How Acupuncture Massage Helps Joint Pain

How Acupuncture Massage Helps Joint PainAcupuncture massage is a particular type of massage geared towards relieving pain and tension caused by an imbalance in the body’s energy channels or meridians. This lack of balance manifests itself in muscle tightness in one or more areas of the body and other problems such as headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome or, plantar fasciitis. Acupuncturists regard body areas as connected, and they note that areas in the back, for instance, frequently relate to distal regions. Because treatment is wholistic, it can be more long-lasting.

Neck and shoulder pain and muscle spasm frequently precede or accompany wrist or elbow tendonitis. Dr. Oskardmay will determine the cause of the pain using history, inspection, and channel evaluation techniques to learn how to address the problem. She will palpate the regions to determine the presence of trigger points- areas of muscle hypertonicity which limit muscle and joint range of motion and cause joint pain when touched. Be sure to tell her about any X-rays or other diagnostic tests you’ve had so that she can include these in her diagnosis.

Dr. Lisa will address tight muscles in the neck and shoulders to restore nerve energy flow from the spine and central nervous system through the shoulders to the arms and hands. Cupping massage using gentle silicon cups with essential oils will relax muscles and soothe the mind, and help to reduce trigger points. Soothing aromatherapy bathes the senses to instill healing calm and further relax the body’s support structures as you rest in a position of prone-antigravity, which is very relaxing. These acupuncture massage techniques help to heal joint shoulder pain and other types of joint inflammation.

Hip and low back pain are other examples of body regions connected with distal problems. For instance, knee pain and plantar fasciitis respond well to acupuncture massage treatment of the hips and low back. These interrelated body parts hurt together, and they heal together. When a person has a trigger point in the bone, for instance, they are more prone to problems in the associated distal kinetic chain- the knee and foot. Dr. Oskardmay will use careful observation and palpation to determine the presence of muscle imbalance, tightness, and spasm in the low back, hips, legs, and feet to know where to apply acupuncture massage techniques.

Sometimes she will teach you how to use self-massage at home to further your healing progress. Specific stretch maneuvers and self-massage tools can benefit you in your home-care regimen.

Ask Dr. Oskardmay for more information, and be sure to check our website and blog at for more details. To learn more about how Acupuncture massage helps joint pain contact us at Acupractic Natural Healing Center today.

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