According to Fox News today, 80% of persons suffering from back pain can achieve lasting relief from chiropractic and acupuncture and massage; yoga and other exercises can be recommended if the person is familiar with doing yoga with similar potential benefit. What this means is that people do not have to reach for the pill bottle or go to their MD to get a prescription nor surgery as a first step to dealing with back pain- one of the major scourges of our society.
Back pain can come on slowly or suddenly. It can be caused by years of poor posture and or by a sudden twisting motion or an accident, or other issue. Regardless of the cause, pain in the back indicates that something has gone awry with the support structure for the body and the spine which protects the all-important nervous system. Back pain is a sign that demands attention to get better.
I’m not a natural doctor who hates medications and surgery- don’t get me wrong. I appreciate all that modern medicine has accomplished to keep our society healthy and we are better off for it in many cases- it has its place. However, I recognize that medications and surgery can have serious side effects that can lead to a downward spiral of health concerns and consequences. The opioid epidemic is one example of this concern. Additionally, I recognize that medications do not fix the cause of the back pain problem and, as such, cannot have a lasting effect. Surgery frequently opens up a new array of problems and, as such, should only be considered as a last resort.
I am a natural doctor who helps people achieve better health with less pain using non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical approaches; and I’m glad that Fox News has highlighted a these options. Find a gentle chiropractor or acupuncturist who helps you understand the cause of the pain you experience. Work with this practitioner to develop a plan to heal.
There are many causes of back pain and it’s nice to know that there are successful treatments available out there.
Call your chiropractor and/or acupuncturist today if you have back pain to see what we can do for you. If you’re in the Durham/Chapel Hill area, call me. (919) 929-1400