Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Acupuncture is an ancient therapy that can help pain in many ways. Derived from Chinese Medicine, this time-tested, drug-free relaxing pain remedy heals in many ways so it deserves your consideration. Millions worldwide have used this non-drug approach to reduce back, knee, shoulder pain; even headaches and stomachaches respond to this treatment. Acupuncture as a treatment for pain has just started being used by doctors in clinics and hospitals in the United States; but it has been used in other parts of the world for many years with great effectiveness. Read on to learn how acupuncture can help treat pain.
How Acupuncture Can Help Treat Pain
Many people wonder how acupuncture works to reduce pain. Examination and treatment are somewhat different than the standard western medical approach to healthcare. Both treatment methods begin with a thorough patient examination. The Chinese Medicine history portion of the patient examination may include questions not generally asked by Western Medical doctors. However, both acupuncture and western medical treatment perform a physical exam in order to understand the nature and cause of your pain. This may include palpation of the painful area and connected parts, as well as orthopedic and neurological testing, evaluation of posture and movement, and medical tests such as x-rays and laboratory tests. In addition, your acupuncturist will likely include evaluation of your tongue- its coat, color, and moisture in different areas; and your pulses on both wrists. A diagnosis, or cause of problem, is made and then treatment can resume.
Pain can be caused by a variety of things. When an acupuncturist, like Dr. Oskardmay at Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill, NC, considers causes of pain, the conversation sounds a bit like a weather forecast- too much cold or heat entering the body, or too much wind stirring things up, or too little movement causing things to settle and percolate or solidify. The ultimate goal of acupuncture, in addition to reducing your pain, is to create balance in the body. When the diagnosis involves an excess situation-such as too much heat, cold, wind; treatment generally works to balance the excess. Alternately, when the diagnosis is made of deficiency of an element, the treatment goal would be to somehow increase that missing element. Balance can be achieved using acupuncture needles placed at acupoints along meridians or channels; other modalities may be enlisted to improve outcome.
Additional therapies in the acupuncturist’s office may include gua sha massage or cupping massage to exteriorize heat and add movement to an area. Also, cold application in the form of ice or cooling herbs, or use of heat or warming herbs can balance energies. Acupuncture is designed to work together to help reduce pain and get you back to your life quickly without side-effects to slow you down or inhibit healing.
Call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or visit our website at to schedule your appointment today. We offer self-pay discounts, accept your HSA or FSA and participate with and submit claims electronically for you to most major insurance plans, including BCBS State and Federal, United Healthcare, Cigna, Aetna, Medicare, and others. Helping people of the Triangle since 1995, we look forward to helping you, too. If you are suffering from pain, acupuncture treatment at Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill can help.