Chiropractor and Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Following the initial examination at Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay usually suggests a series of treatments to support patient improvement. Patients who devote time and energy to following a treatment plan for chiropractic and acupuncture achieve better treatment outcomes than those who are unable to return for care at the suggested frequency.
Like healthcare in other healthcare facilities- medical care, dental care, physical therapy center, Urgent Care, and others, doctors and providers prescribe follow-up care. A medical doctor will prescribe medications that a patient takes every day for a while, and a dentist will prescribe tooth repair procedures that can take days to weeks to years. A physical therapist requires repeated treatments to increase pain-free range of motion over time, weeks, and months. Even an Emergency Room or Urgent Care facility suggests follow-up care for patients after the initial emergency visit.
Healthcare takes time because healing occurs in-between visits. Healing practitioners of all types make changes, and the body and mind of each patient incorporate these changes over time, growing into an improved state of being. Doctors and other healthcare practitioners are patient and strive to understand each person’s unique needs and healing limitations. They schedule follow-up visits to see how the patient accommodates care, adjust treatment regimens, apply new or the same procedures, and prescribe the subsequent follow-up until the doctor and patient are satisfied. Once treatment goals are met, patients enter the maintenance care phase, at which point they return less frequently or even call for a next appointment as needed.
Treatment Plan for Chiropractic and Acupuncture Care to Meet Your Needs
At the Chapel Hill chiropractic and acupuncture offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, we offer patients treatment plans that meet their needs and healing goals. Each patient receives the best care possible, and improvements happen faster when patients follow instructions, including coming in for scheduled visits. Dr. Oskardmay informs each patient approximately how much time to expect before seeing results. Most patients benefit from a treatment plan consisting of several visits a week for two weeks, then lessening frequency for another few weeks until maintenance care begins. Treatment may include chiropractic and acupuncture services or chiropractic or acupuncture at each treatment session. Each treatment lasts between 30 and 45 and provides consultation with the doctor and therapeutic applications, including massage, exercise, and lifestyle coaching. Scheduled periodic examinations add 15″ or so. Our front desk staff generally schedules a few follow-up visits for flexibility and to ensure patients get the care they need. Our automatic system sends out reminders via text or email for each scheduled visit; please refer to cancellation policies to change or cancel scheduled appointments.
Treatment plans allow us to help a patient heal in a timely fashion. Spreading healing visits out too far apart does not allow treatment benefits to building up adequately to achieve treatment goals. Please let us know if a patient is interested in maintenance care instead of health improvement care. We are here for you!
To schedule an appointment, call us at 919-929-1400 or email us at 24 hours a day. Provide your name, number, and treatment needs, and someone from our office will respond in a timely fashion. Visit us on the web anytime to learn more: