Chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC
Patients who come to our chiropractic and acupuncture office benefit from regular spine examination and treatment. Largely the realm of chiropractic physicians who are spine specialists, vertebral evaluation is a vital concern for all. The spine serves as our posture bearer, is the attachment for most posture muscles, and houses the spinal cord, which is a continuation of our brain. Misalignment of vertebrae poses significant health risks ranging from unstable posture to muscle imbalance, nerve flow impingement, body aches, and pain. Sometimes we are aware that problems exist because of back pain, and we can seek care, but vertebral problems frequently lay dormant. At our office, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay evaluates spinal health at every visit. Be sure to include chiropractic care in your healthcare regimen.
A standard medical examination may not include spinal palpation or Xray or even discussion of posture. Despite the dire consequences of problems in the critical backbone, people who do not receive regular chiropractic care miss out on proper spine evaluation and treatment. Small issues in the spine- spinal misalignment and the start of degeneration mask as a backache that frequently gets ignored or covered up with pain pills. The implications of this cover-up are vast, ranging from nerve flow impediment to posture and muscle imbalance. Pain pills also pose issues such as constipation, liver-kidney congestion, and stupor. Everyone needs good spine care to reduce their risk of falling, and early preventive care is always best. The annual chiropractic posture and spine check-up is the best way to do this.
At our office, patients can choose to come in for a yearly check-up, or they can decide to come in more frequently. At each visit, patients are asked to complete intake forms and describe their current areas of pain and health concern. We use a line called a visual analog scale to help determine pain level, which can reflect how much awareness of pain affects daily life. Dr. Oskardmay inspects posture and spine and extremity range of motion to detect areas of imbalance and abnormal function. She touches or palpates the spine and other body areas to determine regions of sensitivity, structural distortion, and muscle-ligament hypertonicity and laxity. The initial examination takes about 20″. She will recommend treatment for areas of subluxation to correct for misalignment if warranted.
Treatment options for vertebral subluxation include chiropractic adjustment, massage, and other physical modalities. Our Chiropractor in Chapel Hill, NC, Dr. Oskardmay employs gentle chiropractic adjusting methods such as the Activator Technique and can use more traditional techniques such as diversified methods depending on patient preference and condition.
Contact Acupractic Natural Healing Center today to schedule your next physical exam, including spine to check-up. Your backbone supports you and deserves the best care available. We are here for you.