Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Dry Needle Technique is a healing method designed to alleviate pain caused by trigger points and other musculoskeletal conditions. DNT is similar and significantly different than some forms of acupuncture, and Dr. Oskardmay is fully trained in both types of treatment. Treatment time can be faster than traditional acupuncture, and patients need to remain stably on the treatment table during the duration of the procedure.
A body in pain frequently presents with point locations of tenderness or trigger points. As a doctor skilled in the art of palpation and as a DNT practitioner, Dr. Oskardmay knows how to locate these spots. Be sure to tell her about your health history and any symptoms you experience to assist the process. She will use these points and regions of body pain to create a map of healing points and areas for DNT therapy. Next, she will make sure you are adequately draped and cleanse the skin for needle insertion. Dr. Oskardmay uses acupuncture needles of various lengths ranging in size from ½” to several inches inserted into deep muscle tissues to facilitate a healing response. Once inserted, the needles are not stimulated or moved as the body re-sets and then rests. She removes the needles, and patients are free to leave at that point if treatment is over. Alternately, additional aspects of patient care such as massage, chiropractic, or even additional acupuncture, can then continue.
DNT can be a complete therapy in itself, or it can be a component in the treatment program, depending on treatment goals. It is not considered to be the same as acupuncture by many because the diagnosis and treatment methods used are not precisely the same as those used in eastern Chinese Medicine. DNT is not a useful modality for many health issues such as stress reduction, insomnia, PTSD, smoking cessation, weight loss, facial rejuvenation, and others. Many of the points used in DNT for musculoskeletal pain are the same as ones used in acupuncture. Trigger points frequently reside at the same muscle trigger point location as many acupuncture points. Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge that DNT is different in several ways. DNT may have different therapeutic goals than expressed in a traditional acupuncture setting, and treatment times may be shorter, for instance. Also, the depth of needle insertion will likely be different. Dr. Oskardmay can use both treatment types during the same visit, an option she will discuss with you. As always, be sure to let her know your preferences, as well.
Dry Needle Technique offers patients new options for therapy choices. The therapy may open the door for patients to try acupuncture needles treatments on a different level than with Chinese Medicine. Ask Dr. Oskardmay today. As a Licensed Acupuncturist and DNT Certified Practitioner, she can help you make a choice. Both techniques work together with chiropractic and massage, as well.
For more information about dry needle technique, contact an acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC residents recommend from Acupractic.