Hip and Back Pain Doctor Chapel Hill, NC
Sciatica occurs when there is compression of the lengthy nerve extending from the lumbar spine to the hip, down to the knee and foot. Irritation of this sciatic nerve usually affects the body unilaterally at the start, but, as symptoms worsen both sides of the body suffer. The disabling symptoms of sciatica affect many daily activities such as: walking, sitting, driving, many forms of exercise and even sleeping. The leg and hip and foot ankle complex may feel numb and tingly, or sharp pain may extend from the back to these regions of the lower extremity. Chiropractic and acupuncture at the office of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay can help sciatica sufferers overcome the pain and problems of sciatica that make it hard to walk and rest. Dr. Oskardmay has over 25 years of experience helping Triangle residents suffering from sciatica and other conditions. Using gentle effective therapies such as chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture meridian therapy, she can help you, too. Read more to learn how chiropractic and acupuncture help sciatica.
Causes of Sciatica
People of all ages can experience sciatica symptoms, although it afflicts older persons more than younger ones. About 40% of our population experiences sciatica at some time, causing serious pain and disability. Common activities that cause sciatica include lifting or twisting and pulling, and sciatica pain can occur suddenly. Dr. Oskardmay will perform a comprehensive physical exam to determine how best to treat and prevent episodes of sciatic pain.
The sciatic nerve is a bundle of nerves that start in the lower lumbar spine segments. The sciatic nerve passes through the hip under the piriformis muscle, before going to the rest of the lower extremity- thigh, knee, calf and foot. Pressure or irritation of the sciatic nerve caused by herniated spinal segments in the lower lumbar spine will adversely affect the nerve, hip and lower extremity. Other causes of sciatica include vertebral or hip subluxation and imbalance causing muscle and nerve inflammation along the nerve pathway. Dr. Oskardmay will provide treatment that helps reduce the pain and disability caused by sciatica.
Another possible cause of sciatic pain is piriformis syndrome. This painful condition results from irritation of the relatively small piriformis muscle in the hip. Inflammation in this area causes pain that can radiate from the hips to the back of the leg. Using good examination that may include xray and other diagnostics, Dr. Oskardmay can help you understand if the pain relates to the back or the piriformis muscle and provide beneficial treatments. Both chiropractic and acupuncture can provide helpful relief from sciatic symptoms.
A trained chiropractic physician and licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Oskardmay will mobilize the spine and connected areas, and apply beneficial massage as needed to restore painfree mobility and improve posture. She will evaluate meridian imbalance and use acupuncture and dry needling trigger point acupuncture where needed to balance muscle and meridians. Most patients feel better in a few visits and feel more relaxed and comfortable with the drug-free approach.
If you or a loved one experience back pain with leg, knee or ankle pain, Dr. Oskardmay can help. Alternative healing methods of chiropractic and acupuncture in combination with massage and exercise have helped thousands of Triangle residents and they can help you too. Call (919) 929-1400, email schedule@acudocnc.com or visit our website acudocnc.com to schedule your appointment today.