Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC
At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we heal shoulder and neck pain at its source. A trained chiropractic physician with over 25 years of clinical experience, Dr. Oskardmay has helped thousands of Durham, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh residents reduce neck and shoulder pain naturally, without drugs and surgery. We do this as we focus care on the source of the problem. The spine surrounds and protects the spinal cord. When the vertebral column is misaligned and inflamed, the neck and back and distal innervated areas suffer. The shoulder and neck frequently experience pain together because of this connection. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, the chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we heal shoulder and neck pain at its source. A trained chiropractic physician with over 25 years of clinical experience, Dr. Oskardmay has helped thousands of Durham, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh residents reduce neck and shoulder pain naturally, without drugs and surgery.
There are seven spinal segments in the neck and eight cervical nerves. The following discussion relates to the sixth nerve that arises from just above the sixth vertebra. Damage and irritation of this region affect many people. The sixth nerve arising from the lower part of the cervical spine sends nerve input to several vital areas, especially the rotator cuff muscles and muscles of the distal arm. Damage of the sixth cervical nerve from spine subluxation can result in nerve impingement. Subluxation will affect the upper trunk of the brachial plexus, a bundle of nerves coming from the lower neck to the shoulder, arms, and hands. The sixth cervical spinal nerve contributes fibers to peripheral nerves, including the long thoracic nerve, the medial and lateral pectoral nerves, the upper and lower scapular nerves, thoracodorsal nerve, medial cutaneous nerve, axillary nerve, and others.
Many people suffer from an impingement of this vital cervical spinal nerve segment due to its position in the delicate neck and overbending or twisting. Dr. Oskardmay understands the cause and implications of neck pain and is able to help with a combination of chiropractic adjustments, massage, and acupuncture.
Irritation of the sixth cervical spinal nerve can affect the function of muscles innervated by the segment via the aforementioned peripheral nerves. For instance, the rotator cuff muscle teres minor allows external rotation of the shoulder, such as throwing a baseball. The triceps muscle enables us to straighten the arm and extend it backward, such as reaching the car’s back seat. The deltoid muscle is involved in flexion of the shoulder joint and rotating the shoulder inward as in reaching overhead or forward. Loss of any of these motions can indicate irritation of the sixth cervical spinal nerve. Be sure to tell Dr. Oskardmay about any loss of muscle strength as this can mean a level of spinal misalignment she can help fix.
Spinal misalignment and subluxation occur from many causes- spinal injury, overuse, twisting too quickly, sitting in a bent posture, sleep postures, to name a few. Pain in the neck and back at the level of subluxation frequently associates with misalignment, although not always. Additionally, there may be altered sensation- pins and needles, numbness, aches, even sharp pain, along the dermatome and other aspects of the distribution of the affected nerve root. The sensory delivery of the sixth cervical spinal nerve root is the anterior shoulder; many people with irritation of the sixth cervical vertebra level experience altered sensation in that region, though not always. Also, pain stemming from the shoulder joint itself transmits via the sixth cervical nerve root.
A licensed chiropractic physician and acupuncturist, Dr. Oskardmay, uses gentle, effective treatment methods to restore the body to health. Trained in hands-on spinal mobilization and the Activator Technique, she puts your spinal health first and can help reduce pain caused by the spinal disorder and other problems. Additionally, she employs beneficial soft tissue massage and other modalities to enhance treatment goals.
Dr. Oskardmay has helped thousands of Triangle residents learn the cause of their shoulder and arm pain. Contact our office today to see how a chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC locals recommend can help you get back to health today.