Chiropractor Chapel Hill, NC
If this is your first visit to a chiropractor, or if you have visited several different doctors of chiropractic over the years, we invite you to relax during your first visit and after that. Our goal is your well-being and comfort as we strive to help you feel better. Read more to learn what to expect on your first chiropractic visit.
Many people do not know what to expect during a visit with a chiropractor. At our Chapel Hill chiropractic office, you learn how the spine protects the vital spinal cord that sends messages to every body part, how spinal irritations called subluxations interfere with that nerve transmission, and how the chiropractic adjustment resolves vertebral imbalance. A chiropractor since 1995, Dr. Oskardmay enjoys explaining what she does to improve health. Every vertebral unit is essential, and pain in the neck or back deserves care to ensure proper nerve transmission. Subluxations can have far-reaching implications because nerves travel everywhere in the body. Dr. Oskardmay strives to restore and maintain each patient’s health using natural, hands-on chiropractic care.
What to Expect During Exam and Treatment on Your First Chiropractic Visit
Dr. Oskardmay examines each patient in a private exam room at our office. Examination generally takes about 25”, though this varies based on complexity. She listens as patients describe their healthcare challenges and incorporates information from the intake forms with exam findings to determine treatment needs. The examination includes movement and range of motion assessment, spine and extremity palpation, neurologic and orthopedic testing, and other aspects as guided by each person’s presentation and health history. Although many people come into our office with a specific ache or pain, such as headache, neck pain, shoulder stress, or hip or back discomfort, patients soon discover that holistic chiropractic care benefits the whole body while undoing local pain.
We ask that patients bring in or tell us about past medical tests such as x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and even laboratory testing so that we can incorporate this information into the clinical presentation and reduce the need for further testing, where possible. We can request medical records where necessary and even order tests from nearby facilities when needed.
Dr. Oskardmay likes to leave patients in a more comfortable space after their initial visit. She provides initial treatment to each patient before they go, including massage and gentle activator spinal mobilization. She may make some home health suggestions related to nutrition or exercise to do before the next visit, as well. We invite patients to schedule follow-up appointments at the front desk before leaving. Most patients benefit from continued care for a few weeks, followed by eventual maintenance care.
At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, a premier Chapel Hill Chiropractic Care Clinic since 1995, we believe each person deserves to live life fully and strive to help them on every spinal level. Call today to see how natural, hands-on care can make a change for you. Accepting new patients, we are here for you. Call today (919) 929-1400, or visit our website 24 hours a day to learn more, read patient reviews, and send us an email appointment request.