Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC
Healing naturally occurs on many levels and is primarily influenced by our brain. Responsible for message coordination from all body parts- organs, limbs, and tissues; the brain communicates from atop via nerves. Things that impede nerve transmission thus negatively affect central communication, often with negative consequences. Chiropractic care can help restore this communication and help the body heal itself naturally.
From the moment we wake up in the morning to the time we go to sleep and into the night, our nervous system works tirelessly to keep proper order. We don’t think about it, but this internal guardian of health is what allows inspiration and action, healing small wounds before they enlarge and reducing our need for external measures for self- maintenance. Our nervous system and all it innervates are our real-life force and source of healing. Referred to as qi, ki, prana, and other words, our body’s mysterious self-empowered inner healer does its job very well when it works well. Using the hands-on chiropractic adjustment, Dr. Oskardmay supports the healer within and helps to enable the body to heal itself in every way.
We impose challenges to this healing system of the brain, nerves, tissues, organs, muscles, and ligaments with poor posture, unhealthy diets, and lack of decent movement. Injury taxes the system further and small injuries left untreated, unrepaired can balloon into more significant problems. Stress imposed from hectic lives accentuates body dis-ease- lack of restorative sleep is a significant impediment because we heal when we sleep; inflammation provoked by adrenaline and cortisol deepens the injury. Dr. Lisa helps patients understand the harmful effects of these factors and suggests ways to change so that the spine and nervous system can function better.
We start each visit with a health evaluation to see where treatment will be a help. Dr. Lisa reviews health history- pain, sleep, nutrition, medication usage, and then assesses posture to see spine alignment, range of motion, and flexibility. All of these factors influence nerve passage. Nerves from the neck and upper back travel to the shoulders to the hands, the diaphragm, and many other vital regions. Vertebrae in the middle thoracic region house nerves that influence the lungs, muscles of the middle back, and other areas. The low back, spinal bones have nerves within that go to the hips to feet as well as they affect lower organs such as bowel and bladder and many others. Be sure to mention any problem areas you experience each visit so that Dr. Oskardmay can deliver the best treatment to affected areas.
Dr. Oskardmay uses the chiropractic adjustment to re-align spinal position so that nerves can pass unimpeded. Sometimes one treatment results in tremendous relief; other times, several treatments over time are scheduled to help soothe the body back into better posture and nerve function. Be sure to keep your appointments and try to follow suggestions given at each visit. If you have any questions, be sure to ask.
To learn more about how chiropractic care can help you, contact Acupractic today for a consultation with a chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC patients rely on.