Acupuncture in the Triangle, NC
Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old holistic medicine. This ancient healing remedy is the most common form of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the United States. Dr. Oskardmay is a licensed Triangle acupuncturist and chiropractic physician who offers acupuncture in the triangle, in Chapel Hill near Durham, North Carolina, since 1995. We employ enhanced sanitation and cleaning measures to ensure patient and staff safety at all times. Our office is handicapped accessible, and we offer accessible treatment tables to accommodate every need. While also skilled in Dry Needling Technique- the aspect of needle insertion into trigger points with less regard to meridian diagnostics; the current discussion relates to meridian acupuncture, aka Chinese Medicine acupuncture.
Dr. Oskardmay precedes each acupuncture treatment with a skillful patient examination. The evaluation includes patient history in which each patient explains their understanding of problems they experience, their knowledge of the cause of the problem, and other pertinent information. The examination also includes physical exam- palpation of painful areas, orthopedic testing, and other techniques; x-ray, MRI, blood work, and different laboratory values may be helpful. Dr. Oskardmay evaluates pulses and tongue where possible to develop a fuller understanding of body meridian balance before providing treatment.
Chinese Medicine diagnostics permit evaluation of meridian channel flow imbalance. Assimilation of history and physical presentation provide diagnostic clues to internal imbalance. For instance, disruption in the water element’s energetic balance relates to the winter season, emotional fear, problems of the bladder and kidneys, and musculoskeletal regions, including the back, spine, and nervous system. Other elements include fire, earth, metal, and wood. Treatment purports to restore balance to areas in need of care.
Dr. Oskardmay performs acupuncture treatment using thin, sterile acupuncture needles. She stimulates specific points on the body by inserting these very fine needles into acupoints on the skin. Therapy at our acupuncture clinic is relaxing and peaceful, and acupoint stimulation is gentle.
Our acupuncture office is very calm and peaceful, comfortable and sanitary. Patients can rest face up or in a prone anti-gravity position during treatment. Dr. Oskardmay provides a heated blanket or pillows to ensure comfort. She removes the needles at the treatment end, and patients feel rested and more at ease, frequently experiencing less pain.
Questions we frequently get at Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill, NC are How does acupuncture work? And What conditions does acupuncture treat? The primary goal of acupuncture is to balance body energy or qi. Qi exists as yin and yang counterparts likened to the body’s autonomic nervous system or parasympathetic and sympathetic. Yin relates to parasympathetic, which is the body’s healing, relaxing aspect that is more active during rest and at nighttime. Yang relates to sympathetic energies: the more awake, dynamic, stress oriented aspects of our being. We need both powers, but we need them in balance.
The six main effects of acupuncture include analgesia, sedation, immune enhancement, homeostasis, psychological, and motor recovery. Analgesic acupuncture can help to reduce pain, such as headaches or shoulder pain. Sedative acupuncture helps relieve insomnia, epilepsy, stress, mental disorders, and anxiety. Deep relaxation, better sleep, and calmness may be the result. Acupuncture’s immune enhancement qualities stem from its ability to improve immune response. Dr.Oskardmay also uses acupuncture to support homeostasis or balance in patients whose systems suffer imbalance due to stress or other condition. Acupuncture helps psychological relaxation, as well, with increased body-mind awareness. She uses acupuncture to enhance motor recovery in patients who have suffered injury and nerve damage. Conditions that acupuncture can help include:
Conditions that Acupuncture May Treat
- Low back pain
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Joint pain
- Chronic headaches and migraines
- Arthritis
- Blood pressure imbalances
- Nausea or vomiting from chemotherapy
- Certain gastric disorders
- Menstruation problems
- Allergies
- Sciatica
- Dental pain
- Acute bronchitis
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Stress
- Sleep disorders
- Certain eye disorders
- Facial palsy
- Paralysis after stroke
- Intercostal neuralgia
- Sexual dysfunction
- Inducing labor
- Infertility
- + More
At the acupuncture in the triangle offices of acupuncturist, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, DC, LAc., our goal is to help each patient improve their health. Call us today at 919-929-1400, email us at or schedule an appointment online at to 24 hours a day. We are here for you.