Acupuncture Chapel Hill, NC
Initially discovered in the Orient and used by millions there, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are increasing in our country. As people come to understand the benefits of alternative medicines such as acupuncture, they enjoy the drug-free benefits of this care. Dr. Oskardmay is a licensed acupuncturist who has worked with patients using acupuncture since 1995. Acupuncture helps people suffering from a wide variety of conditions ranging from back pain to shoulder pain to stress and fibromyalgia. Since acupuncture works to enhance the body’s natural innate healing force, it is the ideal treatment for many conditions.
Acupuncture treatment for body aches works because energy flows in channels on our collection, and acupuncture needles regulate this flow. Pain and other problems result from energy flow stagnation or blockage. Similar to how blood flows in arteries and veins and nerves carry nervous energy, acupuncture channels or meridians transport qi. Qi (pronounced chee) represents all forms of energy, and it needs to move so that we function at our best. Stagnation of this vital energy occurs when we sit too much or overeat, for example. Injury causes qi disruption, as does mental anguish, stress, and lack of sleep. Left untreated, stagnation of qi causes pain, and a lack of mental clarity.
As a licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Oskardmay carefully selects points to use to unblock qi stagnation. She may utilize acupuncture to balance qi and build yin or relaxation, which is very healing to overall body countenance. In this type of acupuncture, she will use about ten points, mostly in hand, foot, and head region, and needling depth is minimal with gentle needle stimulation.
Alternately, she may use trigger point acupuncture (aka Dry Needling Technique) to help reduce muscle spasm in specific areas. For this technique, she may use longer needles inserted to a greater depth and with more stimulation. If needed, she can apply electrostimulation to specific points to help the body release stuck energy.
Another type of acupuncture is auriculotherapy or ear acupuncture. Auriculotherapy recognizes that ear points affect the brain and the whole body. Specific treatment goals such as weight loss and addiction control use auriculotherapy at their core; ear acupuncture can be used in a variety of treatments, however.
Battlefield Acupuncture is a specific type of Ear Acupuncture for pain control in which Dr. Oskardmay will insert semi-permanent needles that stay in the outer ear for up to one week. This type of acupuncture treatment has proven very useful to reduce pain fro veterans on and off the field and is available now to patients everywhere.
Acupuncture at our office can help you with many health concerns. To learn more about Acupuncture Chapel Hill, NC patients recommend, call Acupractic today and to schedule an appointment, please visit our website.