Acupuncturist Chapel Hill, NC
Acupuncture is a gentle treatment that balances mental and physical energies and allows the body-mind to heal naturally. Perfect for persons experiencing anxiety and other disorders, licensed acupuncturist Dr. Oskardmay uses acupuncture therapy and relaxing massage and other techniques to help patients in need of healing, but who may want to shy away from standard drug regimens. Chinese Medicine acupuncture is a healthy option that has helped millions of people worldwide find suffering from anxiety, depression, and other conditions. See how this ancient therapy can bring you the relief you need.
At Acupractic Natural Healing Center and Acupuncture at Eastowne, LLC, in Chapel Hill, NC, acupuncture treatment is available to those who need it safely and effectively. Dr. Oskardmay has provided natural healing alternatives, including acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage to Triangle residents since 1995. These time-tested treatment methods support individual well being and enhance each person’s ability to heal naturally, without drug or surgical interventions. Chinese medicine emphasizes the innate healing potential in each person. Acupuncture treatment balances each body’s crucial yin and yang energetics, bringing relaxation and calming stress and anxiety naturally.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a meridian based healing method that relies on understanding the flow of healing energy in each person and how that energy gets stuck and where blockages to healing exist. Like nerve energy flow along nerves and blood flow in arteries and veins, qi energy flows in channels or meridians. Blocked energy flow manifests as mental confusion, organic disease, muscle trigger points, pain, or numbness. Acupuncturists like Dr. Oskardmay utilize small needles inserted along meridian acupoints to restore qi flow. The result is relaxed healing and reduced anxiety.
Anxiety afflicts many people in times of stress and can impair sleep, digestion, and mental clarity. Dr. Oskardmay begins each healing session with an examination to determine where energy stagnation and channel disruption exists to cause anxiety or other disorders. Acupuncture examination includes history taking, palpation of specific areas of pain or discomfort, pulse taking, and other aspects. Dr. Oskardmay creates a healing program unique to each patient with acupuncture point stimulation as the central component to balance qi flow along meridians and reduce stress and anxiety. She will incorporate massage techniques such as cupping, transverse friction massage, and percussive massage to reduce stagnation in irritated tissues and enhance healing blood flow to deprived areas.
As part of each treatment, Dr. Oskardmay educates each person regarding exercises and other ADL they can do on their own at home to improve their health naturally. The patient can review many of these activities on the office you-tube channel. Additionally, she will help patients understand the role of nutrition-related to body-mind health and make suggestions regarding local foods to incorporate to enhance well being and reduce anxiety.
Dr. Oskardmay understands that stress and anxiety are at an all-time high right now because of the pandemic. She is here for each person, whether they can come into the office or require telemedicine appointments. We maintain sanitized, safe conditions, and social distancing in our office and provide masks for all who need them.
Call us today at (919) 929-1400, email us at or schedule online at anytime to reduce stress and anxiety and get the healing you deserve. We offer self-pay discounts, accept your HSA or FSA and participate with and submit claims electronically for you to most major insurance plans, including BCBS State and Federal, United Healthcare, Cigna, Aetna, Medicare, and others. Helping people of the Triangle since 1995, we look forward to helping you, too. If you are suffering from stress and anxiety, acupuncture treatment at Acupractic Natural Healing Center in Chapel Hill can help.