At our alternative medicine office in Chapel Hill, NC, Dr. Lisa Oskardmay offers chiropractic care to help people improve their health and reduce pain. Chiropractic medicine is a well-established complementary healthcare regimen that supports a healthy nervous system and posture to enhance well-being on all levels. Drug-free and nonsurgical, chiropractic care is nonetheless effective and gentle. It has helped millions of people with painful conditions such as back and neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, and more. At our office, patients see improvement with digestive woes, headaches, stress, and muscle balance issues due to the whole body approach we utilize.
A licensed chiropractic physician since 1995, Dr. Oskardmay performs the healthcare exam and treatment, usually on the same day to give you the care you need. After taking a detailed health history, she examines patient posture and muscle balance and determines nervous system functioning and areas of concern. She uses the art of palpation to detect locations of subluxations or spinal vertebrae misalignment. Usually associated with corresponding muscle tightness and pain or tenderness, the spine segment limitation imposes unique health challenges because of the spinal nerve proximity. Injury at the vertebral and spinal nerve level affects areas proximate and far away from the site of the lesion. Dr. Lisa uses the chiropractic exam and your health history to gain perspective into your unique healthcare needs.
For instance, tingling or ache in the fingers can represent problems in the neck because the cervical vertebrae surround nerves going to the hands. When the neck spine segments suffer injury from trauma or postural disease, those nerves do not function as well. Similarly, numbness or pain in the knee or feet frequently indicates lower back health issues because nerves from the lumbar spine deliver messages to and from those distal regions. Other areas of the body- including internal organ concerns, also relate to the spine and the nerves coming from the central nervous system. Patients commonly describe improved overall health and well-being after the adjustment.
The chiropractic adjustment is a hands-on treatment wherein your doctor will apply a quick thrust to the back and mobilize stuck spinal segments. Safe and practical, the mobilization procedure is fast and painless. Sometimes a small sound results during the adjustment, which may indicate the release of stuck energy. Dr. Oskardmay is also trained in the use of the Activator Adjustment Method and can utilize this technique for persons who request it. The Activator tool enables her to mobilize stuck segments with higher velocity and less impact and with more specificity. This technique may be more appropriate for specific individuals, such as the elderly or persons with osteoporosis. Be sure to ask her about it if you wish. Her goal is to help everyone who comes to her office to achieve a pain-free and enhanced lifestyle.
Persons of all ages and levels of pain and infirmity can benefit from chiropractic care at Acupractic Natural Healing Center. We look forward to helping you feel and look better every day using alternative medicine services chiropractic and acupuncture.