At Acupractic Natural Healing Center, Dr. Oskardmay frequently advises patients to relax while receiving treatment. Relaxation benefits the healing response in many ways and is central to the goals of some treatments at our office. People have questions about the topic of relaxation that we discuss in this blog post. Read more to learn how relaxation heals the body and mind.
According to Webster’s Dictionary, relaxation means to ‘meditate or focus on calmness. ‘In a world filled with anxiety, rushing about, and stress, the experience of peace can bring needed change. The act of relaxation allows individuals to let go of stress which is crucial because the stress response is harmful. Realizing the benefits of letting go of focus is the first step in undertaking the steps necessary to relax.
Each of us relaxes in our way, and each person needs to know how to achieve inner peace. Some people relax through sitting and meditating, others through reading or walking, others yet by singing or chanting or listening to music. Some people achieve calm in the presence of their pets, others while bathing in scented Epsom salts. There are many different ways to relax. Whether you refer to it as relaxing, meditating, zoning out, chilling, praying, or something else, knowing what brings you peace is essential.
People have asked if they need to be religious to pray or meditate to relax. The answer is No. Calm thinking, meditating on favorable aspects, and praying for peacefulness are available to each person regardless of their belief system and have nothing to do with religion. People of all walks of life can achieve calm.
At our chiropractic and acupuncture office, Dr. Oskardmay counsels patients to focus on breathing when it is time to relax. Doing so gives the mind something to do, which allows the so-called ‘monkey mind’ to change.
We generally relax while asleep, but nighttime and sleep are not the only times when calm relaxation benefits us. When we are calm and relaxed, the parasympathetic aspect of our nervous system comes to the forefront. The flow of blood increases around our body, providing more vital energy. Achieving a calm state reduces blood pressure and heart rate, which relieves tension in the whole body and mind. We can think more clearly, which aids positive thinking, memory and decision making, and concentration.
At our office, people frequently enter a deep state of relaxation during treatment, similar to sleep. Natural healing techniques in our office enhance balance in the body systems and body awareness- nervous, circulatory, and endocrine systems benefit from alternative medicine and the relaxation response it fosters and emphasizes. Following treatment, whether with chiropractic or acupuncture, patients who have come to us for back pain, headaches, neck and shoulder tightness, and discomfort generally report improved wellbeing following a treatment. Dr. Oskardmay counsels patients to strive to continue to use calm for a few hours after their visit to support their well-being. Whether you relax, pray, meditate, do yoga, walk in nature or something else, accept the relaxation response as a benefit.
Call our office at (919) 929-1400 to learn more about how relaxation heals the body and mind or to schedule your appointment today visit us any time on the web: