them. If they fall out or your remove them, store them in a lidded container or put them on tape and dispose of them properly. Needles can remain in place for 5-7 days.
BA can be an effective alternative to certain pain medications and can help break the pain-spasm-pain cycle many patients experiences, and that affects sleep and the ability to heal. It is a field-tested modality that has few side-effects, doesn’t take that long to receive and can be used in addition to other therapies when desired.
To learn more about battlefield acupuncture Chapel Hill, NC residents recommend, contact Acupractic Natural Healing Center today for a consultation.