The Chiropractic Adjustment
As a licensed chiropractic physician, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay uses the chiropractic adjustment to mobilize spinal vertebrae and restore nervous system health. Patients presenting with back pain recognize the central nature of the back to their health- sciatica, herniated discs or even simple back strain can be disabling. Nerves arising from the spinal cord housed within the vertebrae suffer impingement when inflammatory pain or spinal misalignment impede nerve flow. Every aspect of our body- ranging from organs and tissues, shoulders, hands, feet and everything in between risk derangement when nerves suffer. The spine requires care to keep maintain its supportive nature to help the nervous system do its job. It is vital to each patient’s well-being that they attend to minor aches before they develop into deeper problems. Dr. Oskardmay can help.
Spine bone position affects many health aspects, ranging from posture to pain to nerve flow. Prior to delivering any treatment, Dr. Oskardmay performs the examination of these health areas using palpation, observation, and neurological testing. Palpation reveals areas of muscle tightness, swelling, and tenderness. Observation of posture, gait, and physical presence helps her understand the areas of imbalance and distortion. She employs a neurological examination to determine specific nerve irritation.
Additionally, prior to administering treatment, Dr. Oskardmay reviews your health history so be sure to tell her about previous diagnosis and treatments you’ve had and any medications you use. She will also inquire about sleep, digestion other important life activities as these provide more information about the nervous system and your body’s internal regulatory system. She will examine the range of motion of the shoulders and hips, neck and back to determine areas of restriction because all areas receive innervation from the central nervous system and all areas benefit from spinal mobilization to injured regions. During the exam, she will determine what techniques are safe to use on your body and she will only apply safe and necessary adjustments with your permission.
An injured or misaligned spinal vertebra frequently presents as painful or tender to palpation. Muscles and ligaments surrounding the injured segments tighten and present as mildly swollen and tender. Pain pills and other analgesic treatments alone do not get to the source of the problem as the ligaments and muscles are tight because they need to stabilize injured vertebral segments. Dr. Oskardmay can mobilize the irritated segment to restore proper positioning and then soothe connected tissues to restore balance.
The chiropractic adjustment is performed in one of two ways at our office: manual or Activator Method. To manually adjust, Dr. Oskardmay positions her hands near the misaligned, subluxated vertebra and quickly applies just enough force to reposition that unit. Sometimes the adjustment makes a small noise that is thought to be the release of stuck energy transformed to sound. For the Activator Method, she places a hand-held device with padded tips on misaligned vertebrae. A rapid low-force impulse specifically moves the vertebra and release muscle tension. Each method is effective and beneficial. During your introductory visit, Dr. Oskardmay generally applies the Activator Method first.
She has helped thousands of patients- young and old, athletic or infirm, achieve better health with chiropractic care. If you have any questions, be sure to contact Acupractic today.