Neck Pain Doctor In Chapel Hill, NC
Chiropractic physicians are neuromuscular specialists with emphasis on the spine and nerves. Dr. Oskardmay evaluates each patient’s spinal health as part of a regular treatment plan. She recognizes that each nerve arising from the neck and backbone has the potential to impact particular muscles and organs; each spinal vertebra also impacts posture and back pain. Using careful evaluate she determines where to perform treatment to relieve spinal subluxation and pain.
For instance, the nerve arising in the lower mid-neck region just above the fifth cervical vertebrae is called the fifth cervical spinal nerve. This nerve is part of several larger peripheral nerves that travel to muscles in the neck and shoulder. Misalignment or subluxation of the fifth cervical vertebra that puts pressure on this cervical spinal nerve can impede function of those muscles and cause changes in skin sensation related to the nerve. When you have neck pain or other symptoms such as shoulder irritation or headache, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay can help determine spinal level involvement and she can provide effective gentle treatment.
Peripheral nerves that receive input from the fifth cervical spinal nerve include the dorsal scapular nerve, the long thoracic nerve, the phrenic nerve, the upper trunk of the brachial plexus, and the musculocutaneous nerve. Muscles innervated by these nerves include: the middle scalene muscle that lifts the top ribs, the levator scapalue that elevates the shoulder blade, and the rhomboid muscles that hold the scapula toward the spine. Other muscles include the serratus anterior muscle which is a muscle that attaches the first eight ribs to the scapula, as well as the muscles on the anterior compartment of the arm that flex the arm such as the flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus muscles, and that flex the wrist and fingers such as the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles. Importantly, the fifth cervical spinal nerve also contributes fibers to the phrenic nerve, involved with breathing.
Irritation of the mid-neck in the region of the fifth cervical spinal nerve has the capacity to affect many areas as described. When there is irritation to the mid-neck either from injury or chronic degeneration, the spinal nerve suffers, and connected muscles and ligament suffer, as well. Patients may notice symptoms such as headache, shoulder bursitis, and imbalance, back muscle tightness, neck pain, arm and hand weakness or problems with the fingers. Dr. Oskardmay treats problem areas using a combination of supportive techniques.
Dr. Oskardmay adjusts spinal misalignment using chiropractic mobilization techniques. Well trained in hands-on spinal adjustments and Activator technique, she will improve vertebral position and stability. Additionally, massage helps to relax tight muscles; Dr. Oskardmay provides therapeutic massage and other beneficial therapies such as cupping and acupuncture as needed, as well, in order to bring balance back to the system.
The fifth cervical spinal nerve is just one of the spinal segments that benefit from chiropractic care. Whenever you or a loved one suffers from pain and other health problem, contact a neck pain doctor in Chapel Hill, NC from Acupractic Natural Healing Center to help get to the root of the problem.