Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Wrist pain is a disabling condition that affects an excessive number of people each year. Pain in this part of the upper extremity limits a person’s ability to work, play, exercise, and care for themselves and their family members. Muscle aches and ligament strain in this region can stem from various causes; it is crucial to work with a knowledgeable and experienced practitioner to find practical solutions. At Acupractic Natural Healing Center and Acupuncture at Eastowne, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay has over twenty-five years of experience helping people regain wrist function and reduce pain using acupuncture, massage, and mobilization procedures that get at the root of the problem.
What is Acupuncture Therapy?
Acupuncture therapy is an ancient healing art that recognizes the delivery of healing energy or qi along channels in and on the body’s surface. Blockage or stagnation of this energy flow will result in health problems. A licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Oskardmay understand how to use acupuncture and related therapies to restore qi flow and enhance each patient’s healing response. Cupping therapy and other forms of massage she performs as part of every treatment will also benefit the treatment.
The cause of wrist damage may be from long-term accumulated insults to the wrist bones, or it may stem from an acute injury. Dr. Oskardmay evaluates each patient to determine the cause of their wrist pain and associated problems. Small wrist bones are easily damaged with overuse, such as working long hours at a computer or phone or engaging in sports activities such as yoga, push-ups, or other weight-bearing exercises that involve the upper extremity. Tennis elbow and shoulder bursitis can lead to wrist problems over time due to disruption of the kinetic chain from the neck and shoulders to the wrist.
Neck posture is an essential component of upper extremity concerns. When the neck is held upright rather than bent forward, the nervous system has a better chance to function unimpeded. Nonetheless, many people are unaware of their posture’s effect on their wrists, hands, elbows, and shoulders. Also, neck pain keeps many people from achieving proper posture, resulting in vertebral remodeling and more disability over time. For some women, large breasts contribute to rounded shoulders and shoulder and wrist pain. Dr. Lisa Oskardmay helps patients understand the connection between posture and discomfort and helps them achieve better posture through treatment at the office and exercises at home.
Muscles in the hands, arms, forearms, shoulders, neck, and even the upper back may show congestion and muscle spasms when wrist pain exists. These associated areas of pain and inflammation may cause wrist pain, or persistent muscle and ligament issues in related areas may keep the wrist from healing. Wrist splints, exercises, medications, and surgery are other treatment methods used but may exacerbate the problem and not get to the root cause. At the offices of Dr. Lisa Oskardmay, she attends to all afflicted areas to promote lasting recovery.
Call our Triangle acupuncture clinic today (919) 929-1400 or visit our website to learn more about how the time-tested natural healing therapies such as acupuncture can help your wrist pain and schedule an appointment. We look forward to serving your healthcare needs.