Acupuncture Treatment in Chapel Hill, NC
Chinese medicine and acupuncture help the body in several essential ways during flu season and illness epidemics such as Covid19. While acupuncture does not cure flu or Covid19, it does improve mental and physical health. Acupuncture diagnostic and treatment techniques work to determine areas of system imbalance and restore healing channel flow. Needle acupuncture and massage treatment helps reduce muscle spasm, nerve imbalance and stress, all components of a healthy nervous and immune system. A licensed acupuncturist and chiropractic physician serving the Triangle since 1997, Dr. Oskardmay enjoys helping people feel better naturally.
Nonetheless, ours is not an infection control clinic, and we are not prepared as first responders in infection control. We offer healthcare support to help keep you healthy before infection so that you will not get sick in the first place. We counsel patients to follow the Centers for Disease Control guidelines: maintain distance between people, avoid large crowds, wash your hands with soap and water, cover your cough and avoid visiting the elderly and immunocompromised if you have symptoms. Use alcohol-based hand cleaners when needed. Get adequate sleep, eat well, and avoid stress to maintain a sound immune system. Come into our office before you get sick and follow measures such as these to stay healthy and support your immune system.
One says: `The goal of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is to have the Shen inhabit the body and express its creative potential.” At our clinic, this looks like helping people who are struggling. Whether you struggle with pain and stress, isolation and insomnia, anxiety and poor digestion, or lack of life fulfillment, Dr. Oskardmay is here to listen and help you uncover new ways to heal. The immune system benefits from creative support, and we strive to help.
At the acupuncture and chiropractic offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we recognize the seriousness of Covid19, the flu, and other contagious illness. We ask patients to use their best judgment regarding any disease and to avoid coming into the office if you are contagious. Your health and the health of others visiting and working at our office is our utmost importance. If called upon to close our doors, we will do so and advise anyone scheduled as to this change. In the meantime, please assist us as we try to continue to provide needed healthcare in times of stress. Use home measures to assuage your stress response and to improve your immune system. If you would like to speak with us, call or email and we will do our best to respond as soon as possible.
We look forward to offering HIPAA compliant telemedicine soon to provide needed care to those unable to travel to the office. Be on the lookout for more information on this exciting new topic.
To learn more about how Acupuncture Treatment in Chapel Hill, NC can help improve mental and physical health, contact Acupractic Natural Healing today.