The Benefits of Acupuncture
Over the years, people have begun looking for alternative ways to manage pain and health conditions in a more natural and holistic way. Acupuncture is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that more people are turning to. Acupuncture treatments provide patients with benefits that can not only help them to improve their overall health, but strengthen the immune system, promote the healing process and reduce pain that they may be suffering from. Interested in learning more? Here are some of the many benefits acupuncture treatments can provide patients with:
Acupuncture Can Treat a Number of Health Conditions
Acupuncture is a practice that has the ability to treat a number of health conditions. While it can be used as a preventative measure, it can also be used to help treat pain. Common ailments patients suffer from who receive treatment include:
- Managing side effects of chemotherapy
- Headaches and Migraines
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Menstrual Cramps
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Gastrointestinal Issues
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Knee Pain
- Morning Sickness
- Labor Induction
- Postnatal Care
Non Invasive, Medication Free Treatment
Acupuncture has been in practice for thousands of years. Acupuncture is a non invasive and medication free option for treatment. Treatment is administered with tiny, hair thin needles that are significantly smaller than those we are used to in traditional western medicine. Most patients barely feel the placement of these needles during sessions. One additional benefit is that in many cases, an acupuncturist can help provide symptom management without the use of medication. This can be an attractive option, especially for someone looking to avoid medications, or who is suffering from pain and would like to avoid the use of pain medications.
Additional Positive Benefits
While you may be seeking acupuncture for a variety of reasons, acupuncture offers patients a number of additional positive benefits. Acupuncture can help to greatly reduce stress and anxiety and improve energy levels. In most situations, you likely were seeking acupuncture for a different reason. However, these unintended benefits may be reason enough to obtain this form of treatment.
Find an Acupuncturist in Your Area
The benefits of acupuncture make this form of treatment an attractive option for managing medical issues and obtaining optimal health. Should acupuncture sound like the right treatment for you, it’s important to find a qualified acupuncturist in your area. Here are some key components to look for in a qualified and reputable acupuncturist:
- Make sure they have the appropriate credentials
- That they are licensed to practice acupuncture in the state where you live
- They should have a clean, sterile office area and visit room
- They take the time to listen to your needs, and what ails you
- Your pulse is taken prior to treatment
- They ask you a series of questions (some that may seem invasive)
- Takes on a holistic approach to treatment
Interested in obtaining acupuncture treatments in your area? Keep the above tips in mind when researching acupuncturists near you, it can save you time and ensure that you obtain the most qualified professional possible.
Contact a qualified Doctor of Acupuncture Chapel Hill, NC residents recommend today so that they may schedule a session for you, and provide the answers to any lingering questions you may have. Call us at Acupractic.